55 research outputs found

    The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array: Overview & status

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    The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) is an international radio telescope under construction in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile. ALMA will be situated on a high-altitude site at 5000 m elevation which provides excellent atmospheric transmission over the instrument wavelength range of 0.3 to 3 mm. ALMA will be comprised of two key observing components: an array of up to sixty-four 12-m diameter antennas arranged in a multiple configurations ranging in size from 0.15 to ~14 km, and a set of four 12-m and twelve 7-m antennas operating in closely-packed configurations ~50m in diameter (known as the Atacama Compact Array, or ACA), providing both interferometric and total-power astronomical information. High-sensitivity dual-polarization 8 GHz-bandwidth spectral-line and continuum measurements between all antennas will be available from two flexible digital correlators

    Wide-field CCD imaging at CFHT: the MOCAM example

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    We describe a new 4096x4096 pixel CCD mosaic camera (MOCAM) available at the prime focus of the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). The camera is a mosaic of four 2048x2048Loralfrontside−illuminatedCCDswith15 Loral frontside-illuminated CCDs with 15 \mu$m pixels, providing a field of view of 14'x14' at a scale of 0.21''/pixel. MOCAM is equipped with B, V, R and I filters and has demonstrated image quality of 0.5''-0.6'' FWHM over the entire field. MOCAM will also be used with the CFHT adaptive optic bonnette and will provide a field of view of 90'' at a scale of 0.02 ''/pixel. MOCAM works within the CFHT Pegasus software environment and observers familiar with this system require no additional training to use this camera effectively. The technical details, the performance and the first images obtained on the telescope with MOCAM are presented. In particular, we discuss some important improvements with respect to the standard single-CCD FOCAM camera, such as multi-output parallel readout and dynamic anti-blooming. We also discuss critical technical issues concerning future wide-field imaging facilities at the CFHT prime focus in light of our experience with MOCAM and our recent experience with the even larger UH 8192x8192 pixel CCD mosaic camera.Comment: Accepted for publication in Publication of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. Latex with aas2pp4.sty and epsf.sty. 12 pages, 10 figure

    The Gemini Deep Deep Survey: II. Metals in Star-Forming Galaxies at Redshift 1.3<z<2

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    The goal of the Gemini Deep Deep Survey (GDDS) is to study an unbiased sample of K<20.6 galaxies in the redshift range 0.8<z<2.0. Here we determine the statistical properties of the heavy element enrichment in the interstellar medium (ISM) of a subsample of 13 galaxies with 1.34<z<1.97 and UV absolute magnitude M_2000 < -19.65. The sample contains 38% of the total number of identified galaxies in the first two fields of the survey with z>1.3. The selected objects have colors typical of irregular and Sbc galaxies. Strong [OII] emission indicates high star formation activity in the HII regions (SFR~13-106 M_sun/yr). The high S/N composite spectrum shows strong ISM MgII and FeII absorption, together with weak MnII and MgI lines. The FeII column density, derived using the curve of growth analysis, is logN_FeII = 15.54^{+0.23}_{-0.13}. This is considerably larger than typical values found in damped Ly-alpha systems (DLAs) along QSO sight lines, where only 10 out of 87 (~11%) have logN_FeII > 15.2. High FeII column densities are observed in the z=2.72 Lyman break galaxy cB58 (logN_FeII ~ 15.25) and in gamma-ray burst host galaxies (logN_FeII ~ 14.8-15.9). Given our measured FeII column density and assuming a moderate iron dust depletion (delta_Fe ~ 1 dex), we derive an optical dust extinction A_V ~ 0.6. If the HI column density is log N(HI)<21.7 (as in 98% of DLAs), then the mean metallicity is Z/Z_sun > 0.2. The high completeness of the GDDS sample implies that these results are typical of star-forming galaxies in the 1<z<2 redshift range, an epoch which has heretofore been particularly challenging for observational programs.Comment: ApJ in press, corrected HI column density estimat

    The mass-metallicity relation at z~0.7

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    The ISM metallicity and the stellar mass are examined in a sample of 66 galaxies at 0.4<z<1, selected from the Gemini Deep Deep Survey (GDDS) and the Canada-France Redshift Survey (CFRS). We observe a mass-metallicity relation similar to that seen in z~0.1 SDSS galaxies, but displaced towards higher masses and/or lower metallicities. Using this sample, and a small sample of z~2.3 LBGs, a redshift dependent mass-metallicity relation is proposed which describes the observed results.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the conference "The Spectral Energy Distribution of Gas-Rich Galaxies", eds. C.C. Popescu & R.J. Tuffs (Heidelberg, October 2004

    The Gemini Deep Deep Survey: VIII. When Did Early-type Galaxies Form?

