24 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Insect Growth Regulator (Igr) Altosid 1,3 G Terhadap Populasi Larva Nyamuk Aedes Aegypti Linneus

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    A study to evaluate the efficacy of an insect growth regulator (IGR) methoprene 1.3% (trade name: Allosid G) against Aedes aegypti larvae was conducted in Jakarta from November 1991 through March 1992. The study was conducted by uniformly scattering 1.3% G methoprene in bottom of metal drums filled with 50 liter of regular tap water. Total of 24 drums were utilized for the study with 20 of them given varied dosage rate of 0.315 gr, 0.625 gr, 1.25 gr, 2.5 gr and 5 gr. Four of the drums without IGR were used for control. One hundred 2 days old larvae of Ae. aegypti were poured into each drum weekly for total of 14 weeks. Also subsequently 25% (total of 12.5 liter) of water from each drum was taken out and replaced with same amount of regular tap water weekly for same period (14 weeks). Observation of larvae growth in the water taken out of the drum was carried by counting the number of dead and alive pupae. Living pupae were transferred into a paper cup covered with mosquito net for further observation number of pupae and adults died and alive. A split plot design was performed using 4 replicates for each application and regression analysis was applied to analyse the data. Efficacy of the IGR in each treatment was calculated through the percentage calculation of efficacy of each replicate devided by four. Weekly efficacy of IGR was calculated as follows : number of died pupae and number of died adults devided by total number of died pupae, number of died adults and number adults alive mutiplied by 100%. The trial showed that 100% mortality occured three weeks after treatment, and it decreased from 100% to 91.56% and 99.25% 14 weeks after treatment

    Bionomi Anopheles Spp di Daerah Endemis Malaria di Kecamatan Lengkong, Kabupaten Sukabumi

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    Karakteristik Kemiripan Genetik Nyamuk Aedes Aegypti Di Daerah Endemis Demam Berdarah Dengue Di Kota Palembang Provinsi Sumatera Selatan

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    One methode to detect early warning done by analyzing the pattern of the array of mosquito vectors. Through the isolation of genomic DNA obtained mosquitoes that are processed through RAPD. Analysis of RAPD products obtained from the results of all the array of DNA amplification is calculated based on the presence or absence of DNA arrays. Analysis of DNA array pattern is intended to obtain the percentage composition of the DNA array patterns by counting the presence of Aedes sp larik pattern. Levels of genetic polymorphisms of Aedes sp mosquitoes as vectors of dengue fever (DHF) by using six kinds of primary (combined) in endemic areas 0.67 (0.6-0.8) and 0.33 monomor phic, while non-endemichas level of 0.4 polymorphic and monomorphic 0,6. DNA array pattern on the Aedes sp in endemic areas is obtained by using the primer combination on average 24.78 (14-33). The highest polymorphism array at Kebon bunga (33 lines), Sukarame, and Lembung Gajah 28 line, Talang dondang 26 line, Skip Ujung, 27 Ilir, and 20 Ilir reach 24 line, and Pahlawan 22 line and non-endemic area Srimulya 9 lines. The percentage of DNA array as an indication of dengue vectors in endemic areas average 57.5% (53.9 to 75.9%) samples from the highest village of Pahlawan (75.9%). From the analysis using the program NTSYS-PC a kinship based on genetic distance matrix value, the highest genetic distance of 1.00 is obtained. In addition, there are three clusters that form the 32.5% level of kinship

    Model Intervensi Pengendalian Demam Berdarah Dengue Di Kabupaten Indramayu, Jawa Barat

