1,105 research outputs found
Uteluftsventilerad krypgrund, teori och praktik
Uteluftsventilerade krypgrunder är kända för att kunna drabbas av problem med hög relativ luftfuktighet inne i kryputrymmet. Förhållandena som uppstår kan då vara gynnsamma för biologisk påväxt vilket i sin tur kan ha en negativ inverkan på både konstruktionens hållfasthet och inomhusluftens kvalitet. Problem uppstår dels på grund av att krypgrunden förblir för kall sommartid och dels på grund av en hög fuktbelastning från underliggande mark. I denna rapport härleds nya teoretiska samband för att beskriva hur temperaturen vid blindbotten inne i krypgrunden beror av temperaturen inomhus, utomhus och vid grundbotten. Metoden kan användas för att uppskatta hur relativa luftfuktigheten varierar inne i kryputrymmet och hur denna påverkas av olika åtgärder. Forskningsarbetet har här riktat in sig på att undersöka effekten av ventilation kombinerat med värmetillförsel, och en framtagen regleralgoritm påvisar att värmetillförsel kan användas periodvis under kritiska perioder för att öka mängden fukt som ventilation kan föra ut ur krypgrunden.Outdoor air-ventilated crawls spaces are known to face problems caused by a high relative humidity inside the crawl space. The conditions then become favourable for different types of biological fouling. This in turn can have a negative impact on both the structural properties of building materials and the quality of the indoor air. Problems with high relative humidity are partly due to insufficient heating of the crawl space during the summer and partly due to a high moisture load from the ground below. In this report, new theoretical relations are derived that explain how the temperature beneath the floor structure is related to the temperature indoors, outdoors, and at the ground surface. The method can be used to estimate how the relative humidity varies inside the crawl space and how it can be affected by different measures. We have focused on measures based on combinations of controlled ventilation and heating, and developed a control algorithm which suggests that additional heating could be used periodically, during critical periods, to increase the amount of moisture that can be removed from the crawl space using ventilation
Opiskelijoiden osallistaminen aktiivisemmiksi toimijoiksi : Pohjois- Karjalan koulutuskuntayhtymä Joensuu Tekniikan yksikkö
Kehittämishankkeeni tavoitteena on saada esille mahdollisuuksia, joiden avulla Pohjois-Karjalan koulutuskuntayhtymän Joensuu Tekniikan yksikön opiskelijat saataisiin aktiivisemmin osallistumaan opiskelijakunnan hallituksen (JOPO) järjestämiin tapahtumiin ja tempauksiin. Yhtenä osa-alueena opinnäytetyöni käsittelee osallisuuden tasoja sekä sosiaalisen vahvistamisen käytänteitä, joiden avulla osallisuus toteutuisi nykytilaa paremmin. Osallisuuteen liittyy vahvasti tieto itseä koskevista asioista, eikä myöskään kokemusta itseä koskeviin vaikutusmahdollisuuksiin voi unohtaa.
Ammattialalle opinnäytetyöstä tekee ajankohtaisen se kuinka sosiaalinen vahvistaminen toteutuu ammattiopetuksen arjessa. Opinnäytetyössä käsitellään sosiaalisten vahvistamisen näkökulmaa kehitettäessä toiminnasta opiskelijalähtöistä sekä kuinka opiskelijoiden omaa kansalaisvaikuttamista voitaisiin kehittää innostavuudella.
Opinnäytetyötä varten hankitun aineiston avulla JOPO saa tietoa, missä formaateissa Tekniikan yksikön opiskelijat haluavat heitä koskevista tapahtumista tiedotettavan sekä millä tasolla opiskelijoiden tietous on heille järjestetyistä tapahtumista. Opinnäyteyö tarjoaa näkökulmia ja idoita, millä keinoin opiskelijalähtöisyyttä voitaisiin kehittää, että Tekniikan yksikön opiskelijat saataisiin paremmin innostettua ja osallistettua yhteisiin tapahtumiin sekä toimimaan aktiivisempina vaikuttajina omassa oppimisympäristössään.
