14 research outputs found

    The bioethical and legal basis of family medicine privacy

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    Introduction. Privacy in family medicine is a mandatory necessity in the competent medical act that ensures the quality of primary health care and continues with prevention and education actions, and with therapeutic and recovery actions, contributing to promoting the medical condition of the patient, of his family and the community. The medical obligation of keeping the medical secret is stipulated by the law of the Republic of Moldova regarding health protection. Nevertheless, in medical practice there are situations when it is very difficult to keep the privacy out of medical as well as nonmedical reasons, and the life and health of the third party individuals can be in danger because of not disclosing the truth. Aim of study. The purpose of the study is to present the bioethical and legal basis of privacy in family medicine and to show some exceptions in which a third party with a legitimate interest may have access to patient information. Methods and materials. Legal acts of the Republic of Moldova on the protection of personal data; national orders and rules on the organization of primary care; empirical data of a personal study, conducted in October-November 2021. Methods used: surveys, observation, description of the bioethical principle, etc. Results. Privacy protects the relationship between the family practitioner and each patient, ensuring that his health quality is kept, improved, and protected. Nevertheless, the privacy bioethical basis, as well as the legal one, form a conditioned privilege, rather than an absolute one, nowadays finding so many exceptions in which a third party individual with a legitimate reason can have access to the patient's information. Family medicine can be nowadays another deviation, because its conceptual framework does not follow the old treatment pattern of the individual alone, and uses a more advanced one both of the individual, as well as his entire family. Conclusion. Keeping the privacy is the patient's right, as well as a moral and legal obligation of the medical staff inside the family medicine. Passing on patient personal data from the family physician to a third party person, can be necessary for diagnosing diseases, as well as for successfully treating family diseases. Therefore, during the first medical visit, the family physician must inform the patients that he will share with other members of the family some necessary and relevant aspects in order to treat the problem


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    Genesis conditions and effects of avalanches. Case studies in representative sectors within Piatra Craiului and Fagars mountains. The present paper aims at investigating the avalanches and their impact on the environment components. Snow avalanches are natural phenomena, which are controlled by the specific features of the mountain realm. They start suddenly due to the combination of meteorological and non-meteorological factors, which make the loose materials (snow, ice, detritus, vegetation or soil) collapse or slide down along the slope. In consequence, erosion is increased or facilitated because of the impact they have on the other components of the environment (thalwegs deepening, forest destruction). The distribution of avalanches is hard to be highlighted, because of the inaccessible lands and the adverse meteorological conditions. From this reason, one needs to know their complex features, namely the morphology, vegetation and spatial dynamics of the areas prone to such phenomena. The effects on the environment can be easily identified in the mountain realm, inasmuch as they create typical corridors along the streams crossing the forests. At the same time, however, they have certain effects on the slope deposits, too. These will be further presented with examples for the eastern slope of the Piatra Craiului Mts. and the Suru – Negoiu section in the Făgăraș Mts. These areas are deemed representative for each of the mentioned mountain massifs

    Biometric Indicators and Yield of Tomato under Conventional and Unconventional Biostimulators

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    The research consisted of an experiment applying unconventional stimulators to tomato crop, as a measure against chemical stimulators, known as having negative effects on human health. In our research there have been used four unconventional stimulators (Ecostim, AuCl4-50μg, AuCl4-30μg and Chitosan) and a conventional stimulator BNOA, all compared with the untreated control.Application of stimulators in unconventional farming determined lower productions compared to conventional farming, but is an alternative because determined healthy products. In three of the four unconventional variants, the content of macro- and microelements in plants was higher

    Rezultate privind producţia şi parametri fiziologici ai cultivarului de tomate Siriana F1 sub influenţa stimulatorilor convenţionali şi neconvenţionali

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    Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) is a leading vegetable crop, in terms of global cultivation (open field and protected area) and consumption. The chemical nutrients of plants serve as critical factors that determine the plant growth and vigour, also the crop yield. In addition, these nutrients play aparticular role in contributing to the survival of crop plants under environmental stress conditions. Under climatic or nutritional stress, the productivity is affected in a percentage that range between 45-70%. In this study, the influence of unconventional and conventional stimulants was evaluated for Siriana F1 in term of physiological parameters and yield. In order to achieve this, at UASVM Iasi was carried out an experiment on a tomato crop from the Siriana F1 hybrid, where six treatments were tested compared to a control version.The highest values of the analyzed physiological parameters were recorded under treatment of Au -citrate C; for the total pigments this variant had the lowest value, respectively 14.9 CCI

