25 research outputs found

    Overexpression of BUNDLE SHEATH DEFECTIVE 2 improves the efficiency of photosynthesis and growth in Arabidopsis

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    Bundle Sheath Defective 2, BSD2, is a stroma-targeted protein initially identified as a factor required for the biogenesis of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBisCO) in maize. Plants and algae universally have a homologous gene for BSD2 and its deficiency causes a RuBisCO-less phenotype. As RuBisCO can be the rate-limiting step in CO2 assimilation, the overexpression of BSD2 might improve photosynthesis and productivity through the accumulation of RuBisCO. To examine this hypothesis, we produced BSD2 overexpression lines in Arabidopsis. Compared with wild type, the BSD2 overexpression lines BSD2ox-2 and BSD2ox-3 expressed 4.8-fold and 8.8-fold higher BSD2 mRNA, respectively, whereas the empty-vector (EV) harbouring plants had a comparable expression level. The overexpression lines showed a significantly higher CO2 assimilation rate per available CO2 and productivity than EV plants. The maximum carboxylation rate per total catalytic site was accelerated in the overexpression lines, while the number of total catalytic sites and RuBisCO content were unaffected. We then isolated recombinant BSD2 (rBSD2) from E. coli and found that rBSD2 reduces disulfide bonds using reductants present in vivo, for example glutathione, and that rBSD2 has the ability to reactivate RuBisCO that has been inactivated by oxidants. Furthermore, 15% of RuBisCO freshly isolated from leaves of EV was oxidatively inactivated, as compared with 0% in BSD2-overexpression lines, suggesting that the overexpression of BSD2 maintains RuBisCO to be in the reduced active form in vivo. Our results demonstrated that the overexpression of BSD2 improves photosynthetic efficiency in Arabidopsis and we conclude that it is involved in mediating RuBisCO activation.This work was supported in part by a JSPS KAKENHIGrant Number 26450081 (HS), 16H06552 (WY), A-STEP from theJapan Science and Technology Agency (HS), the Ministry of Edu-cation, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) as part ofJoint Research Program implemented at the Institute of PlantScience and Resources, Okayama University in Japan (HS), grantsfrom the Advanced Low Carbon Technology Research and Devel-opment Program from the Japan Science and Technology Agency(ST, TK, and HS), and the Join Usage/Research Center, Institute ofPlant Science and Resources, Okayama University (HS), and theJapan Society for the Promotion of Science under the Japan-UKResearch Cooperative Program from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan (TK). JT is sup-ported by Research Fellowships for Young Scientists from JSPS,and FAB is supported by the Australian Government through theAustralian Research Council Centre of Excellence for TranslationalPhotosynthesis (CE1401000015)

    Distinct impacts of sleep-disordered breathing on glycemic variability in patients with and without diabetes mellitus.

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    Sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) is highly prevalent in patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) and heart failure (HF) and contributes to poor cardiovascular outcomes. Enlarged glycemic variability (GV) is a risk factor of cardiac events independently of average blood glucose level, but the influence of SDB on GV is uncertain. In this study, we examined whether the impact of SDB on GV is modified by the presence of DM with or without HF.Two hundred three patients (67.5±14.1 [SD] years old, 132 males) who were admitted to our institute for examination or treatment of DM and/or HF underwent continuous glucose monitoring and polysomnography. Both HbA1c (8.0±2.0 vs. 5.7±0.4%) and mean amplitude of glycemic excursion (MAGE, median: 95.5 vs. 63.5 mg/dl) were significantly higher in a DM group (n = 100) than in a non-DM group (n = 103), but apnea-hypopnea index (AHI: 29.0±22.7 vs. 29.3±21.5) was similar in the two groups. AHI was correlated with log MAGE in the non-DM group but not in the DM group, and multivariate regression analysis revealed that AHI was an independent variable for log MAGE in the non-DM group but not in the DM group. We then divided the non-DM patients into two subgroups according to BNP level (100 pg/ml). AHI was positively correlated with log MAGE (r = 0.74, p<0.001) in the non-DM low-BNP subgroup, but such a correlation was not found in the non-DM high-BNP subgroup. Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) reduced MAGE from 75.3 to 53.0 mg/dl in the non-DM group but did not reduce MAGE in the DM group.Severity of SDB was associated with higher GV, but DM as well as HF diminished the contribution of SDB to GV. Treatment with CPAP was effective for reduction of GV only in patients without DM