3 research outputs found

    An Exploratory Study of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Partnership Programs for Empowering Small Medium Enterprise (SMEs)

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    CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) has grown rapidly over the past twenty years. Besides being based on social activities (charity), companies also develop CSR activities in the form of partnerships. The implementation of interdependence between the company and the community is realized in the form of a partnership between companies and CSR-targeted SMEs. This study aimed to determine the field of cooperation, patterns of cooperation and partnership mechanisms between companies and SMEs through CSR activities in East Java. The results illustrated that most corporations partner with SMEs in the field of production. The results can be used to create a model for the empowerment of SMEs through CSR activities by considering environmental, culture and economic conditions that affect the empowerment of SMEs. Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and partnerships, empowerment of SME

    Design and Build Distance Learning Media Based on the Business Simulator-Integrated (SIMBIZ-Integrated) Application to Support the Learning Process of Students Affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has a very broad impact. This pandemic not only affects health, but also education. This is because measures to prevent the spread of the virus require the application of physical distancing. With the application of physical distancing, conventional learning in the classroom cannot be implemented, so distance learning media is needed to continue the teaching and learning process. Learning media in an educational context is a very strategic instrument that helps determine the success of the teaching and learning process. This is because with their limitations, humans are often less able to capture and respond to things that are abstract or that have never been recorded in their memory. Media can support learning by providing a deeper understanding of the material being discussed. This study aimed to design, build and test a business simulator application integration system (SIMBIZ-Integrated) as a distance-learning medium that could help the learning process which has been disrupted due to the COVID-19 outbreak. In addition, this research examines the current conditions of media utilization in distance learning and the effectiveness of the use of business application media in introductory business courses. Keywords: Distance Learning Media Integration System, Integrated Business Simulator Application (SIMBIZ-Integrated), Prevention of the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemi

    Making of Thinkgather.com as Collaborating and Networking Media for Researchers

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    This paper considers reasons why the number of scientific publications produced in Indonesia remain low in comparison to other countries, as is the number of scientific researchers. These issues are caused by many factors, including the fact that researchers often experience difficulties in obtaining references to both books and journals that support their research, and secondly that researchers find it difficult to find research partners who have scientific similarities and interests in one research topic. The purpose of this study is to answer the above problems through the design and development of an application called thinkgather.com, an interactive medium for researchers. One of the advantages of this application is being able to connect between one researcher and another researcher in one social media. This research was designed to have 3 stages of research, namely the preliminary study and data collection stage, the planning and building stage, the limited scale trial stage. It is expected that the thinkgather.com application can become a means of researchers as a media discussion and facilitate researchers in finding partners in the research that will be carried out. Keywords: Application, Researcher, Thinkgather.com, Social Medi