68 research outputs found

    Re-examining "difference" and "development" : a note on broadening the field of gender and development in Japan

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    It is the author’s position that the framework for WID/GAD, as academic field and practice concerned primarily with developing countries should be broadened so as to incorporate Japan’s own gender and development issues in its scope. Unlike other developed countries, activists and scholars in Japan rarely connected, as was also the case with the fields of women’s/gender studies and WID/GAD. However, this was not due to any lack of interest among Japanese women regarding the lives of women in developing countries. Rather the points of fissure were the notions of ‘difference’ and ‘development’ held by Japanese women. These analytical concepts were narrowly defined, which resulted in limited interaction between discourse on women’s issues in Japan and WID/GAD related to ‘other’ women. By re-examining these notions and looking more deeply into perceived differences in the local context of ‘development’, not only can we strategize on ‘differences’ in such a way that we draw strength from the very fact of being different, but also prevent ‘differences’ from being used as grounds for discrimination. As a whole, we could gain substantially by broadening the field of Gender and Development and, as such, it is imperative that this field be broadened with urgency as development itself changes in this ever-interconnected worl

    Revisiting labour and gender issues in Export Processing Zones : the cases of South Korea, Bangladesh and India

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    The establishment of Export Processing Zones (EPZs) is a strategy for economic development that was introduced almost fifty years ago and is nowadays employed in a large number of countries. While the number of EPZs including several variants such as Special Economic Zone (SEZs) has increased continuously, general interest in EPZs has declined over the years in contrast to earlier heated debates regarding the efficacy of the strategy and its welfare effects especially on women workers. This article re-evaluates the historical trajectories and outstanding labour and gender issues of EPZs on the basis of the experiences of South Korea, Bangladesh and India. The findings suggest the necessity of enlarging our analytical scope with regard to EPZs, which are inextricably connected with external employment structures, whether outside the EPZ but within the same country, or outside the EPZ and its host country altogether

    Rural to Urban Migration: A District Level Analysis for India

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    Based on the recent census data this paper analyses the district level rural to urbanmigration rates (both intra-state and the inter-state) among males and femalesseparately. Both the rates are closely associated irrespective of whether the migrants originate from the rural areas within the state or outside the state. This would suggest that women usually migrate as accompanists of the males. Though many ofthe relatively poor and backward states actually show large population mobility,which is primarily in search of a livelihood, the mobility of male population is also seen to be prominent in the relatively advanced states like Maharashtra and Gujarat. Rapid migration of rural females within the boundaries of the states is, however, evident across most of the regions. The social networks, which play an important role in the context of migration are prevalent among the short distance migrants and tend to lose their significance with a rise in the distance between the place of origin and destination though there are some exceptions to this phenomenon. Besides the north-south divide in theIndian context is indeed a significant phenomenon with a few exceptions ofmetropolitan cities. As regards the effect of factors at the place of destination, prospects for better job opportunities are a major determinant of male migration. Low castes and minority groups tend to pull migration through network effects. Among females also these effects are evidentthough with the inclusion of the male migration rate they become lesssignificant. Finally the paper brings out the policy implications

    Part 2 : Chapter 15 - India

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    Toiling children in India : the gender dimension

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    Child labour in several low income households is rather pursued for gaining experience and at times for meagre incomes, which are possibly spent on household food expenditure. Though the contribution made by the child labour to the overall wellbeing does not turn out to be substantial, without child labour these households would have been much worse off than the households which can afford not to have child labour. The probability of working is higher for a male child compared to a girl child. This is because the girl children are often engaged in household activities and even when they are engaged in income earning jobs they are shown as helpers. Parents\u27 income as such may not be having a positive impact on child\u27s education rather it is the educational level of the parents which matters in determining whether the child would go to school and continue her/his education. To substantiate the gender bias, the probability of falling ill among the girl children is found to be higher compared to the boys. Parents\u27 educational attainments beyond a certain level again tend to reduce the probability of falling ill

    Ethanol-induced Stress Leads to Apoptosls Via Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in SK-Hepl Cells