Aineistosta sain selville kuinka tapahtumista tiedottamiseen haluttaisiin kehitystä. Vaikutusmahdollisuuksien koetaan paranevan, jos opiskelijat tietäisivät paremmin, kuinka oppilaitoksessa voi vaikuttaa sekä mitkä asiat vaikuttavat opiskelijoiden aktiivisuutta lisäävästi. Tarkastelen opiskelijalähtöisyyttä vertaistuen, sosiaalisen vahvistamisen käytänteiden, osallisuuden tasojen sekä yhteisötoiminnan kautta. Käsittelen myös opiskelijoiden itsensä vastuuta omasta aktiivisuudesta ja osallisuuteen vaikuttavista näkökulmista.The goal of my development project is to bring out ways to get students of Pohjois-Karjalan koulutuskuntayhtymä Joensuu Tekniikan yksikkö to take part in events organized by the student board
(JOPO) more active. This thesis partly covers levels of participation and customs of social empowerment which will improve participation. Participation has to do with knowledge of those matters that involves students.
This thesis is topical because of how social empowerment occurs in daily professional training. In
thesis I process point of view of social empowerment to make activity more student oriented and how
to raise students’ civil activity skills by improving motivation.
The material acquired for this thesis will give knowledge to JOPO in which formats the students of technical unit want information of events and how well the students think they have been informed
about those events. Thesis also offers point of views and ideas how to improve student oriented approach so that students would be more motivated, participate events more active and work mor
e active to effect on their school environment.
I found out from the material that students wanted that events should be announced earlier. Students
feel that their ways to affect would be better if they knew how they can affect in their school. I examine student oriented approaching by peer supporting, knowledge of social empowerment, levels of participation and co-working. I also reflect students’ responsibility of their own activity and the point of
views that effect on participation
Effect of acute ether or restraint stress on plasma corticotropin-releasing hormone, vasopressin and oxytocin levels in the rat.
Ether and restraint stress-induced peripheral plasma corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH), arginine vasopressin (AVP), oxytocin (OXY) and adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) levels were measured by radioimmunoassays. Plasma CRH, AVP, OXY and ACTH rose to approximately twice the level of control rats 2 min after the onset of a 1-min exposure to ether. Plasma CRH rose further 5 min after the onset of ether stress, while plasma AVP and OXY returned to the baseline levels at 5 min. Plasma CRH, OXY and ACTH showed significant elevation 2 min after the onset of restraint stress, while plasma AVP did not show a significant change. Plasma OXY and ACTH rose further 5 min after the onset of restraint stress, whereas plasma CRH returned to baseline levels. CRH and OXY concentrations in the hypothalamic median eminence decreased 5 min after the onset of ether exposure and restraint, while the AVP concentration did not differ from control levels. The results, including the discrepancy between plasma CRH and ACTH 5 min after stress, suggest that CRH in the peripheral plasma is derived from both hypothalamic and extrahypothalamic tissues. The levels of stress-induced CRH in the peripheral plasma were sufficient to stimulate ACTH release. These results suggest that ether and restraint stress elevate plasma CRH shortly after the onset of the stress, and that this elevation in the plasma CRH level is at least partly responsible for stress-induced ACTH secretion.</p
Bendamustine Plus Rituximab as Salvage Treatment for Patients with Relapsed or Refractory Low-grade B-cell Lymphoma and Mantle Cell Lymphoma: A Single-Center Retrospective Study
Bendamustine plus rituximab (B-R) is an effective therapy for relapsed or refractory (r/r) low-grade B-cell lymphoma (LGBCL) and mantle cell lymphoma (MCL); however, clinical data from Japanese patients treated with B-R therapy are limited. We retrospectively evaluated the efficacy and safety of B-R therapy in 42 patients who received B-R therapy at our hospital for r/r LGBCL and MCL. All patients received intravenous (IV) ritux-imab 375 mg/m2 on day 1 and IV bendamustine 90 mg/m2 on days 2 and 3 every 28 days for up to 6 cycles. The common histologic subtypes were follicular lymphoma (n = 29, 70%), marginal zone lymphoma (n = 6, 14%), and MCL (n = 5, 12%). The overall response rate was 93%, with 62% complete response and complete response unconfirmed. The median progression-free survival (PFS) was 38 months (95% confidence interval [CI], 24.6 to not reached [NR]), and the median overall survival (OS) was 80 months (95% CI, 60.7 to NR). Patients receiving a cumulative dose of bendamustine ≥ 720 mg/m2 showed a significantly longer PFS and OS. Grade 3/4 adverse events (≥ 10%) included neutropenia (55%), lymphopenia (69%), and nausea (24%). B-R therapy was effective and well tolerated, and the cumulative dose of bendamustine was associated with a favorable outcome
