35 research outputs found

    The Relationship Of Participation In Pregnancy Exercise With The Duration Of The Second Stage Of Labor In Primigravida

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    The duration of labor has a risk of causing perinatal death twice as high as normal delivery. The duration of this second stage in primiparas and multiparas is different, namely in primiparas it lasts 1.5-2 hours while in multiparas it lasts 0.5-1 hours. Efforts that can be made by pregnant women so that delivery runs smoothly can be controlled by doing pregnancy exercises. This study aims to determine the relationship between participation in pregnancy exercise and the duration of the second stage of labor in primigravida at the Pratama Bunda Tessa Lubuk Pakam Clinic in 2022. This type of research is a quantitative study with a descriptive correlation design through a cross sectional approach. The population of this study were all primigravida mothers who had delivered at the Mother Tessa Primary Clinic as many as 30 people. The sampling technique used a total sampling of 30 people. The research instrument used a questionnaire sheet which was analyzed using the chi-square test. The results showed that 50% of primigravida mothers who followed pregnancy exercise routinely and 50% who did not participate in pregnancy exercise. The duration of the second stage of labor in primigravida was normal (46.7%), fast (33.3%) and slow (20%). Through the chi-square test obtained p-value = 0.006. The conclusion of this study is the relationship between pregnancy exercise participation and the duration of the second stage of labor in primigravida. So it is hoped that the Mother Tessa Primary Clinic will provide Health Education to pregnant women about the causes of the length of labor, especially in the second stage. And it is also hoped that the clinic can maintain and implement policies for implementing pregnancy exercise for pregnant women, especially primigravida mothers, in an effort to maintain fitness and prepare physically and mentally in the delivery process


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    One of the measures to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 is the examination of an antigen swab. Data from Tanjung Morawa Village, Deli Serdang Regency in January-June 2022 from 17800 people who were positive for COVID-19 as many as 259 people (1.4%). This study aims to determine the analysis of the factors that influence people's behavior towards the antigen swab service at the Hamidah Tanjung Morawa Clinic, Deli Serdang Regency in 2022. The study used a quantitative type of observational research with a cross-sectional design. The population is the number of people in Tanjung Morawa Village, Deli Serdang Regency as many as 17800 people. The sample is 99 people with random sampling technique. Data analysis was carried out with univariate analysis, bivariate with Chi-Squre test and multivariate with multiple logistic regression test. The results showed that from 99 people the majority of the education was in the low category, namely 51 people (51.5%), knowledge was in the poor category, 50 people (50.5%), the attitude was in the negative category, namely 56 people (56.6%), the belief category was not sure. namely 57 people (57.6%), sources of information in the direct category are 56 people (56.6%), family support in the unsupportive category is 55 people (55.6%), the support from community leaders in the unsupportive category is 65 people (65 ,7%), the support of health workers in the supportive category was 61 people (61.6%) and the behavior of the community towards the antigen swab service in the non-category category was 51 people (51.5%). The conclusion that there is education (p = 0.000), economic status (p = 0.000), knowledge (p = 0.000), attitudes (p = 0.001), beliefs (p = 0.000), sources of information (p = 0.000), family support ( p = 0.001), support from community leaders (p = 0.002), support from health workers (p = 0.000) on community behavior in the antigen swab service at the Hamidah Tanjung Morawa Clinic, Deli Serdang Regency. The results of the multivariate variable that most influence the behavior of the antigen swab service community is knowledge. It is recommended that the community apply good community behavior in the antigen swab service to provide benefits in controlling the Covid-19 infection outbreak

    Smart Nutrition for a Golden Generation: Nutrition Education for Mothers of Toddlers

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    Optimal nutrition during early childhood is crucial in supporting the overall growth and development of children. This period is known as the golden age, during which brain and physical development occur very rapidly. Therefore, nutrition education for mothers of young children is a vital step in ensuring that future generations grow up to be healthy and intelligent individuals. Knowledge about the nutritional needs of young children, the proper way to provide complementary feeding (MP-ASI), and the prevention of malnutrition are the main focuses of this education. This article also presents various essential nutrients needed by young children and practical tips for mothers in providing MP-ASI. The Community Service Program (PKM) was held at the Nurtiana Ginting Clinic, Serdang Bedagai Regency, on May 4, 2024, involving 18 participants. The primary goal of this PKM is that with good nutrition education, it is hoped that mothers will become more skilled in providing healthy and balanced meals, thus supporting the creation of a healthy and intelligent golden generation. Adequate knowledge will help mothers make the right decisions regarding diet and food choices, ultimately supporting the creation of a healthy, intelligent, and highly competitive golden generation. Nutrition education also plays an important role in preventing various health problems that can arise from nutritional deficiencies or excesses, thereby significantly improving children's quality of life

