14,969 research outputs found
2020: Suki Kwon
During Women’s History Month, the University of Dayton Women’s Center coordinates, as an experiential learning opportunity for students, an annual exhibit highlighting the contributions women have made at the University of Dayton. Theme for 2020: Women of Courage.https://ecommons.udayton.edu/women_of_ud/1037/thumbnail.jp
Sycamore Scale (Stomacoccus platani)
Sycamore scale feeds on foliage of London planetree and California sycamore in urbanized areas throughout Utah. The insect is difficult to see with the naked eye, so we rely on the primary symptom of yellow-to-brown leaf spots. If needed, the timing of treatment is at bud break and involves oil application and/or a soil-applied systemic insecticide
Locust Borer
The locust borer, Magacyllene robiniae, belongs to the longhorned beetle family, referring to the long antennae of most of the species in this group. In Utah, locust borer has damaged black locust trees in most northern Utah counties. The only host is black locust; honeylocust and other trees are not affected by this pest. This fact sheet describes locust borer and its life cycle, symptoms, and control
Pear Fruit Sawfly [Hoplocampa brevis]
This fact sheet describes Pear Fruit Sawfly, its life cycle, hosts, symptoms of presence, and management options
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