48,115 research outputs found

    What image features guide lightness perception?

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    Lightness constancy is the ability to perceive black and white surface colors under a wide range of lighting conditions. This fundamental visual ability is not well understood, and current theories differ greatly on what image features are important for lightness perception. Here we measured classification images for human observers and four models of lightness perception to determine which image regions influenced lightness judgments. The models were a high-pass-filter model, an oriented difference-of-Gaussians model, an anchoring model, and an atmospheric-link-function model. Human and model observers viewed three variants of the argyle illusion (Adelson, 1993) and judged which of two test patches appeared lighter. Classification images showed that human lightness judgments were based on local, anisotropic stimulus regions that were bounded by regions of uniform lighting. The atmospheric-link-function and anchoring models predicted the lightness illusion perceived by human observers, but the high-pass-filter and oriented-difference-of-Gaussians models did not. Furthermore, all four models produced classification images that were qualitatively different from those of human observers, meaning that the model lightness judgments were guided by different image regions than human lightness judgments. These experiments provide a new test of models of lightness perception, and show that human observers' lightness computations can be highly local, as in low-level models, and nevertheless depend strongly on lighting boundaries, as suggested by midlevel models.York University Librarie

    Nuclear effects in photoproduction of heavy quarks and vector mesons in ultraperipheral PbPb and pPb collisions at the LHC

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    The comparison of photoproduction cross sections for ccˉc\bar{c} and b-b(bar) in PbPb and pPb collisions can give sensitivity to nuclear shadowing effects. The photoproduction of vector mesons is even more sensitive to the underlying gluon distributions. In this study we present the cross sections and rapidity dependence of the photoproduction of heavy quarks and exclusive production of vector mesons in ultraperipheral pPb and PbPb collisions at the Large Hadron Collider at sqrt(s_NN)=5 TeV and sqrt(s_NN)=2.76TeV,respectively.Thepotentialsofusingtheseprocessesforconstrainingnucleargluonshadowingareexplored.Itisfoundthatphotoproductionof TeV, respectively. The potentials of using these processes for constraining nuclear gluon shadowing are explored. It is found that photoproduction of J/\psiand and \Upsilon$ in PbPb collisions in particular exhibit very good sensitivity to gluon shadowing.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    On the effect of quantization on performance at high rates

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    We study the effect of quantization on the performance of a scalar dynamical system in the high rate regime. We evaluate the LQ cost for two commonly used quantizers: uniform and logarithmic and provide a lower bound on performance of any centroid-based quantizer based on entropy arguments. We also consider the case when the channel drops data packets stochastically

    Around 200 new X-ray binary IDs from 13 years of Chandra observations of the M31 center

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    We have created 0.3--10 keV, 13 year, unabsorbed luminosity lightcurves for 528 X-ray sources in the central 20' of M31. We have 174 Chandra observations spaced at ~1 month intervals thanks to our transient monitoring program, deeper observations of the M31 nucleus, and some public data from other surveys. We created 0.5--4.5 keV structure functions (SFs) for each source, for comparison with the ensemble structure function of AGN. We find 220 X-ray sources with luminosities > ~1E+35 erg/s that have SFs with significantly more variability than the ensemble AGN SF, and are likely X-ray binaries (XBs). A further 30 X-ray sources were identified as XBs using other methods. We therefore have 250 probable XBs in total, including ~200 new identifications. This result represents great progress over the ~50 XBs and ~40 XB candidates previously identified out of the ~2000 X-ray sources within the D_25 region of M31; it also demonstrates the power of SF analysis for identifying XBs in external galaxies. We also identify a new transient black hole candidate, associated with the M31 globular cluster B128.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ; 20 pages, 7 figures; Tables 1 and 2 continue after the references (8 pages

    The impacts of corporatisation of healthcare on medical practice and professionals in Maharashtra, India

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    A heterogeneous private sector dominates healthcare provision in many middle-income countries. In India the contemporary period has seen this sector undergo corporatisation processes characterised by emergence of large private hospitals and the takeover of medium-sized and charitable hospitals by corporate entities. Little is known about the operations of these private providers and the effects on healthcare professions as employment shifts from practitioner-owned small and medium hospitals to larger corporate settings. This article uses data from a mixed-methods study in two large cities in Maharashtra, India, to consider the implications of these contemporary changes for the medical profession. Data were collected from semi-structured interviews with 43 respondents who have detailed knowledge of healthcare in Maharashtra, and from a witness seminar on the topic of transformation in Maharashtra’s healthcare system. Transcripts from the interviews and witness seminar were analysed thematically through a combination of deductive and inductive approaches. Our findings point to a restructuring of medical practice in Maharashtra as training shifts towards private education and employment to those corporate hospitals. The latter is fuelled by substantial personal indebtedness, dwindling appeal of government employment, reduced opportunities to work in smaller private facilities, and the perceived benefits of work in larger providers. We describe a ‘re-professionalisation’ of medicine encompassing changes in employment relations, performance targets and constraints placed on professional autonomy within the private healthcare sector, that is accompanied by trends in cost inflation, medical malpractice, and distrust in doctor-patient relationships. The accompanying ‘re-stratification’ within this part of the profession affords prestige and influence to ‘star doctors’ while eroding the status and opportunity for young and early career doctors. The research raises important questions about the role that government and medical professionals’ bodies can, and should, play in contemporary transformation of private healthcare, and the implications of these trends for health systems more broadly

    Biodiversity of Spongosorites coralliophaga (Stephens, 1915) on coral rubble at two contrasting cold-water coral reef settings

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    The authors would like to thank Bill Richardson (Master), the crew of the RRS James Cook, Will Handley and the Holland-I ROV team. We also thank all the specialists in taxonomy that provided important help with identification of species: Professor Paul Tyler (ophiuroids), Dr. Tammy Horton (amphipods), Dr. Graham Oliver (bivalves), Dr. Rob van Soest (sponges), Susan Chambers, Peter Garwood, Sue Hamilton, Raimundo Blanco Pérez (polychaetes). Also we would like to thank Val Johnston (University of Aberdeen) for her contribution to cruise preparations and John Polanski (University of Aberdeen) for his help onboard the RRS James Cook. Special thanks to Dr. Alexios P. Lolas (University of Thessaly, Greece) for all the artwork. Funding for the JC073 cruise was provided by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) UK Ocean Acidification (UKOA) research programme’s Benthic Consortium project (NE/H017305/1 to JMR). JMR acknowledges support from Heriot-Watt University’s Environment and Climate Change theme. GK was funded by a Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland (MASTS) Ph.D. scholarship.Peer reviewedPublisher PD