58 research outputs found

    The Effects of Damkohler Number on a Turbulent Shear Layer - Experimental Results

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    A chemical reaction for which the reaction rate can be varied is studied in a fully developed, two-dimensional, turbulent mixing layer. The layer is formed between two nitrogen streams, one carrying low concentrations of fluorine and the other hydrogen and nitric oxide. For fixed concentrations of fluorine and hydrogen and for nitric oxide concentrations that are small fractions of the fluorine concentration, the heat release is fixed but the overall reaction rate is controlled by the nitric oxide concentration. Therefore, for fixed flow conditions, the nitric oxide concentration determines the ratio of the reaction rate to the mixing rate. For large values of this ratio, the amount of product, at a given downstream location, measured by the mean temperature rise, is independent of the reaction rate, i.e., the reaction is mixing limited. As the reaction rate is reduced the major effects are: (1) amount of product declines (as expected), (2) the mean temperature profile, which is initially some what unsymmetrical because the hydrogen-fluorine freestream concentration ratio is set at a large value, becomes symmetrical, and (3) the ramp-like instantaneous temperature traces within the large structure gradually become more top-hat

    Use of passive scalar tagging for the study of coherent structures in the plane mixing layer

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    Data obtained from the numerical simulation of a 2-D mixing layer were used to study the feasibility of using the instantaneous concentration of a passive scalar for detecting the typical coherent structures in the flow. The study showed that this technique works quite satisfactorily and yields results similar to those that can be obtained by using the instantaneous vorticity for structure detection. Using the coherent events educed by the scalar conditioning technique, the contribution of the coherent events to the total turbulent momentum and scalar transport was estimated. It is found that the contribution from the typical coherent events is of the same order as that of the time-mean value. However, the individual contributions become very large during the pairing of these structures. The increase is particularly spectacular in the case of the Reynolds shear stress

    Scalar entrainment in the mixing layer

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    New definitions of entrainment and mixing based on the passive scalar field in the plane mixing layer are proposed. The definitions distinguish clearly between three fluid states: (1) unmixed fluid, (2) fluid engulfed in the mixing layer, trapped between two scalar contours, and (3) mixed fluid. The difference betwen (2) and (3) is the amount of fluid which has been engulfed during the pairing process, but has not yet mixed. Trends are identified from direct numerical simulations and extensions to high Reynolds number mixing layers are made in terms of the Broadwell-Breidenthal mixing model. In the limit of high Peclet number (Pe = ReSc) it is speculated that engulfed fluid rises in steps associated with pairings, introducing unmixed fluid into the large scale structures, where it is eventually mixed at the Kolmogorov scale. From this viewpoint, pairing is a prerequisite for mixing in the turbulent plane mixing layer

    LIF measurements of scalar mixing in turbulent shear layers

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    The structure of shear layer flows at high Reynolds numbers remains a very interesting problem. Straight mixing layers have been studied and yielded information on the probability density function (pdf) of a passive scalar across the layer. Konrad and Koochesfahani & Dimotakis measured the pdf of the mixture fraction for mixing layers of moderate Reynolds numbers, each about 25,000 (Re based on velocity difference and visual thickness). Their measurements showed a 'non-marching' pdf (central hump which is invariant from edge to edge across the layer), a result which is linked to the visualizations of the spanwise Kelvin-Helmholtz (K-H) instability mode, which is the primary instability for plane shear layer flows. A secondary instability mode, the Taylor-Gortler (T-G) instability, which is associated with streamwise vortical structures, has also been observed in shear layers. Image reconstruction by Jimenez et al. and volume renderings by Karasso & Mungal at low Re numbers have demonstrated that the K-H and the T-G instability modes occur simultaneously in a non-mutually destructive way, evidence that supports the quasi two-dimensional aspect of these flows and the non-marching character of the pdf at low Reynolds numbers. At higher Re numbers though, the interaction of these two instability modes is still unclear and may affect the mixing process. In this study, we perform measurements of the concentration pdf of plane mixing layers for different operating conditions. At a speed ratio of r = U(sub 1)/U(sub 2) = 4:1, we examine three Reynolds number cases: Re = 14,000, Re = 31,000, and Re = 62,000. Some other Re number cases' results, not presented in detail, are invoked to explain the behavior of the pdf of the concentration field. A case of r = 2.6:1 at Re = 20,000 is also considered. The planar laser-induced fluorescence technique is used to yield quantitative measurements. The different Re are obtained by changing the velocity magnitudes of the two streams. The question of resolution of these measurements is addressed. In order to investigate the effects of the initial conditions on the development and the structure of the mixing layer, the boundary layer on the high-speed side of the splitter plate is tripped. The average concentration and the average mixed fluid concentration are also calculated to further understand the changes in the shear layer for the different cases examined

    High Pressure Reactant Vessel

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    The High Pressure Reactant Vessel (HPRV) described below was designed as part of the 1984-86 GRI contract, in order to study the changes in flow dynamics as a reacting jet proceeds from a fully momentum driven to a fully buoyant regime. The facility will allow operation over a wide range of Reynolds number, Damkohler number and heat release rate. In addition, it should be possible in future to study reacting jets in crossflow, opposed flames or any other configuration which takes advantage of the wide pressure range of the facility

    Mixing and combustion with low heat release in a turbulent shear layer

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    Turbulent mixing and combustion are investigated in a gaseous shear layer formed between two streams: one containing a low concentration of hydrogen in nitrogen and the other containing a low concentration of fluorine in nitrogen. The resulting temperature field is measured simultaneously at eight points across the width of the layer using fast-response cold-wire thermometry. The results show the presence of large, hot structures separated by tongues of cool fluid that enter the layer from either side. The usual bell-shaped mean-temperature profiles therefore result from a duty cycle whereby a fixed probe sees alternating hot and cool fluid, which results in the local mean. The adiabatic flame temperature is not achieved in the mean, at any location across the layer. For fixed velocities, it is found that, in general, two different mean-temperature profiles result from a given pair of reactant compositions if the sides of the layer on which they are carried are exchanged (‘flipped’). This finding is a direct consequence of the asymmetric entrainment of fluid into the layer. Results are compared with the predictions of Konrad and discussed in the context of the Broadwell–Breidenthal model. By comparison with the liquid result of Breidenthal, the amount of product formed in the layer at high Reynolds number is found to be dependent upon the Schmidt number. Results for a helium–nitrogen layer are discussed briefly

    Mixing and combustion with low heat release in a turbulent shear layer

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    Planar velocity measurements in compressible mixing layers

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