    Sports Related Dental Trauma in Mixed Dentition in Bucharest

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    Children and adolescents present a high risk of dental injury during sports activities. The aim of the study was to gather epidemiological data about dental trauma in mixed dentition children who practice organized sport activities. Material and methods The study group consisted of 348 children (76.43 boys, 23.57% girls) aged 6-13 years, examined in the period January-July 2011 at the Sportsmen Ambulatory in Bucharest. Consent for the examination was obtained from the coaches/parents. Data was statistically analysed using SPSS 10 for Windows (SPSS Inc., Chicago, USA


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    The huge importance of adverse reactions to drugs for public health is well proven. Any drug can produce side effects, and any of these reactions can have an oral manifestation. We have organized a pharmacoepidemiologic study to describe the drug-induced reactions manifested in the oral cavity in hospitalized patients (admitted in the Vth Internal Medicine Clinic) and in outpatients (consulted and treated in dental offices). For assessing side effects, the Adverse Drug Reaction Probability Scale was applied. 67 drug-induced oral reactions were described in the studied patients. The frequency was higher in women, in the elderly and in case of polypragmasia. The drugs most frequent incriminated in oral adverse reactions have been NSAIDs, antihypertensives, statins, antibiotics, corticoids and antidepressants. The most frequent reactions have been oral allergic reactions, xerostomia, stomatitis and abnormalities of taste. The best way of preventing and detecting oral side-effects is a team made up by dentists and doctors of different specialties

    Oral Papillomatosis: Its Relation with Human Papilloma Virus Infection and Local Immunity—An Update

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    Oral papilloma lesions may appear as a result of HPV infection, or not, and only special molecular methods could differentiate them. Low-risk and high-risk HPV types could induce oral HPV papillomatosis with different natural evolution, clearance and persistence mechanisms. The pathogenic mechanisms are based on the crosstalk between the oral epithelial and immune cells and this very efficient virus. HPV acts as a direct inducer in the process of transforming a benign lesion into a malignant one, the cancerization process being also debated in this paper. According to the degree of malignity, three types of papillomatous lesions can be described in the oral cavity: benign lesions, potential malign disorders and malignant lesions. The precise molecular diagnostic is important to identify the presence of various virus types and also the virus products responsible for its oncogenicity. An accurate diagnostic of oral papilloma can be established through a good knowledge of etiological and epidemiological factors, clinical examination and laboratory tests. This review intends to update the pathogenic mechanisms driving the macroscopic and histological features of oral papillomatosis having HPV infection as the main etiological factor, focusing on its interreference in the local immunity. In the absence of an accurate molecular diagnostic and knowledge of local immunological conditions, the therapeutic strategy could be difficult to decide

    Fabrication and Advanced Imaging Characterization of Magnetic Aerogel-Based Thin Films for Water Decontamination

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    Aerogels have emerged as appealing materials for various applications due to their unique features, such as low density, high porosity, high surface area, and low thermal conductivity. Aiming to bring the advantages of these materials to the environmental field, this study focuses on synthesizing magnetic silica aerogel-based films suitable for water decontamination. In this respect, a novel microfluidic platform was created to obtain core-shell iron oxide nanoparticles that were further incorporated into gel-forming precursor solutions. Afterward, dip-coating deposition was utilized to create thin layers of silica-based gels, which were further processed by 15-hour gelation time, solvent transfer, and further CO2 desiccation. A series of physicochemical analyses (XRD, HR-MS FT-ICR, FT-IR, TEM, SEM, and EDS) were performed to characterize the final films and intermediate products. The proposed advanced imaging experimental model for film homogeneity and adsorption characteristics confirmed uniform aerogel film deposition, nanostructured surface, and ability to remove pesticides from contaminated water samples. Based on thorough investigations, it was concluded that the fabricated magnetic aerogel-based thin films are promising candidates for water decontamination and novel solid-phase extraction sample preparation

    New 3D Vortex Microfluidic System Tested for Magnetic Core-Shell Fe<sub>3</sub>O<sub>4</sub>-SA Nanoparticle Synthesis

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    This study’s main objective was to fabricate an innovative three-dimensional microfluidic platform suitable for well-controlled chemical syntheses required for producing fine-tuned nanostructured materials. This work proposes using vortex mixing principles confined within a 3D multilayered microreactor to synthesize magnetic core-shell nanoparticles with tailored dimensions and polydispersity. The newly designed microfluidic platform allowed the simultaneous obtainment of Fe3O4 cores and their functionalization with a salicylic acid shell in a short reaction time and under a high flow rate. Synthesis optimization was also performed, employing the variation in the reagents ratio to highlight the concentration domains in which magnetite is mainly produced, the formation of nanoparticles with different diameters and low polydispersity, and the stability of colloidal dispersions in water. The obtained materials were further characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier-transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy, dynamic light scattering (DLS), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), with the experimental results confirming the production of salicylic acid-functionalized iron oxide (Fe3O4-SA) nanoparticles adapted for different further applications