9 research outputs found

    Evaluation Of Albite Ores With High Titanium Contents

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1998Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 1998Milas-Çine feldspat rezervlerinin %20'sini oluşturan 80 milyon ton civarında yüksek TiO2 ve Fe2O3 içerikli cevherler bulunmaktadır. Bu feldspatların hem cam-seramik hammaddesi olarak hem de titanyum cevheri olarak değerlendirilmesi bu çalışmanın konusunu oluşturmaktadır. Deneylerde sırasıyla Yüksek Alan Şiddetli Jones Manyetik Ayırma, Multi-Gravite Ayırması, Klasik-Kolon ve Jet Flotasyonu Yöntemleri kullanılmıştır. Deneyler sonucunda % 85.90 oranında % 0.04 TiO2 ve % 0.05 Fe2O3 içerikli albit konsantresi üretilmiştirThere are about 80 million tons of high content of TiO2 and Fe2O3 ores which form 20% of Milas-Çine feldspar reserves. Both as being glass-ceramics raw material and being evaluated as titanium ore, these feldspar reserves form the aim of this study. Experiments are carried out on this feldspar ore by using high intensity wet magnetic separation, multi-gravity separation and flotation (conventional, jet and column flotation) methods. At the results of these tests, an albite concentrate containing 0.04% TiO2, 0.05% Fe2O3 with the amount of 85.9% by weight and a TiO2 recovery of 89.60% was produced.Yüksek LisansM.Sc

    Physicochemical Characterization of Natural Wollastonite and Calcite

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    Wollastonite and calcite minerals are significant raw materials and are extensively used due to their unique properties. Wollastonite is used in plastics, paint, ceramics, paper, resins, and in construction as a substitution for asbestos due to its chemical stability, thermal resistivity, needle-like shape, and brightness. Calcite is one of the most used raw materials because of its low hardness, high alkalinity, sorptive properties, white and bright color. Wollastonite and calcite are two minerals found together in nature. The most common method used for separating these two minerals is flotation. In this study, the surface properties of pure mineral samples were investigated. The pH profiles of both minerals were obtained by measuring the surface charge of particles followed by the measurement of the zeta potential in different collector concentrations. The wettability of minerals was examined by measuring their contact angles

    Wartość dodana produkcji surowców przemysłowych ze złóż kalcytu i wollastonitu

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    The worldwide consumption of wollastonite has been increasing from day to day. It is a calcium metasilicate with the chemical formula CaSiO3. Wollastonite is the only naturally occurring, nonmetallic, white mineral that is needle-shaped in a crystal habit. Due to its high chemical and thermal resistance and nontoxic properties, wollastonite replaces asbestos. Apart from this, the acicular property of wollastonite allow it to compete with other acicular materials where improvements in dimensional stability, flexural modulus and heat deflection are sought. Due to its unique properties such as: its high brightness and whiteness, low moisture and oil absorption, low volatile content, and acicular properties, it is used also as a filling material for ceramics, plastics and paints, thermal and electrical insulator, wetting agent and smelter for glaze. Three methods are used for the beneficiation of wollastonite: mechanical sorting, dry or wet magnetic separation and flotation. Magnetic separation and flotation can be applied together in some cases. In this study, flotation has been investigated for the selective separation of calcite-rich wollastonite ores from the Buzlukdağ deposit, in the Kırşehir-Akpınar region, in the middle of Anatolia. The mineralogical analysis of the sample used in the study shows that the ore sample contains 60–62% wollastonite (CaSiO3), 4–5% augite (Ca,Na)(Mg,Fe,Al)(Si,Al)2O6, 30–32% calcite (CaCO3) and minor amount of other minerals. As a result of this study, the wollastonite concentrate which contains 0.44% Fe2O3, 52.71% SiO2, 87.85% wollastonite with 0.60% loss on ignition (using 1500 g/t potassium oleate) was obtained. The ultimate grade concentrates of calcite that can also be obtained as by-products are with 99.80% calcite content and 85.4% recovery.Światowe zużycie wollastonitu ciągle wzrasta. Wollastonit jest metakrzemianem wapnia o wzorze chemicznym CaSiO3. Jest jedynym naturalnie występującym, niemetalicznym, białym minerałem, który ma kształt igieł o pokroju kryształu. Wollastonit ze względu na wysoką odporność chemiczną i termiczną oraz właściwości nietoksyczne zastępuje azbest. Poza tym igiełkowa właściwość wollastonitu umożliwia konkurencję z innymi igiełkowymi materiałami, w zakresie poprawy stabilności wymiarowej, modułu zginania i ugięcia pod wpływem ciepła. Ze względu na swoje unikalne właściwości, takie jak: wysoka jasność i biel, niska wilgotność i absorpcja oleju, niska zawartość części lotnych i właściwości igiełkowe, umożliwia zastosowanie jego jako: materiału wypełniającego do ceramiki, tworzyw sztucznych i farb, izolatora termicznego i elektrycznego, środka zwilżającego i pieca do glazury. Do wzbogacania wollastonitu stosowane są trzy metody: sortowanie mechaniczne, separacja magnetyczna na sucho lub mokro oraz flotacja. W niektórych przypadkach można zastosować zarówno separację magnetyczną, jak i flotację. W tym artykule zastosowano flotację w celu selektywnego oddzielania rud kalcytu i wollastonitu ze złoża Buzlukdağ w regionie Kırşehir-Akpınar w centrum Anatolii. Analiza mineralogiczna próbki użytej w badaniu pokazuje, że próba rudy zawiera 60–62% wollastonitu (CaSiO3), 4–5% augitu (Ca, Na)(Mg, Fe, Al)(Si, Al)2O6, 30–32% kalcytu (CaCO3) i niewielką ilość innych minerałów. W wyniku tych badań uzyskano koncentrat wollastonitu, który zawiera 0,44% ‒ Fe2O3, 52,71% ‒ SiO2, 87,85% wolastonitu przy stratach wynoszących 0,60% (przy użyciu 1500 g/Mg oleinianu potasu). Końcowe koncentraty kalcytu, które można również otrzymać jako produkty uboczne, zawierają 99,80% kalcytu i 85,4% odzysku