    Sharing Knowledge: Utilizing Cape Gooseberry Fruit to Reduce the Risk of Hypertension in Pregnant Women

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    One of the frequently encountered health issues, particularly among pregnant women, is hypertension. Hypertension during pregnancy poses a serious risk to the health of both the pregnant woman and the fetus. This issue requires special attention, especially in providing information to the public about alternative approaches to managing blood pressure. To address this problem, an educational campaign on the benefits of cape gooseberry for hypertensive pregnant women was conducted. Cape gooseberry, scientifically known as Physalis angulata, holds the potential in helping to reduce blood pressure in hypertensive individuals. Compounds found within the cape gooseberry, such as flavonoids and polyphenols, possess anti-hypertensive properties that could benefit health. Several studies indicate that cape gooseberry can lower blood pressure. The Community Engagement Activity (PKM) was held in Lau Rakit Village, STM. Hilir Sub-district, Deli Serdang Regency, on November 29th, 2023, involving 15 participants. The primary aim of this PKM is to enhance public knowledge, particularly among hypertensive pregnant women, regarding the benefits of cape gooseberry in reducing blood pressure and the appropriate methods of consumption. Additionally, this activity aims to raise awareness about the significance of nutrition in maintaining health during pregnancy. The educational campaign succeeded in increasing public knowledge about the benefits of cape gooseberry in reducing blood pressure. Positive responses were evident through active participation among the community in seeking further information regarding cape gooseberry and its consumption. It is anticipated that this educational campaign will serve as a foundation in the endeavor to manage community health, particularly concerning hypertension during pregnancy


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    Pain is an unpleasant condition that is part of childbirth caused by physical or emotional stimulation. Labor pain management is needed to break the pain loop with all the consequences caused. Treatment of non-pharmacological pain is more selected because it is cheaper, safer, and can be done by maternity mothers or families such as religious music therapy and Effleurage Massage. This research aims to determine the difference in effectiveness of religious music therapy method with Massage Effleurage against maternity pain when I active phase Primigravida. This research is a Quasi-experiment with Pre and Post Test With Non Control Design, comparing two observations, namely Pre and Post Test of religious music therapy Group and Massage Effleurage Group. The instrument used is the Numeric Rating scale (NRS) scale observation sheet 0-10. The population in this study was a normal maternity mother who was in RS GrandMed Lubuk Pakam. Sampling using Probability Sampling technique with a sample amount of 36 people. The results of data analysis by using Independent T Test test showed the value of P value 0.02 < 0.05 which means there is a significant distinction between giving methods of religious music therapy with massage effleurage. Recommended to maternity mothers in order to apply the therapy for religious music and massage effleurage because both methods are effectively used to reduce labor pain


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    high incidence of stunting. Stunting is a chronic condition that can be seen from stunted growth due to malnutrition that occurs over a long period of time. Currently, the incidence of stunting in children under five is around 162 million. If this incident continues, it is estimated that by 2025 there will be an additional number of children experiencing stunting, namely around 127 million children. Therefore, it is necessary to provide counseling to mothers of toddlers regarding what factors can cause stunting to be able to anticipate that their children will experience stunting. The purpose of this community service activity (PKM) is to identify how knowledgeable mothers are about the impact of stunting on toddlers. This activity was carried out in November for 2 days by distributing questionnaires before and after counseling which aimed to find out mother's knowledge about the impact of stunting on toddlers. The results of the PKM showed that before the counseling activities were carried out, the majority of the knowledge of mothers under five was in the sufficient category, namely 46.4% and after the extension activities, the majority of knowledge of mothers under five was good, namely 71.4%. It is recommended that mothers and families pay attention to the growth and development of their children and provide adequate nutrition to meet the nutritional intake of children, so that the incidence of stunting in children under five can be avoided and the growth and development of children. develop perfectly and become the next generation of intelligent nation


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    Abstract The hospital has a process for implementing continuity of care in the hospital and integration between care-giving professionals (PPA) assisted by a patient service manager (MPP)/case manager. The current challenge that must be faced by hospitals in implementing the JKN program is implementing good quality control and cost control. The existence of MPP in the hospital case management system is expected to be able to support quality control and cost control. The purpose of this study was to analyze the functions of the case manager in improving quality control and cost control for inpatients (case study). This research was conducted at the Grandmed Lubuk Pakam Hospital, Deli Serdang Regency from September 2022 to May 2023. The type of research in this study was qualitative. The sample in this study were case managers at Grandmed Lubuk Pakam Hospital, Deli Serdang Regency, totaling 3 people and 1 director of medical services and 3 heads of inpatient rooms. The results showed that the implementation of case managers in improving quality control and cost control for inpatients was quite good. The case manager utility assessment has not gone well because there is no clear format for the initial screening of patients. Patient care planning by case managers has not been maximized. Not all case managers do patient care planning. The case manager's facilitation and advocacy has not been maximized. There are 2 case managers who do not coordinate with other fields, only coordinate with DPJP and nurses. The case manager evaluation has not gone well because there is no instrument format for case manager tasks so evaluation cannot be carried out. Post-discharge planning follow-up by the case manager has not gone well because the case manager has never followed up post-discharge planning. Case managers should carry out case manager functions for patients who are being treated in case management in accordance with the standard criteria set by STARKES 2022 accompanied by proper and accurate documentation to improve service quality and patient satisfaction.   Keywords            : Functions, Case Manager, Quality Control, Cost Control, Hospitalization, Case Stud

