85 research outputs found


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    This research aims at finding out the effect of the treatment period of the local microorganism towards the growth and yield of cabbage plants (Brassica oleraceae L.) and was conducted in the experiment garden of Faculty of Agriculture Flores University in Lokoboko District, East Ndona Subdistrict, Ende Regency. The design used in this experiment is Randomized Block Design (RBD), with treatment used is M0 (without LMO treatment), M1 (once in 3 days LMO treatment), M2 (once in 5 days LMO treatment), and M3 (once in 7 days LMO treatment). The variable of the observation in this experiment is total leaves, fresh weight of crops per plant, fresh weight of crops per hectare, the diameter of the crops, fresh weight of residue, and the index of harvest. The result indicates that with the treatment of the period giving MOL 3 times a day shows the growth increase of plants’ total leaf in every period of observation 14hst, 21hst, 28hst, 35hst, 42hst). In all result variable showing the good increase to the result, M1 treatment fresh weight crop per plant is 1700 gr, fresh weight crop per ha are 68.00 tons, diameter crop is 19.52 cm, fresh weight of residue per plan are 1.94 kg, and harvest index is 46.70, M2 treatment fresh weight crop per plant is 1660 gr, fresh weight crops per ha are 1.88 kg, and harvest index are 46.89, M3 treatment fresh weight crop per plant is (1680 gr), fresh weight crop per ha are 67.2 tons, diameter crop is 18.92 cm, fresh weight residue per plant is (1,88 kg), and harvest index is 47.19

    Optimalisasi Penggunaan Kirinyu (Chromolaena odorata) Sebagai Sumber Bahan Organik Dalam Peningkatan Produksi Wortel (Daucus carota)

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    The aim of this study was to understand the benefits of ‘kirinyu’ as a resource of organic matter in the growth and production of carrots and determine the optimum quantities required. The study used a random group design method using K0 (without kirinyu), K1 (kirinyu 5 ton/ha), K2 (kirinyu10 ton/ha), K3 K3 (Kirinyu 15 ton/ha), and K4 (Kirinyu 20 ton/ha). The variables measured in this study were; plant height, the total number of leaves, length of tubers, the diameter of tubers and weight of fresh tubers per plant per plot and per ha. The results of this study indicate that the use of ‘kirinyu’ as a source of organic matter has a definite influence in the plant height in the ages of  4 MST, 8 MST, 10 MST, 12 MST, and total leaves in the ages of 6 MST, 8 MST. Also, it influences the length of tubers, the weight of tubers per plant per plot and per ha. It was determined that optimum growth of carrots; that is plant height (32.51 cm) total leaves (5.78 cm) length of tubers (10.71 cm) was attained with the use of 20 ton/ha weight of fresh tubers per plant (48.19 grams), per plot (7,93 kg) and per ha (21089,29 kg)

    Aplikasi Pupuk Organik Cair dari Limbah Pasar pada Tanaman sawi (Brasica juncea L.)

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    Research on Application of Liquid Organic Fertilizer from Market Waste in Chinese Mustard Plants (Brasica juncea L.). The production of mustard greens in Ende Regency is still low compared to the production of mustard greens. This condition is caused by fertilization that has not been optimal. Efforts to increase mustard production through the application of technology, especially the use of fertilizers, including using liquid organic fertilizer Market waste that can provide nutrients for plants.This study aims to determine the application dose of liquid organic fertilizer from market waste and the response of growth and yield of mustard plants. The study was conducted in the experimental garden of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Flores in Ende, using a Randomized Block Design consisting of five treatments using Liquid organic fertilizer (POC) from Market Waste namely L0 (without POC), L1 (10 liters of POC), L2 (20 liters POC), L3 (30 liters of POC), L4 (40 liters of POC), repeated four times. The results showed that the application of POC from market waste significantly affected plant height, number of leaves, fresh weight of mustard greens, fresh weight of mustard ha-1 and dose of 40 liters ha-1 showed the best growth, which was an average plant height of 24.68 cm, number of leaves 9.25 strands, fresh weight of mustard 147.40 g and production of mustard 23.58 tons ha-


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    Growth and tomato crop production influenced by the fertility of the land, which represents media grow the crop. Result of research indicates that usage of Ribon atom with the make-up of dose has an effect on positive to component growth of the crop, component produce and also fertility of the land. At the growth of crop posed at by is a high crop, wide leaf, PGR, LAI, LAD, and of LAR but dose 4 lt/ha not differ reality with dose 5 lt/ha and 6 lt/Ha. While component product that is the amount of fruit, heavy crop pear and pear weight set of wide, where dose 2 lt/ha does not differ reality with dose 3 lt/ha, 4/lt ha, 5 lt/ha and 6 lt/ha. As for its influence to the fertility of the land that is happened the make-up of contact of P available inland become to mount (Veri High)


