4,343 research outputs found

    On Effective Spacetime Dimension in the Ho\v{r}ava-Lifshitz Gravity

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    In this manuscript we explicitly compute the effective dimension of spacetime in some backgrounds of Ho\v{r}ava-Lifshitz (H-L) gravity. For all the cases considered, the results are compatible with a dimensional reduction of the spacetime to d+1=2d+1=2, at high energies (ultraviolet limit), which is confirmed by other quantum gravity approaches, as well as to d+1=4d+1=4, at low energies (infrared limit). This is obtained by computing the free energy of massless scalar and gauge fields. We find that the only effect of the background is to change the proportionality constant between the internal energy and temperature. Firstly, we consider both the non-perturbative and perturbative models involving the matter action, without gravitational sources but with manifest time and space symmetry breaking, in order to calculate modifications in the Stephan-Boltzmann law. When gravity is taken into account, we assume a scenario in which there is a spherical source with mass MM and radius RR in thermal equilibrium with radiation, and consider the static and spherically symmetric solution of the H-L theory found by Kehagias-Sfetsos (K-S), in the weak and strong field approximations. As byproducts, for the weak field regime, we used the current uncertainty of the solar radiance measurements to establish a constraint on the ω\omega free parameter of the K-S solution. We also calculate the corrections, due to gravity, to the recently predicted attractive force that black bodies exert on nearby neutral atoms and molecules.Comment: references adde

    Relativistic Landau Levels in the Rotating Cosmic String Spacetime

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    In the spacetime induced by a rotating cosmic string we compute the energy levels of a massive spinless particle coupled covariantly to a homogeneous magnetic field parallel to the string. Afterwards, we consider the addition of a scalar potential with a Coulomb-type and a linear confining term and completely solve the Klein-Gordon equations for each configuration. Finally, assuming rigid-wall boundary conditions, we find the Landau levels when the linear defect is itself magnetized. Remarkably, our analysis reveals that the Landau quantization occurs even in the absence of gauge fields provided the string is endowed with spin.Comment: Writing and grammar revised. References added. 14 pages, no figures. To appear in European Phys. J.
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