Suzaku Discovery of a Hard X-Ray Tail in the Persistent Spectra from the Magnetar 1E 1547.0-5408 during its 2009 Activity
The fastest-rotating magnetar 1E 1547.0-5408 was observed in broad-band
X-rays with Suzaku for 33 ks on 2009 January 28-29, 7 days after the onset of
its latest bursting activity. After removing burst events, the
absorption-uncorrected 2-10 keV flux of the persistent emission was measured
with the XIS as 5.7e-11 ergs cm-2 s-1, which is 1-2 orders of magnitude higher
than was measured in 2006 and 2007 when the source was less active. The
persistent emission was also detected significantly with the HXD in >10 keV up
to at least ~110 keV, with an even higher flux of 1.3e-10 ergs cm-2 s-1 in
20-100 keV. The pulsation was detected at least up to 70 keV at a period of
2.072135+/-0.00005 s, with a deeper modulation than was measured in a fainter
state. The phase-averaged 0.7-114 keV spectrum was reproduced by an absorbed
blackbody emission with a temperature of 0.65+/-0.02 keV, plus a hard power-law
with a photon index of ~1.5. At a distance of 9 kpc, the bolometric luminosity
of the blackbody and the 2-100 keV luminosity of the hard power-law are
estimated as (6.2+/-1.2)e+35 ergs s-1 and 1.9e+36 ergs s-1, respectively, while
the blackbody radius becomes ~5 km. Although the source had not been detected
significantly in hard X-rays during the past fainter states, a comparison of
the present and past spectra in energies below 10 keV suggests that the hard
component is more enhanced than the soft X-ray component during the persistent
activity.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, PASJ Vol.62 No.2 accepte
Indoor navigation using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) beacons
The popularity of indoor navigation has significantly increased during the last decade. Nowadays, many studies aim to develop new indoor navigation systems and improve the accuracy of the already existing ones. Unfortunately, no definitive method for indoor navigation has been approved yet, which is why this type of systems are not as accessible as those used for outdoor navigation.
The purpose of this thesis is to introduce the concept of indoor navigation and demonstrate how common electronic devices can be used to create a simple indoor navigation system. In order to do this, a mobile Android application that helps users navigate inside a building was developed. Signal readings and other information broadcasted by Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) devices, known as beacons, were used as reference for this application. In addition to this, adapters and sensors integrated into the mobile device were used to track the user’s movement. The application is also capable of providing information to the user related to their location using additional data attachments associated to the beacons.
This application is only a prototype meant to provide an idea of how indoor navigation could be possible using no more than a smartphone and few BLE beacons. Even though the system proved to work quite well within the testing area, there are still plenty of aspects that can be improved
Shape Estimation of Defects on Steam Generator Tubes
Most of the nuclear power plants(NPPs) now in service in Japan are based on either of two reactor technologies — PWR and BWR. While the PWR plant requires steam generators(SG), the BWR plant needs no separate SG because of its capability to produce steam directly. On one hand, the need for installation of SG makes the size of the PWR plant larger than that of the BWR plant, while on the other, separate SG installation offers an advantage in that the controlled area in the PWR plant can be limited, resulting in easier plant maintenance, compared with the BWR plant. Accordingly SG maintenance to preclude radioactive substances from flowing out into the secondary system is one of the most important tasks in operating PWR plants
Data-driven Exploration of New Pressure-induced Superconductivity in PbBiTe with Two Transition Temperatures
Candidates compounds for new thermoelectric and superconducting materials,
which have narrow band gap and flat bands near band edges, were exhaustively
searched by the high-throughput first-principles calculation from an inorganic
materials database named AtomWork. We focused on PbBiTe which has the
similar electronic band structure and the same crystal structure with those of