    Enhancing Flame Retardancy: Enrichment of Huntite for Paint Industry Applications

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    Huntite, a naturally occurring carbonate mineral, originates through the alteration processes of dolomite and magnesite. While its structural characteristics align with typical carbonate minerals, its distinction arises from its polyhedral conjunctiveness. The versatile utility of huntite spans several industries, including paint, flame retardant, plastic, polymer, and pharmaceutical sectors. Noteworthy among its diverse applications is its utilization as a flame-retardant additive in raw materials. In this investigation, three samples received from the Denizli region of Turkey were subjected to detailed analysis followed by an enrichment process involving mechanical attrition and sieving of 38 microns where undersize products were obtained, exhibiting 86.9% huntite for the H-1 sample and 91.9% huntite for the H-2–3 sample. The huntite concentrates were then incorporated into paint formulations with the objective of enhancing flame retardancy. A series of testing protocols were implemented to assess the quality of the resulting paints, ultimately yielding a fire-resistant paint formulation through utilizing the H-1 sample

    Trakya Bölgesi ince boyutlu atık kömürlerin değerlendirilmesi

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    Ülkemizdeki linyitlerin % 79,9’u 2500 Kcal/kg altında ısıl değere sahiptir. Ülke olarak enerjide dışa bağımlılığı azaltmak için, 11,8 milyar ton rezervi olan bu linyitlerin etkin kömür hazırlama yöntemleriyle değerlendirmesi ve gelişen teknoloji ile birlikte temiz kömür yakma sistemleri ile kullanılması doğru olacaktır. Tipik bir kömür hazırlama tesisi beslenen kömürün % 20’si oranında, tamamı 0,5 mm altında malzeme üretmektedir. Yüksek maliyet sebebiyle bu boyutun altındaki ürün içerisindeki kaçak kömürün kazanılması genellikle tercih edilmemekle birlikte, gelişmiş kömür temizleme teknolojileri sayesinde bu boyut grubu değerlendirilebilmektedir.Bu çalışma kapsamında, Uysal Madencilik Nak. San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti.’ne ait Tekirdağ’da bulunan kömür hazırlama tesisinden atık olarak alınan, -0,5 mm boyut grubundaki linyit tipindeki şlam kömürünün zenginleştirilerek ve susuzlandırılarak satılabilir kömür üretilmeye yönelik bir çalışma yapılmıştır.Deneysel çalışmalarda, tamamı 0,5 mm altına elenen malzemeden, -150 mikron boyut grubunda %81,25 kül içerikli bir şlam sistemden uzaklaştırılmış ve ardından %49,09 kül içerikli malzeme üzerinde Reichert Spirali ile kademeli zenginleştirme deneyleri yapılmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre %24,1 kül içerikli bir kömür kazanılmıştır. -150 mikron boyut grubuna uygulanan çöktürme deneyleri ile beraber ise %30 katı konsantreli bir kek elde edilebileceği görülmüştür. Elde edilen temiz kömür enerji sektörü ve termik santrallerde, briketleme tesislerinde, çimento fabrikalarında vb. yerlerde kullanılabilmektedir

