807 research outputs found


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    Application of Controlled-release Fertilizer to Netted Melon Cultivation Using Root-proof Capillary Wick

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    Use of controlled-release fertilizer in limited amount of soil and sand medium for netted melon cultivation using a root-proof capillary wick was investigated. The first experiment consisted of 3 lots of soil medium. 1) 3L medium used throughout the cultivation period (A); 2) 6L medium used throughout the cultivation period (B); 3) 3L used until pollination stage, then a partitioning board removed to increase the growth medium to 6L (C). Average of one fruit weight was 1.4 kg in A and B, but only 1.2 kg in C. Brix° value was 13.1 in A, 13.6 in B and 13.4 in C, respectively. The stem diameter at the time of pollination was largest in B in which there was fruit cracking that was also observed in C, but not in A. The root dry weight was highest in A. These results indicate that the restricted medium of 3L presents a potential for good fruit production. The second experiment consisted of 4 lots with 3L medium each: 1) soil and fertilizer medium as in experiment 1; 2) sand and fertilizer medium as in lot 1); 3) sand and slower release fertilizer; 4) sand and half of fertilizer at planting and an additional fertilizer bag placed on the wick at time of pollination. Although cracking fruits occurred 75% in 3) and 37.5% in 4), there was no cracking of fruits in 1) and 2), in which fruit weight in the latter was 1.5kg and brix° value of 14.5 was obtained. These results indicate that controlled-release fertilizer is useful for fruit production of netted melon in sand medium of 3L with a high potential for reuse

    CHO-K1 host cell engineering strategy enabling the establishment of strains producing higher yields of recycling antibodies

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    As described elsewhere (Biotechnol Bioeng 2010, 2013), our DXB11 (dhfr–) host cell engineering strategy achieved high cell viability for a prolonged period (more than 1 month) and enhanced mAb productivity (\u3e100 pg/cell/day) by nutritional control. Introduction of taurine transporter (TAUT) into DXB11 parent cells increased glutamine uptake and accelerated glutathione metabolism. By forcing the overexpression of TAUT, we were able to control DXB11 host cell functions and thereby increase the monoclonal antibody (mAb) titer up to 8.1 g/L/31 days under conventional 1-L bioreactor fed-batch conditions. Furthermore, the mAb produced by the DXB11/TAUT cells was comparable in quality to the mAb produced by the parent cells. In this study, we used CHO-K1 host cells and a chemically defined medium (CDM) for the development of cell lines producing recycling antibodies (rcAb). CDM adaptation and TAUT overexpression improved CHO-K1 cell performance. Rapid-growth CHO-K1/TAUT cells were developed, and these enabled the establishment of strains that produced higher yields of rcAb than did CHO-K1 parent cell (p \u3c 0.05). Viable cell density of these CHO-K1/TAUT/rcAb strains increased not only under shaker passage culture conditions (p \u3c 0.01) but also under shaker fed-batch culture conditions (p \u3c 0.01). These results suggest that our TAUT overexpression strategy also has a unique potential for the improvement of CHO-K1 host cells as well as DXB11 host cells


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    The present study was clarified a three-dimensional examination of the relation between the release parameters and throwing distances, in order to understand the initial flight characteristics of javelins. The subjects were 57 right-handed javelin throwers. The measured throwing distances ranged from 45.25 m to 87.17 m. The elite throwers had tendency to significant positive correlation between theoretical distance and initial velocity of javelin release. Throwers who achieved throwing distances of over 70m were observed to have throwing distances that were shorter than their theoretical distances, while those whose throwing distances were under 70 m group had throwing distances that were longer than their theoretical distances. When the data were applied to initial velocity of javelin release, it was equivalent to 26 m/s

    Numerical calculation of thermoreflectance coefficient of c-Si for wavelengths of 200-800 nm and temperatures of 300-500 K

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    In this paper, the thermoreflectance (TR) coefficient of c-Si is numerically calculated over the wavelength range of 200–800 nm and the temperature range of 300–500 K using a complex permittivity model that considers interband transitions and free carriers. The calculated results are in good agreement with literature values, and it is found that the temperature dependence of the TR coefficient is almost negligible at wavelengths above 500 nm. On the other hand, in the wavelength range of 200–500 nm, the TR coefficient depends strongly on the wavelength, and the temperature stability also changes significantly depending on the wavelength. This suggests that the wavelength of the probe light for TR measurement should be appropriately selected to realize high sensitivity and temperature stability, considering the constraints of the optical system and the temperature range of the sample

    The efficacy of secondary cytoreductive surgery for recurrent ovarian, tubal, or peritoneal cancer in Tian-model low-risk patients.

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    Objective: In patients with recurrent ovarian cancer (ROC) in whom surgery is likely to render them disease-free, it is unclear whether secondary cytoreductive surgery (SCS) combined with chemotherapy is superior to chemotherapy alone. The aim of this study was to evaluate the 2 treatment options in Tian-model low-risk patients. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed 118 ROC cases treated in our hospital between 2004 and 2016. Of these, 52 platinum-sensitive cases were classified as low-risk (complete resection anticipated) using the Tian model. Prognostic factors were assessed with univariate and multivariate analysis using Cox's regression model. Progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) were compared in patients treated with SCS plus chemotherapy (SCS group) and those treated with chemotherapy alone (chemotherapy group), using a propensity-score-based matching method. Results: By multivariate analysis, the only factor associated with better OS was SCS. PFS and OS were significantly longer in the SCS group compared to the chemotherapy group in the matched cohort (median PFS: 21.7 vs. 15.1 months, p=0.027 and median OS: 91.4 vs. 33.4 months, p=0.008, respectively). In cases with multiple-site recurrence, the SCS group also showed significantly longer OS than the chemotherapy group (median 91.4 vs. 34.8 months, p=0.022). In almost all SCS cases, cooperation was required from other departments, and operation time was lengthy (median 323 minutes); however, no serious complications occurred. Conclusion: SCS combined with chemotherapy results in better PFS and OS than chemotherapy alone in first platinum-sensitive ROC patients categorized as low-risk by Tian's model

    Mail-in data collection at SPring-8 protein crystallography beamlines

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    A mail-in data collection system at SPring-8, which is a web application with automated beamline operation, has been developed

    Human herpesvirus 6 infection impairs Toll-like receptor signaling

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    Human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) has a tropism for immunocompetent cells, including T lymphocytes, monocytes/macrophages, and dendritic cells (DCs) suggesting that HHV-6 infection affects the immunosurveillance system. Toll-like receptor (TLR) system plays an important role in innate immunity against various pathogens. In the present study, we investigated the effect of HHV-6 infection on the expression and intracellular signaling of TLRs in DCs. Although expression levels of TLRs were not decreased or slightly elevated following HHV-6 infection, the amounts of cytokines produced following stimulation with ligands for TLRs appeared to be dramatically decreased in HHV-6-infected DCs as compared to mock-infected DCs. Similarly, phosphorylation levels of TAK-1, IκB kinase, and IκB-α following stimulation of HHV-6-infected DCs with lipopolysaccharide, which is the ligand for TLR4, appeared to be decreased. These data show that HHV-6 impairs intracellular signaling through TLRs indicating the novel mechanism of HHV-6-mediated immunomodulation

    Preparation of a transparent and flexible self-standing film of layered titania/isostearate nanocomposite

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    ArticleJournal of Materials Research. 20(5):1308-1315 (2005)journal articl