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    We have used the Hubble Space Telescope's Advanced Camera for Surveys (Ford et al. 2003) to measure the cumulative mass density in morphologically-selected early-type galaxies over the redshift range 0.8 < z < 1.7. Our imaging data set covers four well-separated sight-lines, and is roughly intermediate (in terms of both depth and area) between the GOODS/GEMS imaging data, and the images obtained in the Hubble Deep Field campaigns. Our images contain 144 galaxies with ultra-deep spectroscopy obtained as part of the Gemini Deep Deep Survey. These images have been analyzed using a new purpose-written morphological analysis code which improves the reliability of morphological classifications by adopting a 'quasi-Petrosian' image thresholding technique. We find that at z \~ 1 about 80% of the stars living in the most massive galaxies reside in early-type systems. This fraction is similar to that seen in the local Universe. However, we detect very rapid evolution in this fraction over the range 0.8 < z < 1.7, suggesting that over this redshift range the strong morphology-mass relationship seen in the nearby Universe is beginning to fall into place. By comparing our images to published spectroscopic classifications, we show that little ambiguity exists in connecting spectral classes to morphological classes for spectroscopically quiescent systems. However, the mass density function of early-type galaxies is evolving more rapidly than that of spectroscopically quiescent systems, which we take as further evidence that we are witnessing the formation of massive early-type galaxies over the 0.8 < z < 1.7 redshift range

    A Compact Cluster of Massive Red Galaxies at a Redshift of 1.51

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    We describe a compact cluster of massive red galaxies at z=1.51 discovered in one of the Gemini Deep Deep Survey (GDDS) fields. Deep imaging with the Near Infrared Camera and Multi Object Spectrometer (NICMOS) on the Hubble Space Telescope reveals a high density of galaxies with red optical to near-IR colors surrounding a galaxy with a spectroscopic redshift of 1.51. Mid-IR imaging with Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) on the Spitzer Space telescope shows that these galaxies have spectral energy distributions that peak between 3.6 and 4.5 microns. Fits to 12-band photometry reveal 12 or more galaxies with spectral shapes consistent with z = 1.51. Most are within ~170 co-moving kpc of the GDDS galaxy. Deep F814W images with the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) on HST reveal that these galaxies are a mix of early-type galaxies, disk galaxies and close pairs. The total stellar mass enclosed within a sphere of 170 kpc in radius is > 8E+11 solar masses. The colors of the most massive galaxies are close to those expected from passive evolution of simple stellar populations (SSP) formed at much higher redshifts. We suggest that several of these galaxies will merge to form a single, very massive galaxy by the present day. This system may represent an example of a short-lived dense group or cluster core typical of the progenitors of massive clusters in the present day and suggests the red sequence was in place in over-dense regions at early times.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, submitted to ApJ Letter

    A survey for low luminosity quasars at redshift z~5

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    We present the results of a multi-colour (VIZ) survey for low luminosity (M_B<-23.5) quasars with z~5 using the 12K CCD mosaic camera on CFHT. The survey covers 1.8deg^2 to a limiting magnitude of m_z=22.5(Vega), about two magnitudes fainter than the SDSS quasar survey. 20 candidates were selected by their VIZ colours and spectra for 15 of these were obtained with GMOS on the Gemini North telescope. A single quasar with z=4.99 was recovered, the remaining candidates are all M stars. The detection of only a single quasar in the redshift range accessible to the survey (4.8<5.2) is indicative of a possible turn over in the luminosity function at faint quasar magnitudes, and a departure from the form observed at higher luminosities (in agreement with quasar lensing observations by Richards etal (2003)). However, the derived space densitys, of quasars more luminous than M_B(Vega)<-23.5, of 2.96x10^-7 Mpc^-3 is consistent at the 65% confidence level with extrapolation of the quasar luminosity function as derived by Fan etal (2001a) at m_i<19.6(Vega).Comment: 8 Pages, 8 Figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Red Nuggets at z~1.5: Compact passive galaxies and the formation of the Kormendy Relation

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    We present the results of NICMOS imaging of a sample of 16 high mass passively evolving galaxies with 1.3<z<2, taken primarily from the Gemini Deep Deep Survey. Around 80% of galaxies in our sample have spectra dominated by stars with ages >1 Gyr. Our rest-frame R-band images show that most of these objects have compact regular morphologies which follow the classical R^1/4 law. These galaxies scatter along a tight sequence in the Kormendy relation. Around one-third of the massive red objects are extraordinarily compact, with effective radii under one kiloparsec. Our NICMOS observations allow the detection of such systems more robustly than is possible with optical (rest-frame UV) data, and while similar systems have been seen at z>2, this is the first time such systems have been detected in a rest-frame optical survey at 1.3<z<2. We refer to these compact galaxies as "red nuggets". Similarly compact massive galaxies are completely absent in the nearby Universe. We introduce a new "stellar mass Kormendy relation" (stellar mass density vs size) which isolates the effects of size evolution from those of luminosity and color evolution. The 1.1 < z < 2 passive galaxies have mass densities that are an order of magnitude larger then early type galaxies today and are comparable to the compact distant red galaxies at 2 < z < 3. We briefly consider mechanisms for size evolution in contemporary models focusing on equal-mass mergers and adiabatic expansion driven by stellar mass loss. Neither of these mechanisms appears able to transform the high-redshift Kormendy relation into its local counterpart. Comment: Accepted version (to appear in ApJ
