465 research outputs found

    Ferroelectricity induced by spin-dependent metal-ligand hybridization in Ba2_2CoGe2_2O7_7

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    We have investigated the variation of induced ferroelectric polarization under magnetic field with various directions and magnitudes in a staggered antiferromagnet Ba2_2CoGe2_2O7_7. While the ferroelectric polarization cannot be explained by the well-accepted spin current model nor exchange striction mechanism, we have shown that it is induced by the spin-dependent pp-dd hybridization between the transition-metal (Co) and ligand (O) via the spin-orbit interaction. On the basis of the correspondence between the direction of electric polarization and the magnetic state, we have also demonstrated the electrical control of the magnetization direction.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Giant directional dichroism of terahertz light in resonance with magnetic excitations of the multiferroic oxide BaCo2_2Ge2_2O7_7

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    We propose that concurrently magnetic and ferroelectric, i.e. multiferroic, compounds endowed with electrically-active magnetic excitations (electromagnons) provide a key to produce large directional dichroism for long wavelengths of light. By exploiting the control of ferroelectric polarization and magnetization in a multiferroic oxide Ba2_2CoGe2_2O7_7, we demonstrate the realization of such a directional light-switch function at terahertz frequecies in resonance with the electromagnon absorption. Our results imply that this hidden potential is present in a broad variety of multiferroics

    Mechanisms of enhanced orbital dia- and paramagnetism: Application to the Rashba semiconductor BiTeI

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    We study the magnetic susceptibility of a layered semiconductor BiTeI with giant Rashba spin splitting both theoretically and experimentally to explore its orbital magnetism. Apart from the core contributions, a large temperature-dependent diamagnetic susceptibility is observed when the Fermi energy E_F is near the crossing point of the conduction bands, while the susceptibility turns to be paramagnetic when E_F is away from it. These features are consistent with first-principles calculations, which also predict an enhanced orbital magnetic susceptibility with both positive and negative signs as a function of E_F due to band (anti)crossings. Based on these observations, we propose two mechanisms for an enhanced paramagnetic orbital susceptibility.Comment: 4 figures; added reference

    Anomalous Nernst Effect in Nonmagnetic Nodal Line Semimetal PbTaSe2_2

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    PbTaSe2_2 is a unique topological material, in which the number of nodal lines is expected to change at the structural transition between the lower temperature/pressure "L" phase and the higher temperature/pressure "H" phase. We report the anomalous Nernst effect attributed to the Berry curvature of nodal lines and its change with the structural transition. In the L phase, the Nernst coefficient (SyxS_{yx}) shows the step-like magnetic field dependence reminiscent of the anomalous Nernst effect of nonmagnetic Dirac/Weyl semimetals. By applying hydrostatic pressure, we discovered that the amplitude of the anomalous component significantly decreases at the transition to the H phase, which might correspond to the partial annihilation of nodal line structures.Comment: 29 page, 14 figure

    Dynamics of Multiferroic Domain Wall in Spin-Cycloidal Ferroelectric DyMnO3_{3}

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    We report the dielectric dispersion of the giant magnetocapacitance (GMC) in multiferroic DyMnO3_{3} over a wide frequency range. The GMC is found to be attributable not to the softened electromagnon but to the electric-field-driven motion of multiferroic domain wall (DW). In contrast to conventional ferroelectric DWs, the present multiferroic DW motion holds extremely high relaxation rate of ∼\sim10710^{7} s−1^{-1} even at low temperatures. This mobile nature as well as the model simulation suggests that the multiferroic DW is not atomically thin as in ferroelectrics but thick, reflecting its magnetic origin.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Giant magneto-optical response in non-magnetic semiconductor BiTeI driven by bulk Rashba spin splitting

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    We study the magneto-optical (MO) response of polar semiconductor BiTeI with giant bulk Rashba spin splitting at various carrier densities. Despite being non-magnetic, the material is found to yield a huge MO activity in the infrared region under moderate magnetic fields (<3 T). By comparison with first-principles calculations, we show that such an enhanced MO response is mainly due to the intraband transitions between the Rashba-split bulk conduction bands in BiTeI, which give rise to distinct novel features and systematic doping dependence of the MO spectra. We further predict an even more pronounced enhancement in the low-energy MO response and dc Hall effect near the crossing (Dirac) point of the conduction bands

    Three-dimensional bulk band dispersion in polar BiTeI with giant Rashba-type spin splitting

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    In layered polar semiconductor BiTeI, giant Rashba-type spin-split band dispersions show up due to the crystal structure asymmetry and the strong spin-orbit interaction. Here we investigate the 3-dimensional (3D) bulk band structures of BiTeI using the bulk-sensitive hνh\nu-dependent soft x-ray angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (SX-ARPES). The obtained band structure is shown to be well reproducible by the first-principles calculations, with huge spin splittings of ∼300{\sim}300 meV at the conduction-band-minimum and valence-band-maximum located in the kz=π/ck_z=\pi/c plane. It provides the first direct experimental evidence of the 3D Rashba-type spin splitting in a bulk compound.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Coexistence of Ferromagnetism and Superconductivity in Noncentrosymmetric Materials with Cubic Symmetry

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    This is a model study for the emergence of superconductivity in ferromagnetically ordered phases of cubic materials whose crystal structure lacks inversion symmetry. A Ginzburg-Landau-type theory is used to find the ferromagnetic state and to determine the coupling of magnetic order to superconductivity. It is found that noncentrosymmetricity evokes a helical magnetic phase. If the wavelength of the magnetic order is long enough, it gives rise to modulations of the order parameter of superconductivity, both in modulus and complex phase. At magnetic domain walls the nucleation of superconductivity is found to be suppressed as compared to the interior of ferromagnetic domains.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Strongly spin-orbit coupled two-dimensional electron gas emerging near the surface of polar semiconductors

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    We investigate the two-dimensional (2D) highly spin-polarized electron accumulation layers commonly appearing near the surface of n-type polar semiconductors BiTeX (X = I, Br, and Cl) by angular-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. Due to the polarity and the strong spin-orbit interaction built in the bulk atomic configurations, the quantized conduction-band subbands show giant Rashba-type spin-splitting. The characteristic 2D confinement effect is clearly observed also in the valence-bands down to the binding energy of 4 eV. The X-dependent Rashba spin-orbit coupling is directly estimated from the observed spin-split subbands, which roughly scales with the inverse of the band-gap size in BiTeX.Comment: 15 pages 4 figure
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