178 research outputs found

    Coexistence of postpartum cardiomyopathy and single coronary artery anomaly

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    Postpartum cardiomyopathy (PPCM) is dilated cardiomyopathy seen in the postpartum period in women who no prior history of cardiac diseases. In this case study, coronary angiography was used to determine the etiology of the cardiomyopathy after the decompensated heart failure had regressed. A congenital single coronary artery anomaly was detected by coronary angiography. In this case, PPCM can mimic pneumonia, thus making diagnosis difficult. When there is no response to antibiotic therapy, the obstetrician must consider cardiac disease and appropriate consultation should be obtained as soon as possible. To the best of our knowledge, single coronary artery anomalies coexisting with PPCM has only been documented in one other case in the literature. An association of single coronary artery anomalies with PPCM may be random, or, alternative, might contribute to the composition of the PPCM

    Coexistence of postpartum cardiomyopathy and single coronary artery anomaly

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    Postpartum cardiomyopathy (PPCM) is dilated cardiomyopathy seen in the postpartum period in women who no prior history of cardiac diseases. In this case study, coronary angiography was used to determine the etiology of the cardiomyopathy after the decompensated heart failure had regressed. A congenital single coronary artery anomaly was detected by coronary angiography. In this case, PPCM can mimic pneumonia, thus making diagnosis difficult. When there is no response to antibiotic therapy, the obstetrician must consider cardiac disease and appropriate consultation should be obtained as soon as possible. To the best of our knowledge, single coronary artery anomalies coexisting with PPCM has only been documented in one other case in the literature. An association of single coronary artery anomalies with PPCM may be random, or, alternative, might contribute to the composition of the PPCM

    Coexistence of postpartum cardiomyopathy and single coronary artery anomaly

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    Postpartum cardiomyopathy (PPCM) is dilated cardiomyopathy seen in the postpartum period in women who no prior history of cardiac diseases. In this case study, coronary angiography was used to determine the etiology of the cardiomyopathy after the decompensated heart failure had regressed. A congenital single coronary artery anomaly was detected by coronary angiography. In this case, PPCM can mimic pneumonia, thus making diagnosis difficult. When there is no response to antibiotic therapy, the obstetrician must consider cardiac disease and appropriate consultation should be obtained as soon as possible. To the best of our knowledge, single coronary artery anomalies coexisting with PPCM has only been documented in one other case in the literature. An association of single coronary artery anomalies with PPCM may be random, or, alternative, might contribute to the composition of the PPCM

    Coexistence of postpartum cardiomyopathy and single coronary artery anomaly

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    Postpartum cardiomyopathy (PPCM) is dilated cardiomyopathy seen in the postpartum period in women who no prior history of cardiac diseases. In this case study, coronary angiography was used to determine the etiology of the cardiomyopathy after the decompensated heart failure had regressed. A congenital single coronary artery anomaly was detected by coronary angiography. In this case, PPCM can mimic pneumonia, thus making diagnosis difficult. When there is no response to antibiotic therapy, the obstetrician must consider cardiac disease and appropriate consultation should be obtained as soon as possible. To the best of our knowledge, single coronary artery anomalies coexisting with PPCM has only been documented in one other case in the literature. An association of single coronary artery anomalies with PPCM may be random, or, alternative, might contribute to the composition of the PPCM

    Yöresel Organik Ürünlerde Üretim ve Pazarlama Problemleri

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    Tarımsal ürün üretim sistemlerinde kimyasal girdi kullanılmadan, tamamen doğal girdilerle yapılan ürün yetiştiriciliği organik tarım olarak adlandırılmaktadır. Artan nüfusa paralel olarak ortaya çıkabilecek gıda açığına karşı tarımsal üretimi artırmaya yönelik çeşitli uygulamalar yapılmış ve önemli gelişmeler kaydedilmiştir. Sağlıklı beslenme ve çevre sağlığı açısından oldukça önemli bir uygulama olan organik tarım üretim modeli ülkemizin birçok kırsal kesiminde yerine getirilmesine rağmen tarımsal üretimle uğraşan kişiler bu önemli ürünlerden yeterince kazanç elde edememektedirler. Bu durumun en önemli sebepleri üreticilerin ürettikleri ürün konusunda yeterince bilgi sahibi olmamaları ile ilişkili olarak üretim, işleme ve paketleme yöntemlerinin ürün kalitesi ve sağlığına uygun bir şekilde düzenlenememesi ile pazarlama imkânlarından yeterince faydalanamama gibi durumlardır. Organik tarımsal üretim açısından önemli bir potansiyele sahip olan yöresel ürünlerin uygun yöntemlerle üretilip işlenerek daha sağlıklı şartlarda tüketicilere sunulmalarının sağlanması durumunda kırsal kesimdeki tarımsal ürün yetiştiricilerinin elde edecekleri gelirde artış sağlanabileceği gibi insan ve çevre sağlığına da önemli katkılar sağlanacaktır