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    Alcoholic liver disease causes oxidative stress and induces apoptosis during alcohol metabolism. Ethanol causes endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress in hepatocytes, stimulating the unfolded protein response (UPR) pathway and/or Ca2+-dependent calpain and caspase-4 activities. However, it is poorly understood whether ethanol-induced oxidative stress directly leads to apoptosis promoted by ER stress-associated pathways. This study investigated this question in human liver adenocarcinoma (SK-Hep1) cells, which were treated with 200 mM ethanol for 5 hours in the presence or absence of the antioxidant N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC). We found that treatment with ethanol significantly increased ROS production and cellular apoptosis in the SK-Hep1 cells, and that this response was significantly suppressed by pretreatment with NAC. Furthermore, pretreatment with NAC significantly reduced the observed increases in the mRNA expressions of Bip, Chop, and sXbp-1, and the activity of caspase-3 in ethanol-induced apoptotic cells. However, pretreatment with NAC did not attenuate the transient rise in cytosolic Ca2+ nor the activities of caspase-4 and calpain induced by ethanol. Together, these results revealed that ethanol-induced stress promotes apoptosis not only through mitochondria-mediated pathways, but also via ER stress. The findings further suggested that ethanol-induced oxidative stress and non-oxidative stress both stimulate the pathway regulating ER stress-mediated apoptosis

    Active propagation of dendritic electrical signals in C. elegans

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    Active propagation of electrical signals in C. elegans neurons requires ion channels capable of regenerating membrane potentials. Here we report regenerative depolarization of a major gustatory sensory neuron, ASEL. Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings in vivo showed supra linear depolarization of ASEL upon current injection. Furthermore, stimulation of animal\u27s nose with NaCI evoked all-ornone membrane depolarization in ASEL. Mutant analysis showed that EGL-19, the oil subunit of L-type voltage-gated Ca2+ channels, is essential for regenerative depolarization of ASEL. ASEL-specific knock-down of EGL-19 by RNAi demonstrated that EGL-19 functions in C. elegans chemotaxis along an NaCI gradient. These results demonstrate that a natural substance induces regenerative all-or-none electrical signals in dendrites, and that these signals are essential for activation of sensory neurons for chemotaxis. As in other vertebrate and invertebrate nervous systems, active information processing in dendrites occurs in C. elegans, and is necessary for adaptive behavior

    Apoptosis-induced Proliferation in UV-Irradiated Human Conjunctival Epithelial Cells

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    A pterygium is a benign growth that develops on the conjunctiva and, in some cases, extends to the cornea and interferes with vision. Excessive exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light is one of the causes of pterygium development. We previously reported that UV-induced apoptosis is led by production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) that activate p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) in human conjunctival epithelial (HCE) cells. Also, ROS-dependent induction of interleukin-11 (IL-11) has been reported to upregulate MAPK pathways, which results in compensatory proliferation. In this study, we examined the effect of UV exposure on HCE cells, in terms of change in apoptosis, ROS generation, phosphorylation of c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK), levels of IL-11 (a key cytokine in tissue repair and compensatory proliferation), production of activator protein 1 (AP-1), and expression of c-myc, c-fos and c-jun (which provides evidence of healthy cell proliferation). Apoptosis in HCE cells was induced by UV light irradiation (312nm, 4.94mW/cm2). Apoptosis was measured using the Muse Annexin V and Dead Cell Assay Kit. ROS generation was measured by using 5-(and 6-) chloromethyl-2\u277\u27-dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate, acetyl ester. JNK phosphorylation, IL-11 levels and AP-1 production were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs). Imnunocytochemical staining was used to measure c-myc, c-fos and c-jun expression. UV irradiation increased ROS generation, phosphorylation of JNK, and apoptotic cell count. IL-11 levels and AP-1 production were significantly increased by UV irradiation. The irradiated cells had increased expression of c-myc, c-fos and c-jun, and treatment of the cells with IL-11 significantly increased expression of c-myc, c-fos and c-jun. These results suggest that the release of IL-11 from UV-induced apoptotic HCE cells and surrounding healthy cells could promote proliferation to maintain homeostasis