2 research outputs found

    Ethnobotanical studies of weed plants in rice field ecosystem

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    Tamilnadu is one of the leading states in rice production in India. Weeds are widely found and are tremendously grown everywhere on paddy fields. Ethnobotany have gained importance during recent years. Based on this, an ethnobotanical exploration has been carried to find out the medicinal values of weed plants growing in the paddy fields of Annamalai Nagar, Cuddalore district. The study reveals the importance of the weed plants associated with paddy fields, a total of 40 species of weeds belonging to 22 families has been recorded in meeting the multiple requirements of human beings

    Evaluation of polyhalite on growth, yield attributes and yield of blackgram (Vigna mungo L.)

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    Potassium is involved in a diverse range of processes within plants that are needed for their growth, yield and better quality. The polyhalite as a hydrated evaporate mineral that can be used directly as a source of potassic fertilizer. However, research on polyhalite's appropriateness and effectiveness, the present investigation aimed to evaluate the effect of polyhalite on growth, yield attributes, and yield of blackgram variety ADT 5 at Chinnakandiankuppam village, Vriddhachalam, Cuddalore district, Tamil Nadu, during 2021. The experiment was laid out in randomized block design consisting of ten treatments viz., T1 (absolute control), T2 (-K), T3 (12.5 kg K2O ha-1 as muriate of potash (MOP)), T4 (25 kg K2O ha-1as MOP), T5 (37.5 kg K2O ha-1 as MOP), T6 (50 kg K2O ha-1 as MOP), T7 (12.5 kg K2O ha-1 as polyhalite),  T8 (25 kg K2O ha-1 as polyhalite), T9 (37.5 kg K2O ha-1 as polyhalite), T10 (50 kg K2O ha-1 as polyhalite). The experiment revealed that the application of 37.5 kg K2O ha-1 as polyhalite (T9) significantly (5%) enhanced the growth attributes (plant height (38.7 cm), number of branches plant-1 (12.97), leaf area index (2.13), number of nodules plant-1 (18.76) and dry matter production (1972 hg ha-1), yield attributes (pod length (8.21 cm), number of pods plant-1 (20.05), number of seeds pod-1 (7.14) and test weight (3.53 g)) and grain yield (1439 kg ha-1), haulm yield (1876 kg ha-1) of blackgram. Thus the study would be helpful to farmers for yield maximization of blackgram through polyhalite as potassic fertilizer.    