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    In Indonesia principal of activity control program Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever ( DHF) currently nowinclude epidemiological surveillance, discovery and case management, vector control, communityparticipation, early warning system (EWS), outbreaks, dissemination of information, partnerships, capacitybuilding, research, monitoring and evaluation. However, these activities not yed the expected results, it isindicates the need for other measures in order to improve the program in the prevention of dengue. Theprocess of transmission of dengue is a dynamic process, the study of the transmission of the disease need toinvolve the dynamic aspects of the dependence on time, which has been neglected in many studies that havebeen conducted relating to DHF. By involving the dynamic aspects of the transmission process will be toobtain a more precise conclusion in determining the disease control policies. For reasons these researchhas been done on the development of a model dengue control more specific and dynamic in Indramayudistrict, West Java. The purpose of the study to gain control model that can lower DHF Infection Rate( IR ) to zero percent. Results showed the free larvae index which reflect environmental hygiene at districof Indramayu West Jawa 60,0%. This illustrates that the breeding places eradication program in thedistrict well doing, was being in the district foging implementation in Indramayau was able to reduce theincidence of DHF either primary infection ( detectable IgM) and secondary infection ( IgG and IgMdetected ). Insect repellent can be used as an alternative for the prevention of the spread of dengue fevercan reduce the increase in the number of dengue infections. Basically Insect repellent use can reduce IR.The combination of fogging and insect repellent will be more effective in reducing the number of infections.RDT implementation and then immediately responded by conducting fogging or the use of insect repellentto prevent the spread of dengue fever so that the number of infection will be reduced

    Efektivitas D-alletrin 0,223% terhadap Nyamuk Cx. P. Quinquefasciatus di Laboratorium

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    Susceptibility test of 0,223% d-alletrin against adult Cx. p. quinquefasciatus was conducted in the Entomology Laboratory of Health Ecology Research Centre in Jakarta. A randomized complete design was performed using 4 replicates for each application. Regression analysis was applied to analyse the data. The adult mosquitoes of 3 days old, blood-fed females was involved in the test. The indicator of 0,223% d-alletrin effectiveness was knock-down time and mortality. The results showed that d-alletrin was able to knock-down 20% of Cx. p. quinquefasciatus within one hour. Based on regression analysis (Y = 3,31 + 0,31 X) knock-down time 50 (WLso) was reached at the 170th minute. While 50% mortality was reached at the 198th minute (Y = -3,6 + 0,37 X). After 6 hours of exposure all of the mosquitoes were knocked-down and 91% were killed and after 7 hours of exposure all of the mosquitoes were killed

    Model Intervensi Pengendalian Demam Berdarah Dengue (Dbd) Untuk Menurunkan Insident Rate (Ir) Berdasarkan Kombinasi Fogging Dan Repelen Di Kabupaten Sintang Propinsi Kalimantan Barat Tahun 2011

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    Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) merupakan penyakit infeksi yang mudah penularannya di negara tropis termasuk di Indonesia. Sampai saat ini program eradikasi untuk infeksi ini masih sangat sulit dilakukan.Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan model intervensi yang efektif untuk pengendalian DBD di Kabupaten Sintang Provinsi Kalimantan Barat tahun 2011. Desain penelitian ini berupa cross sectional, sedangkan hasil penelitian dianalisis secara deskriptif dan analitik menggunakan model system dynamic. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan causal loop diagram (CLD) untuk manajemen lingkungan dan manajemen pengendalian vektor. Dari CLD tersebut didapatkan Stock flow Diagram (SFD) untuk menentukan intervensi yang akan dilakukan pada program pengendalian DBD. Dari model intervensi yang dilakukan didapatkan hasilbahwa penggunaan fogging sebesar 60% dapat menurunkan IR (Insiden Rate) DBD hingga menjadi 3 kasus. Penggunaan insect repellent pada setiap kelompok perlakuan (20%, 40% dan 60%) sangat efektif dalam pencegahan infeksi DBD terutama pada penggunaan sebesar 60% yang dapat menurunkan IR hingga 4 kasus. Hasil yang paling efektif dalam penurunan IR hingga 0% didapatkan pada kombinasi antara fogging dengan penggunaan insect repellent sebesar 60%. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalahpenurunan IR kasus DBD dapat dilakukan dengan cara fogging yang dikombinasikan dengan penggunaan insect repellent pada setiap individu. Penelitian lebih lanjut perlu dilakukan untuk melihat efektifitas model intervensi pengendalian DBD menggunakan kombinasi antara fogging dan penggunaan insect repellent pada daerah lain dengan kondisi geografis yang berbeda