    Enrichment of wollastonite with high calcite content

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    Wollastonite plays a significant role as an industrial raw material in many fields; its exclusive properties mean that it is used in ceramics, paint, metallurgy and coatings. In nature, wollastonite mostly occurs with calcite. While the most common method for separating wollastonite from calcite is calcination, flotation is one of the methods for separating two minerals in a more economic, environmentally friendly way. In this study, the ore contains a large amount of calcite and augite, which is an iron bearing mineral that is subjected to magnetic separation, followed by flotation in order to obtain wollastonite and calcite concentrations individually. The SiO2, CaO and Fe2O3 contents in the ore are 28.00%, 48.20% and 0.45%, respectively. After magnetic separation has reduced the iron content, flotation experiments are carried out to find the optimum conditions. For the flotation process, the effect of particle size, pH and collector dosage are investigated. A wollastonite concentration of 84% purity is successfully achieved, with a 0.17% iron concentration under the optimal conditions of 100 micron particle size, pH 8 and 500 g/t collector dosage. The purity of the calcite is raised to 95% with the application of a cleaning stage

    The Correlation of Roasting Conditions in Selective Potassium Extraction from K-Feldspar Ore

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    Feldspar minerals are essential ingredients for the glass and ceramic-glass industries. The potassium element found in certain proportions in the composition of K-feldspar minerals has a fundamental function in the growth of plants. The production of potassium fertilizers is mostly made from the soluble minerals, which are located in lakes. Despite having a huge area of use in the agriculture industry, the reserves of these salts are limited and not evenly distributed in the earth’s crust. Due to the high availability of feldspar reserves in the earth’s crust, the production of potential potassium salts can provide a wide range of social and economic benefits. In this study, potassium extraction from a feldspar ore, which contained microcline, albite, muscovite, and quartz, was studied using chloridizing (CaCl2) roasting followed by leaching. Direct leaching experiments were also performed on the sample by adapting various solvents. To emphasize the importance of roasting before the dissolution process, different parameters such as particle size, roasting temperature, and duration, as well as the feldspar/CaCl2 ratio, were tested. Under the optimum conditions (i.e., −106 microns, 850 Co, 60 minutes, 1:1.5 feldspar:CaCl2), 99% of the potassium was successfully extracted from the ore feed

    Characterization and production of Turkish nepheline syenites for industrial applications

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    Nepheline syenite, which is a silica-poor crystalline rock, competes with feldspar in applications such as glass, ceramic filler, and pigment industries. While its appearance is medium coarse granular like granite, main differences between them are nepheline syenite is silica poor, and contains high alumina and alkali content. Turkey has considerable nepheline syenite deposits in Kırşehir Region, and they contain 1.3% Fe2O3 on average, thus cannot be used unless beneficiated by flotation or/and magnetic separation. In this paper, physical and physicochemical experiments were carried out to improve the quality of nepheline syenite ore. After determinations of chemical, mineralogical, and properties of the sample, three different technologies such as flotation, magnetic separation, and leaching were applied on the ore sample, separately and combined. The obtained results showed that the magnetic separation alone could not produce a nepheline syenite concentrate assaying 0.45% Fe2O3. It was not also possible to obtain a nepheline concentrate less than 0.25% Fe2O3 adapting optimum flotation conditions. The best results were found in combination of the high intensity wet magnetic separation and flotation between -212+63 μm particle size, and a final concentrate with 0.20% Fe2O3 and 0.01% TiO2 was obtained. The leaching experiments were conducted to further decrease Fe2O3 content. Finally, a saleable nepheline syenite concentrate for tile, sanitary ware, electrode, glass, and fiberglass industries was obtained with 6.63% K2O, 9.02% Na2O, 0.15% Fe2O3, and 0.01% TiO2 by the weight of 63.9% at the end of the experiments

    Extraction of Potassium from Feldspar by Roasting with CaCl<sub>2</sub> Obtained from the Acidic Leaching of Wollastonite-Calcite Ore

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    Potassium, which is included in certain contents in the structure of K-feldspar minerals, has a very important function in the growth of plants. Turkey hosts the largest feldspar reserves in the world and is by far the leader in feldspar mining. The production of potassium salts from local natural sources can provide great contributions both socially and economically in the agriculture industry along with glass production, cleaning materials, paint, bleaching powders, and general laboratory purposes. In this study, potassium extraction from K-feldspar ore with an 8.42% K2O content was studied using chloridizing (CaCl2) roasting followed by water leaching. Initially, to produce wollastonite and calcite concentrates, froth flotation tests were conducted on wollastonite-calcite ore after comminution. Thus, wollastonite and calcite concentrates with purities of 99.4% and 91.96% were successfully produced. Then, a calcite concentrate was combined with hydrochloric acid (HCl) under optimal conditions of a 1 mol/L HCl acid concentration, a 60 °C leaching temperature, and a 10 min leaching time to produce CaCl2. To bring out the importance of roasting before the dissolution process, different parameters such as roasting temperature, duration, and feldspar—CaCl2 ratios were tested. Under optimal conditions (a 900 °C roasting temperature, a 60 min duration, and a 1:1.5 feldspar—CaCl2 ratio), 98.6% of the potassium was successfully extracted by the water leaching process described in this article