525 research outputs found

    Rapamycin has no effect on fibrosis-associated gene expression or extracellular matrix accumulation when administered to animals with established or early allograft vasculopathy

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    AbstractBackgroundMost patients with functioning heart transplants have established and progressive chronic allograft vasculopathy, a fibroproliferative process for which there is no effective treatment. Coronary artery disease is characterized by histologic evidence of extracellular matrix accumulation (fibrosis). This study compares the effect of rapamycin administered to rats with established allograft vasculopathy on histologic indices of disease progression, extracellular matrix accumulation (fibrosis), and the expression of genes known to regulate extracellular matrix turnover in this model.MethodsLewis recipients of Fisher 344 rat thoracic to abdominal aorta transplants were administered rapamycin starting at 8, 12, and 16 weeks posttransplant or no treatment. Six grafts in each group were harvested at 24 weeks. Vascular remodeling and collagen accumulation (Sirius red) were measured by computerized histomorphometry of aortic sections. mRNA was extracted from frozen tissue, and the expression of fibrosis-associated genes was studied by means of semiquantitative reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction.ResultsRapamycin had no effect on the progression of early or established allograft vasculopathy with regard to intimal thickening, remodeling, extracellular matrix accumulation, or profibrotic gene expression, regardless of the time commenced.ConclusionThe attenuation of the fibroproliferative response in rodents by rapamycin is not seen if the onset of rapamycin therapy is delayed

    The only known egg of the Night Parrot? A molecular and morphometric assessment of an alleged egg from the Tanami Desert

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    The Night Parrot Pezoporus occidentalis is a much sought-after, recently ‘rediscovered’, endangered nocturnal parrot, endemic to arid Central Australia. Very little is known of its ecology, and its eggs have never been formally described. The literature on the eggs of the Night Parrot is collated here, and the provenance of an alleged Night Parrot egg found in the Tanami Desert, Northern Territory, in 1983 was assessed using DNA analysis and physical characteristics. Anecdotal reports from the late 19th–early 20th Century indicate that the Night Parrot lays a clutch of two to six roundish, white eggs. We suggest that its eggs are probably similar to and slightly larger than those of its congener, the Ground Parrot P. wallicus. The alleged Night Parrot egg was definitively identified by mitochondrial DNA analysis to be from the Brown Quail Synoicus ypsilophorus. This represents the first evidence of breeding by this species in the Tanami Desert, and lays to rest a long-standing misconception regarding the parrot

    Novel ultrastructures of Treponema primitia and their implications for motility

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    Members of the bacterial phylum Spirochaetes are generally helical cells propelled by periplasmic flagella. The spirochete Treponema primitia is interesting because of its mutualistic role in the termite gut, where it is believed to cooperate with protozoa that break down cellulose and produce H2 as a by-product. Here we report the ultrastructure of T. primitia as obtained by electron cryotomography of intact, frozen-hydrated cells. Several previously unrecognized external structures were revealed, including bowl-like objects decorating the outer membrane, arcades of hook-shaped proteins winding along the exterior and tufts of fibrils extending from the cell tips. Inside the periplasm, cone-like structures were found at each pole. Instead of the single peptidoglycan layer typical of other Gram-negative bacteria, two distinct periplasmic layers were observed. These layers formed a central open space that contained two flagella situated adjacent to each other. In some areas, the inner membrane formed flattened invaginations that protruded into the cytoplasm. High-speed light microscopic images of swimming T. primitia cells showed that cell bodies remained rigid and moved in a helical rather than planar motion. Together, these findings support the 'rolling cylinder' model for T. primitia motility that posits rotation of the protoplasmic cylinder within the outer sheath