    The Effect Of Abdominal Stretching Exercises On The Intensity Of Menstrual Pain (Dysmenorrhea) In Young Woman In Adolescent Women

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      Dysmenorrhea is pain that occurs during menstruation and is often experienced by adolescents. Reduced pain can interfere with the daily activities of teenagers. Based on an initial survey conducted by researchers at SMK AL-Washliyah 9 Perbaungan on 6 students, the researchers conducted interviews with students who were experiencing dysmenorrhea, often asking permission to go to the UKS room and even going home because of the pain caused by dysmenorrhea which greatly interfered with the learning process and activities other. To overcome this, one of the non-pharmacological alternatives is Abdominal Stretching exercises that can provide a relaxing effect, so that it can be used to treat pain during menstruation. The purpose of this study was to determine whether or not there was a decrease in pain intensity in adolescent girls before performing Abdominal Stretching exercises and after Abdominal Stretching exercises. This type of research is pre-experimental in one group (one group pre-test and post-test). The sample of this study was taken by purposive sampling technique, namely sampling based on specified criteria. The sample in this study amounted to 22 people. This research was conducted in June 2022. Data analysis used the Saphiro Wilk test. The research instrument used was a pain observation sheet, namely the Numeric Rating Scale (NRS). The results showed that the average pain scale before treatment was 2.59 then reduced to 1.50 after the Abdominal Stretching exercise was performed. The calculated Z value is 4.233 and the p-value is 0.000, thus p-value<? (0.000<0.05). This shows that there is a significant difference in the dysmenorrhea pain scale of adolescent girls before and after the Abdominal Stretching exercise


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    Calcium is an important supplement that is useful to supply calcium needs of pregnant women. Calcium is given by midwife special health workers to all pregnant women to support the health of mothers and babies. This free calcium tablet is often forgotten and avoided by health workers whether or not consumed properly by pregnant women. This study aims to see if the influence of calcium tablets on the decrease in blood pressure of pregnant women who have one of the criteria of high risk of hypertension, including primigravida, obesity, pregnancy history with hypertension or family with a history of hypertension, extreme age of pregnant women and twin pregnancies. Research place in Payalombang Public Health Center in Payalombang Subdistrict, Tebing Tinggi City with quasy experiment method and prospective cohort. The study subjects consisted of 19 mothers who were given calcium with help and 20 pregnant women who were not given calcium, according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Data characteristics used using a questionnaire. To assess the outcome using an observation sheet and a calibrated blood pressure gauge) get it twice before and after the intervention. Data analysis using, Paired T Test, Independent T-Mann-Whitney U Test. The results of the study address, a sample study of changes in systole (p = 0.032) and diastole (p = 0.015) significant (p> 0.05) value even though it means the difference between before and the difference rates. Conclusion : Calcium tablets have a significant effect on hypertension of pregnant wome


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    Grandmed Lubuk Pakam Hospital applies reward and punishment in completing employee work discipline that must be in accordance with hospital regulations. Good rewards and punishments can motivate employees to improve work discipline and help employees achieve effective performance. This study aims to determine the Relationship of Reward and Punishment with Work Discipline in Employees of the Grandmed Lubuk Pakam Hospital in 2020. This type of quantitative research is analytic survey using cross sectional design. The sample in this study was taken by purposive sampling of 48 employees. Analysis using the Chi-Square test with a confidence level of 95%, α = 0.05. The results of the research between reward and work discipline show that there is a significant relationship between reward and work discipline in the employees of Grandmed Lubuk Pakam Hospital in 2020, p value (0.022) <α (0.05) is obtained. While the results of research between punishment with work discipline that shows there is a significant relationship between punishment with work discipline on employees of the Grandmed Lubuk Pakam Hospital in 2020. From the Chi Square test results obtained p value (0.036) <α (0.05). It is expected that the hospital should pay more attention to the rewards and punishments for employees to further improve discipline, work motivation, work morale so that they can be maintained or further improved and it is advisable to pay more attention to work discipline to employees by giving reprimands or punishment to employees who work discipline is not good so the bias is even better