a pressure-induced superconductor SnBi2Se4 explored by the same data-driven
approach. The PbBiTe was successfully synthesized as single crystals
using a melt and slow cooling method. The core level X-ray photoelectron
spectroscopy analysis revealed Pb2+, Bi3+ and Te2- valence states in
PbBiTe. The thermoelectric properties of the PbBiTe sample were
measured at ambient pressure and the electrical resistivity was also evaluated
under high pressure using a diamond anvil cell with boron-doped diamond
electrodes. The resistivity decreased with increase of the pressure, and two
pressure-induced superconducting transitions were discovered at 3.4 K under
13.3 GPa and at 8.4 K under 21.7 GPa. The data-driven approach shows promising
power to accelerate the discovery of new thermoelectric and superconducting
Jätevesipumppamoiden CE-merkintä
Vuoden 2013 heinäkuun alusta lähtien EU:n alueella käytetyille rakennustuotteille alettiin vaatia rakennustuoteasetuksen mukaista pakollista CE-merkintää. Kyseisen asetuksen voimaan astumisen jälkeen kaikilla rakennustuotteilla, jotka kuuluvat harmonisoitujen tuotestandardien alaisuuteen, on oltava CE-merkintä. Merkintä ilmoittaa tuotteen ominaisuudet, mahdollisen tyyppitestauksen ja sen, että tuote on harmonisoidun standardin mukainen ja tarvittaessa valvottu. Lisäksi tuotteen valmistajan on jatkuvasti huolehdittava, että tuote ja tuotanto vastaavat standardeissa asetettuja viiden vuoden välein päivittyviä vaatimuksia.
CE-merkintä ei kuitenkaan kerro tuotteen käyttäjälle suoraan onko tuote sopiva suunnitel-tuun käyttökohteeseen, eli käyttäjän onkin aina varmistettava että tuote vastaa myös mahdollisia paikallisia viranomaismääräyksiä. Merkinnän varsinaisena ideana on helpottaa tuotteiden liikkuvuutta EU:n sisämarkkinoilla saattamalla eri maissa valmistetut tuotteet samalla viivalle asettamalla niille yhtenäiset vaatimukset.
Tässä raportissa esitetyn insinöörityön tavoitteena oli selvittää, miten hankkia Grundfos Enviroment Finlandin (GEF) uudelle pumppaamomallistolle CE-merkintä, ja tuottaa kaikki merkintään tarvittava materiaali. Työssä esitetään CE-merkinnän teoriaa erityisesti rakennustuoteasetuksen näkökulmasta sekä raportoidaan, miten itse merkintä hankittiin tuotteille. Lähdemateriaalina työssä käytetään alan teknillistä kirjallisuutta, tuote-esitteitä sekä verkkomateriaaleja.
Työn lopputuloksena laajennettiin GEF:n tuotannon asiantuntemusta CE-merkinnän kanssa toimimisessa ja hankittiin uudelle tuoteperheelle CE-merkintä sekä sen vaatimat materiaalit. Työtä suorittaessa havaittiin, että CE-merkintä tulee jatkossakin työllistämään yrityksen henkilökuntaa ja se vaatii jatkuvaa työntekijöiden asiantuntemuksen kasvattamista.From the beginning of July 2013, it has been mandatory for construction products sold or manufactured within the EU area to have a CE-marking according to the regulations of construction products. This regulation declares that all construction products that comply with the harmonized European standards must have a CE-marking. The marking declares what properties the product has, if the product has been typetested and if the product is under the supervision of a third party. The manufacturer also has to take care that the products and production continue to meet the requirements stated in harmonized standards, which are updated in five-year cycles.
A CE marking does not, however, guarantee a purchaser or the user of the product that the product is suitable for the considered use, and therefore, the users have to make sure that the product also meets the requirements set by local authorities. The main purpose of the CE marking is to enable the free movement of construction products within the EU area, by placing all products under the harmonized requirements.
The main goal of this report was finding out how to acquire a CE-marking for a new pump-ing station range of Grundfos Environment Finland (GEF), and to produce the required materials and data for the process. The study examines the theory of CE-marking mainly for products related to the Construction Products Regulation, and it also discusses how the marking is acquired for this pumping station range. The source material for this report has been collected from field-related technical materials, data sheets and web materials.
As a result of this project, the CE-marking expertise of the GEF production personnel was expanded, and the new Grundfos pumping station range was approved for the CE-mark-ing. During the process it was also found out that issues regarding the CE-marking will continue to tax the resources of the personnel and furthermore constant training of the employees is required to keep knowledge on suitable level
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