    Hyperbilirubinemia due to minor blood group (anti-E) incompatibility in a newborn: A case report

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    In addition to Rh and ABO incompatibilities subgroup incompatibilities may rarely play a role among the causes of hemolytic anemia and indirect hyperbilirubinemia in newborns. The most common minor blood group antigens that cause blood incompatibility between the mother and baby are C, c, E, e, Kell, Duffy, Diego, Kidd and MNSs antigens. In this article, a newborn in whom hyperbilirubinemia due to anti-E minor blood group incompatibility developed and was treated with phototherapy succesfully is presented and minor blood group incompatibilities due to anti-E are reviewed

    180-W XPS GreenLight laser vaporization for benign prostate hyperplasia: 12-month safety and efficacy results for glands larger than 80 ml

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    WOS: 000348297900042PubMed ID: 25274195The purpose of the current study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of laser prostatectomy by using the latest 180-W XPS GreenLight laser with the new MoXy fiber in the surgical treatment of glands larger than 80 mL in a prospective study. From December 2011 to May 2013, 68 consecutive patients with a mean age of 71.1 +/- 9.8 years (range 49 to 85) underwent 180-W XPS laser prostatectomy at our institution. The baseline characteristics, perioperative data, and complications were recorded. Evaluation of outcomes was assessed at 3, 6, and 12 months postoperatively comparing subjective (International Prostate Symptom Score [IPSS], International Index of Erectile Function-5 [IIEF-5]) and objective (Maximal flow rate [Q(max)], postvoid residual urine [PVR], transrectal ultrasound [TRUS] volume) parameters to the preoperative data. Mean preoperative prostate volume was 104.3 +/- 29.7 mL (range 81 to 185). Mean operation time was 65.5 +/- 29.6 min (range 38 to 124), with a mean energy delivery of 398 +/- 169 kJ (range 39 to 523). The catheterization time was 20.8 +/- 1.9 h (range 6 to 92) and the hospital stay was 27.3 +/- 8.7 h (range 12 to 80). No major intraoperative complications were observed. Improvement in IPSS, Q(max), and PVR was statistically significant (p < 0.001) at 3, 6, and 12 months. Urethral strictures were observed in two patients (2.9 %). No patients required reintervention due to residual adenoma. The average volume reduction was 40.5 % at 12 months. Photoselective vaporization of the prostate (PVP) using the new 180-W XPS GreenLight laser system seems to be a safe and effective procedure and could play an important role in the surgical treatment of symptomatic benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) patients with larger prostate volumes

    Üreter taşı hastalarında postüreteroskopik lezyon skalası ile emilen irrigasyon sıvısı arasında bağlantı var mı?