    In situ structure of the complete Treponema primitia flagellar motor

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    The bacterial flagellar motor is an amazing nanomachine: built from approximately 25 different proteins, it uses an electrochemical ion gradient to drive rotation at speeds of up to 300 Hz (refs 1, 2). The flagellar motor consists of a fixed, membrane-embedded, torque-generating stator and a typically bidirectional, spinning rotor that changes direction in response to chemotactic signals. Most structural analyses so far have targeted the purified rotor (refs 3, 4), and hence little is known about the stator and its interactions. Here we show, using electron cryotomography of whole cells, the in situ structure of the complete flagellar motor from the spirochaete Treponema primitia at 7 nm resolution. Twenty individual motor particles were computationally extracted from the reconstructions, aligned and then averaged. The stator assembly, revealed for the first time, possessed 16-fold symmetry and was connected directly to the rotor, C ring and a novel P-ring-like structure. The unusually large size of the motor suggested mechanisms for increasing torque and supported models wherein critical interactions occur atop the C ring, where our data suggest that both the carboxy-terminal and middle domains of FliG are found

    Does blood transfusion harm cardiac surgery patients?

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    Over recent years there has been a substantial body of evidence demonstrating strong associations between transfusion and adverse outcomes, including myocardial, neurological and renal injury, in a range of clinical settings where transfusion is administered for reasons other than life-threatening bleeding. The strength of these associations across a range of clinical settings suggests that confounding and bias, the chief limitations of all observational studies, are unlikely to account for all of these observations. Given the wide range in transfusion rates in cardiac centres, with up to 100% of patients in some centres exposed to allogenic blood components, this evidence, albeit circumstantial, presents a strong argument for prospective randomised trials to attempt to determine, firstly, if transfusion causes adverse outcomes, and secondly, in which patient groups does the benefit of transfusion outweigh these risks? These issues are discussed in the context of an article published this month in BMC Medicine

    Radiation dose reduction and image enhancement in biological imaging through equally-sloped tomography

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    Electron tomography is currently the highest resolution imaging modality available to study the 3D structures of pleomorphic macromolecular assemblies, viruses, organelles and cells. Unfortunately, the resolution is currently limited to 3–5 nm by several factors including the dose tolerance of biological specimens and the inaccessibility of certain tilt angles. Here we report the first experimental demonstration of equally-sloped tomography (EST) to alleviate these problems. As a proof of principle, we applied EST to reconstructing frozen-hydrated keyhole limpet hemocyanin molecules from a tilt-series taken with constant slope increments. In comparison with weighted back-projection (WBP), the algebraic reconstruction technique (ART) and the simultaneous algebraic reconstruction technique (SART), EST reconstructions exhibited higher contrast, less peripheral noise, more easily detectable molecular boundaries and reduced missing wedge effects. More importantly, EST reconstructions including only two-thirds the original images appeared to have the same resolution as full WBP reconstructions, suggesting that EST can either reduce the dose required to reach a given resolution or allow higher resolutions to be achieved with a given dose. EST was also applied to reconstructing a frozen-hydrated bacterial cell from a tilt-series taken with constant angular increments. The results confirmed similar benefits when standard tilts are utilized

    Structural diversity of bacterial flagellar motors

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    The bacterial flagellum is one of nature’s most amazing and well-studied nanomachines. Its cell-wall-anchored motor uses chemical energy to rotate a microns-long filament and propel the bacterium towards nutrients and away from toxins. While much is known about flagellar motors from certain model organisms, their diversity across the bacterial kingdom is less well characterized, allowing the occasional misrepresentation of the motor as an invariant, ideal machine. Here, we present an electron cryotomographical survey of flagellar motor architectures throughout the Bacteria. While a conserved structural core was observed in all 11 bacteria imaged, surprisingly novel and divergent structures as well as different symmetries were observed surrounding the core. Correlating the motor structures with the presence and absence of particular motor genes in each organism suggested the locations of five proteins involved in the export apparatus including FliI, whose position below the C-ring was confirmed by imaging a deletion strain. The combination of conserved and specially-adapted structures seen here sheds light on how this complex protein nanomachine has evolved to meet the needs of different species
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