5 research outputs found

    Evolutionarily diverse origins of deformed wing viruses in western honey bees

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    Novel transmission routes can allow infectious diseases to spread, often with devastating consequences. Ectoparasitic varroa mites vector a diversity of RNA viruses, having switched hosts from the eastern to western honey bees (Apis cerana to Apis mellifera). They provide an opportunity to explore how novel transmission routes shape disease epidemiology. As the principal driver of the spread of deformed wing viruses (mainly DWV-A and DWV-B), varroa infestation has also driven global honey bee health declines. The more virulent DWV-B strain has been replacing the original DWV-A strain in many regions over the past two decades. Yet, how these viruses originated and spread remains poorly understood. Here, we use a phylogeographic analysis based on whole-genome data to reconstruct the origins and demography of DWV spread. We found that, rather than reemerging in western honey bees after varroa switched hosts, as suggested by previous work, DWV-A most likely originated in East Asia and spread in the mid-20th century. It also showed a massive population size expansion following the varroa host switch. By contrast, DWV-B was most likely acquired more recently from a source outside East Asia and appears absent from the original varroa host. These results highlight the dynamic nature of viral adaptation, whereby a vector's host switch can give rise to competing and increasingly virulent disease pandemics. The evolutionary novelty and rapid global spread of these host-virus interactions, together with observed spillover into other species, illustrate how increasing globalization poses urgent threats to biodiversity and food security

    Evolutionarily diverse origins of deformed wing viruses in western honey bees

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    Novel transmission routes can allow infectious diseases to spread, often with devastating consequences. Ectoparasitic varroa mites vector a diversity of RNA viruses, having switched hosts from the eastern to western honey bees (Apis cerana to Apis mellifera). They provide an opportunity to explore how novel transmission routes shape disease epidemiology. As the principal driver of the spread of deformed wing viruses (mainly DWV-A and DWV-B), varroa infestation has also driven global honey bee health declines. The more virulent DWV-B strain has been replacing the original DWV-A strain in many regions over the past two decades. Yet, how these viruses originated and spread remains poorly understood. Here, we use a phylogeographic analysis based on whole-genome data to reconstruct the origins and demography of DWV spread. We found that, rather than reemerging in western honey bees after varroa switched hosts, as suggested by previous work, DWV-A most likely originated in East Asia and spread in the mid-20th century. It also showed a massive population size expansion following the varroa host switch. By contrast, DWV-B was most likely acquired more recently from a source outside East Asia and appears absent from the original varroa host. These results highlight the dynamic nature of viral adaptation, whereby a vector's host switch can give rise to competing and increasingly virulent disease pandemics. The evolutionary novelty and rapid global spread of these host-virus interactions, together with observed spillover into other species, illustrate how increasing globalization poses urgent threats to biodiversity and food security

    تقانة المعلومات والاتصالات ودورها في تعزيز الأداء المتميز دراسة استطلاعية لآراء عينة من القيادات الإدارية في كليتي العلوم والزراعة في جامعة تكريت

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    ان تقانة المعلومات والاتصالات ادت دوراً مهماً في تحقيق الاداء المتميز، فضلاً عن التفرد والجاذبية والنظرة المستقبلية، وان من اهم عوامل المنظمات لتحقيق الاداء المتميز هو البحث عن طرق لأدخال تقانة المعلومات والاتصالات الى منتجاتهم (سواءاً كانت هذه المنتجات سلع او خدمات). ويهدف البحث الى وصف متغيرات الدراسة (تقانة المعلومات والاتصالات، والأداء المتميز)، وكذلك تحليل العلاقة بين تقانة المعلومات والاتصالات وبين الأداء المتميز، وقياس أثر تقانة المعلومات والاتصالات في تحقيق الأداء المتميز. والغرض من البحث هو هل: توجد علاقة ارتباط معنوي بين تقانة المعلومات والاتصالات وتحقيق الأداء المتميز، وكذلك هل توجد علاقة تاثير معنوي لتقانة المعلومات والاتصالات في تعزيز الأداء المتميز. وكانت النتائج انه توجد علاقة ارتباط وتأثير لتقانة المعلومات والاتصالات في تحقيق الأداء المتميز. واهم الاستنتاجات التي توصل لها البحث هي تتوفر في الكليتان قيد البحث المتطلبات الأساسية لإمكانية تطبيق تقانة المعلومات والاتصالات، وكذلك اهتمت الكليتان قيد البحث بالاداء المتميز استجابة لعدة متطلبات ومؤثرات بيئية داخلية وخارجية، من أجل تحقيق نوع من التكيف مع هذه المتطلبات البيئية، وتسعى الكليات باستمرار لأكتساب المعرفة من المصادر المختلفة. اما اهم المقترحت تمثلت بالآتي يجب السعي الى تهيئة بيئة تدعم وتحافظ على الاداء المتميز للأفراد العاملين من جهة، والخدمات التعليمية من جهة أخرى، وكذلك حث إدارة الكليتان قيد الدراسة على التفكير بجدية واهتمام عاليين إلى تطبيق تقانة المعلومات والاتصالات والنظر إليها على وفق منظور استراتيجي مستقبلي لما لها من أثار ايجابية

    Trichosporon inkin and Cutibacterium acnes bioprosthetic aortic valve endocarditis and prosthetic aortic root abscess with multi-focal emboli

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    Background: This report presents the first case of a patient with dual pathogen-associated bioprosthetic aortic valve endocarditis, prosthetic aortic root abscess and multifocal septic emboli, caused by both Trichosporon inkin and Cutibacterium acnes. Case Report: A 67-year-old male with a prosthetic aortic root replacement, bioprosthetic aortic valve and pacemaker presented with pyrexia, right arm numbness and confusion. Multiple left-sided embolic infarcts were found on brain imaging, eye examination was consistent with right-sided fungal endophthalmitis, and an aortic valve vegetation and aortic root abscess were visualised on trans-oesophageal echo. Pre-operative blood cultures were negative. Revision surgery tissue samples grew Trichosporon inkin and Cutibacterium acnes. Post-operatively, he was treated with 42 days of meropenem and 150 days of antifungals (ambisome plus flucytosine plus intravitreal voriconazole, followed by oral voriconazole), after which he was switched to long term oral suppressive therapy with doxycycline and fluconazole. Twelve months post operatively, he is well and there is no evidence of recurrence. Discussion: Trichosporon prosthetic valve endocarditis has a 62% one-year mortality rate. This case presented additional complexity: dual infection with Cutibacterium acnes, multi-focal embolic disease, difficulty in obtaining a pre-operative microbiological diagnosis, and difficulty with antifungal treatment (toxicity risk, drug interactions, minimal evidence-based for treatment). Managing complex cardiothoracic infections involving prosthetic material, such as that described, requires a multi-disciplinary approach, involving cardiothoracic surgeons, infection specialists and pharmacists, and other allied health professionals if necessary, to optimise patient care and reduce morbidity and mortality