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    Objective: Post-Ureteroscopic Lesion Scale (PULS) is used to classify ureteral wall injury that occurs during ureteroscopy. In this study we presented the preliminary results of absorbed irrigation fluid volumes according to PULS grades. Material and Methods: Forty-four patients to whom 7F semirigid ureteoscopy was performed due to ureteral stone were included in the study. All patients received general anesthesia. Izotonic containing 1% ethanol was used as irrigation fluid. Ethanol concentration in venous blood was commenced to be measured at the start of irrigation use and was carried on at 15-minute intervals including the post-operative period in the recovery room. Absorbed fluid volume was calculated by using blood ethanol concentrations. Irrigation time, stone size and PULS grade were recorded. Results: Mean operation time was found to be 44.2 ± 19.9 minutes. Mean stone size was measured to be 12.7± 6 mm and mean irrigation fluid amount used was 1371±1262 ml. PULS grade of 0 was seen in 26 patients and that of 1 or more was seen in 18 patients. No patient had a PULS grade of 3 or 4. Mean absorbed fluid volume was measured to be 58 ± 50,6 ml. No significant correlation was found between PULS grade and mean absorbed fluid volume. Conclusion: Fluid absorption during URS is not correlated with the PULS grade. Semirigid URS is a safe treatment option for ureteral stone disease in terms of the level of irrigation fluid being absorbed.Amaç: Üreteroskopi esnasında üreter duvarında oluşan hasarı sınıflandırmak için Post-Üreteroskopik Lezyon Skalası (PULS) kullanılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada PULS derecelerine göre absorbe edilen irrigasyon sıvı hacimlerinin ön sonuçlarını sunduk. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Bu çalışmaya üreter taşı nedeniyle 7 F semirijid üreteroskopi uygulanan 44 hasta dahil edildi. Tüm hastalara genel anestezi uygulandı. %1 etanol içeren izotonik irrigasyon sıvısı olarak kullanıldı. Venöz kan etanol konsantrasyonları irrigasyon kullanılmaya başlaması ile ölçülmeye başlandı, operasyon sonrası derlenme odasını kapsayacak şekilde 15 dakika arayla periyodik ölçüldü. Absorbe edilen sıvı hacmi kan etanol konsantrasyonları kullanılarak hesaplandı. İrrigasyon süresi, taş boyutu, PULS derecesi kaydedildi.Bulgular: Ortalama operasyon süresi 44.2 ± 19.9 dakika olarak saptandı. Ortalama taş hacmi 12.7± 6 mm ve ortalama kullanılan irrigasyon sıvı miktarı 1371±1262 mL olarak ölçüldü. Hastaların 26’sınde PULS derecesi 0 iken 18’inde 1 veya üzerindeydi üzerindeydi. Hiçbir hastada PULS derecesi 3 veya 4 olmadı. Ortalama absorbe edilen sıvı hacmi 58 ± 50,6 mL olarak hesaplandı. PULS derecesi ile ortalama absorbe edilen sıvı miktarı arasında istatistiksel anlamlı fark saptanmadı.Sonuç: URS esnasında oluşan PULS derecesi 1-2 olan veya düşük dereceli submukozal üreter lezyonlarıyla sıvı emilimi korele bulunmamıştır. Semirijid URS, üreter taşı hastalığı tedavisinde irrigasyon sıvısının emilimi açısından güvenli bir yöntemdir

    Anatolian Urbans And Urban People Between The Thirteenth And The Fifteenth Centuries

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    Tarih alanında kentler ile ilgili birçok çalışmanın varlığı bilinmektedir. Ancak bu çalışmada onlardan farklı olarak kent denilen olgunun tek bir yönüne değinmek ya da belli bir kenti ele almak yerine belli bir dönem üzerine kentler ile ilgili genel bir değerlendirme yapmaya çalıştık. Yani bu çalışmadaki temel amacın günümüzde birçoğumuzun içerisinde yer aldığımız kent ve kent kültürünün, XIII-XV. yüzyıllardaki yansımalarını ortaya koymak olduğunu göreceğiz. Bu yansımaları ortaya koymaya çalışırken bir kente ait olan fiziki yapılar yani mimari anlayışı, kentlerdeki yönetim anlayışı ve görevliler, sosyal hayatı oluşturan gruplar, eğlence kültürü, günlük yaşayışlar, ekonomik hayat ve bu hayatın kentleri ne ölçüde etkilediği gibi temel etkenler etrafında döneme ait bir kent portresi çizmeye çalıştık. Kısacası XIII-XV. yüzyıl aralığında genel olarak “Beylikler Dönemi” olarak adlandırılan bu dönemde kent denilen olgu nedir, bu olgunun kökeni nereden gelmektedir, günümüzdeki bir kent ile karşılaştırdığımızda benzer ya da farklı yönleri nelerdir gibi soruların cevaplarının bu çalışmada arandığı söylenebilir.That there have been numerous studies about urban areas in history is well known. Yet, in this study, different from others focusing on one single aspect of the term “urban areas” (city) or on one single urban area, an evaluation on urban areas in general during a definite time period was carried out. Namely, the main purpose of this study is to reveal the reflections of urban areas and urban culture in which we take part today, between 13th and 15th centuries. While revealing these reflections, it was aimed to create a portrait of an urban area making use of terms like architecture, namely physical structures; perception of management in urban areas and officials; groups making up the social life; entertainment culture; daily life; financial life and the extent this financial life has an impact on urban places. Shortly, suffice it to say that in this study it was aimed to find answers to questions like what an urban area is between 13th and 15th centuries, where the origins of this phenomenon come from, what the similarities and differences are when compared to today`s urban areas