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    Organic waste comes from pigswill livestock can used as a plant nutrient source. Organic material has a significant influence on agriculture productivity. Organic material added continually was an effective way to maintain soil health, it will provide soil organisms food, increasing available nutrient and maintain soil physic characteristic. Otherwise, organic waste added still not get an optimal result. That's why organic waste added from pigswill livestock and bio fund as activator was one of the alternative ways. This study was aimed to know pigswill livestock waste potential as organic material added on nutrient availability in order to improve plant productivity and the influence on plant production. This study consisted of two stages; i.e. the first study was soil incubation for 20 days, and the second was maize plant application. The method used was Complete Factorial Randomized design with 2 factors and 3 replicates. The results showed that pigswill livestock organic waste and bio fund will increase soil  C,  N,  P,  and K exchange. It happened especially on FIBl and F1B3  treatment;  it marks with the increasing trend on every week.  The highest production was found on  F1B3  (256.63 plants"')  and the lowest on  FIBO (I I7.U plant')


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    This study aims to determine the effect of doses of coconut water on the growth and yield of land water spinach. The use of doses of coconut water as a treatment tested consists of K0 = Control; K1 = 56.68 liters / ha; K2 = 113.37 liters / ha; K3 = 170.05 liters / ha; K4 = 226.74 liters / ha. The results of the study addressed the use of 226.74 liters / ha of coconut water doses which had a very significant effect on all observation variables. Where an increase in the dose of coconut water affects the increase in the average percentage of plant height of 5.27%, the number of leaves is 4.58%, the fresh weight of ground water spinach per plant is 0.26% and the weight of land spinach per hectare is 0.26


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    This study aims to determine the effect of NPK Mutiara fertilizer dose on the growth and yield of green beans and determine the optimum dosage of NPK Mutiara fertilizer that can deliver growth and yield optimal green beans. The design used in this study is a randomized block design with treatments used were N0 (without fertilizer NPK NPK 0 kg ha-1 or 0 g plot-1), N1 (NPK fertilizer 125 kg ha-1 or 25 g plot-1), N2 (NPK fertilizer 250 kg ha-1 or 50 g plot-1), N3 (NPK fertilizer 375 kg ha-1 or 75 g), N4 (NPK 500 kg ha-1 or 100 g plot-1). Variable observation in this study was plant height, number of leaves, leaf area, number of pods tan-1 fresh weight stover tan-1, the dry weight of stover tan-1, the dry weight of stover ha-1 dry weight of seed tan-1, heavy ha-1 dry beans, dry weight of 100 seeds. The results showed that treatment of NPK fertilizer dose of 500 kg ha-1 very significant effect on plant height of 27.75 cm, leaf number 8 strands, leaf area 357.78 cm2, Total pods 19.65, fresh weight stover tan-1 96, 25 g, dry weight of stover tan-1 76.00 g, stover dry weight ha-1 19.00 tons, dry weight of seed tan-1 5.36-gram dry weight seed ha-1 1.34 tonnes, the weight of 100 seeds 2.62 gr


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           Use of Natural Auksin as Growth Zat (ZPT) Against Growth of Stam Breeding Water Jamboo (Syszygium samarangense).This study aims to determine the effect of the use of auksin extract of onion, garlic extract and onion extract as well as the effect of the best extract on the growth of water cashew cuttings (Syzygium samarangense)The study was arranged by Randomized Block Design with single factor pattern consisting of four treatments ie without auxin (A-0), auksin extract of onion (A-1), auksin garlic extract (A-2) and auksin garlic extract bombai (A-3). The observation variables in this study were: percentage of live cuttings (%), root length (cm), root quantity, fresh root weight (g), fresh weight weight (g), dry root weight (g) and dry weight weight (g)The results showed the use of axin onion extract 90%, can increase the percentage of live cuttings (2.99%), root length (51.22%); number of roots (56.55%), fresh root weight (47.54%); weight of fresh stover (26.22%); dry root weight (51.72%) and weight of dry stover (27.64%). The use of 90% onion extract gave the best influence to the growth of root cashew cuttings which resulted in live cuttings percentage (98.86%); root length (10.04 cm); number of roots (19,20); fresh root weight (2.02 g); fresh fresh weight (17.22 g); dry weight of roots (1.06 g) and weight of dry stover (8.60 g)


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    The research’s general objective was to study and evaluate; the function, aesthetic and agronomical aspects of side street plants at Ijen Street, Malang. Plant evaluation was needed to optimize plant effectiveness on the side of the streets, in realizing the city’s road concept that gives fluentness, safety, and improving environmental street visual quality. This is important especially for the side street plants to fulfil architectural, functional, and aesthetical values for the city environment. There was a lack of functional effectiveness at the traffic island as a site, caused by none continuation of tree planting. At one segment of the street the trees where physical and visual barries causing the inconvenience of concealing clear view. All segments of Ijen Street don’t have the function of a collision buffer. There was a windbreak function created by plant settlement with a corridor form. Plant function as sun control was accommodated in all of the street segments. Generally, the plant cover function by the plants has not been completed. The erosion control was accommodated by plant settlement at the traffic island in the street of Ijen. Plants function as noise control and identity was fulfilled with the existence of Rhoistonia reggia along the street. Overall the plants of Ijen Street have a lot of functions that help the site to improve environmental quality. Assessment of the esthetic aspect obtained from the election of plants types and a planting plan revealed that improvement to support the development function was required, according to of plants as agronomy value the existing plants can support plants function and add esthetical value
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