22 research outputs found

    Iskorištavanje hrane, metaboliti u krvi i ponašanje pri unosu hrane u teladi sahival pasmina odabrane s obzirom na visoki ili niski ostatni unos hrane

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    This study aimed to evaluate differences in feed utilization between low and high residual feed intake (RFI) in Sahiwal calves by comparing performance, ingestive behavior and blood metabolites. Eighteen, growing, female Sahiwal calves (aged 10-14 months; body weight (BW) 100-125 kg) were fed ad libitum on a total mixed ration for 90 d. RFI varied from -0.53 to 0.40 kg dry matter (DM)/d with a mean RFI of -0.27 to 0.17 kg DM/d in low and high RFI Sahiwal calves, respectively. Calves with low RFI consumed 26% less DM and required 35% less metabolizable energy for body maintenance (MEm) compared to high RFI, yet gained at a similar rate. Low RFI calves digest feed more efficiently than less efficient calves. Conventional efficiency measures also showed better efficiency in low RFI than high RFI calves. Low RFI calves spent less time in feeding, rumination, and chewing. Higher plasma concentrations of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), growth hormone (GH), and creatinine, and lower concentrations of albumin, plasma urea nitrogen (PUN), and triglycerides were observed in the low RFI group than the high RFI group. However, plasma total protein, glucose, cholesterol, non esterified fatty acid (NEFA), beta-hydroxy butyric acid (BHBA), calcium (Ca), and phosphorus (P) concentrations were similar in both groups. In summary, low RFI calves utilized feed more efficiently by spending less time and energy in feeding, and the variability in blood metabolites might be due to differences in body metabolism.Ovo istraživanje imalo je za cilj, na temelju proizvodnje, ponašanja kod unosa hrane i metabolita u krvi, procijeniti razlike u iskorištavanju hrane između sahival teladi s niskim ostatnim unosom hrane i visokim ostatnim unosom hrane (Residual Feed Intake - RFI). Osamnaest sahival teladi ženskog spola (u dobi od 10 do -14 mjeseci i tjelesnoj masi od 100 do 125 kg) hranjeno je 90 dana, ad libitum, kompletnim mješovitim obrokom. Ostatni unos hrane kretao se od -0,53 do 0,40 kg suhe tvari/d, sa srednjom vrijednošću od -0,27 kod sahival teladi s niskim ostatnim unosom i srednjom vrijednošću od 0,17 kg kod sahival teladi visokim ostatnim unosom hrane. Iako je telad s niskim ostatnim unosom hrane u odnosu na onu s visokim ostatnim unosom hrane konzumirala 26% manje suhe tvari i zahtijevala 35 % manje uzdržne energije za metabolizam tijela, prirast obje skupne teladi kretao se po sličnoj stopi. Telad s niskim ostatnim unosom hrane imala je učinkovitiju hranidbu što su pokazali i standarni pokazatelji prema kojima je ta telad provela hranidbu u kraćem vremenu, uz kraće žvakanje i preživanje. U usporedbi s teladi koja ima viši ostatni unos hrane, telad s niskim ostatnim unosom hrane imala je u plazmi veće koncentracije inzulinu-sličnog faktora rasta-1 (IGF-1), hormona rasta (GH) i kreatinina, te niže koncentracije albumina, dušika iz ureje i triglicerida. Koncentracije ukupnih proteina, glukoze, kolesterola, neesterificirane masne kiseline (NEFA), betahidroksi maslačne kiseline (BHBA), kalcija (Ca) i fosfora (P) bile su slične u obje skupine teladi. Sažeto, telad s niskim ostatnim unosom hrane iskorištavala je hranu učinkovitije, provodeći kraće vrijeme i trošeći manje energije prilikom hranjenja, a varijacije metabolita u krvi mogle bi biti posljedica razlika u metabolizmu

    Dodatak kroma u teladi azijskog vodenog bivola (Bubalus bubalis) pod stresom od hladnoće: učinci na prirast, hranidbenu iskoristivost te staničnu i humoralnu imunost

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    Various stressors significantly increase urinary excretion of chromium (Cr), suggesting that Cr may be physiologically linked to the responses to control stress. The aim of this study was to determine the physiological responses of buffalo calves to increased Cr supply under low ambient temperature. In a randomized complete block design, twenty-four Murrah buffalo calves were assigned to 4 treatments for a period of 120 days. Treatments included either no supplemental Cr (control), 0.5 mg of supplemental Cr/kg DM, 1.0 mg of supplemental Cr/kg DM, or 1.5 mg of supplemental Cr/kg DM. Buffalo calves were monitored daily for physiological variables, dry matter intake (DMI) and fortnightly for body mass change. Blood samples were collected at fortnightly intervals and analyzed for the biomarkers of immunity and plasma trace mineral concentration. At the end of the 120 day experimental period, a 7 day metabolic trial was conducted. The average temperature-humidity index (THI) and relative humidity (RH) during the study were 58.10 units and 52.0% respectively. Physiological variables, DMI and growth performance did not differ among all treatments. 1.5 mg Cr/kg DM increased B and T-cell proliferation, neutrophil phagocytic activity and ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) value, whereas plasma total immunoglobulin (TIg) and immunoglobulin G (IgG) concentrations were the highest in the 1.0 and 1.5 mg Cr/kg DM group. Nutrient digestibility, nitrogen (N) metabolism and trace mineral bioavailability did not differ between treatments, while the bioavailability of Cr showed a positive correlation with supplemental Cr level. The results suggest that in cold conditions, increased Cr supply can improve immune response without affecting physiological response, growth performance and nutrient utilization in buffalo calves.Različiti stresori značajno povećavaju izlučivanje kroma (Cr) mokraćom što naznačuje da Cr može biti fiziološki vezan s odgovorom za kontrolu stresa. Cilj je ovog rada bio odrediti fiziološke odgovore u bivolje teladi na povećani dodatak Cr u uvjetima niske temperature okoliša. Prema metodi slučajnog odabira skupina, 24 Murrah bivolska teleta bila su raspodijeljena u četiri skupine koje su bile različito tretirane u razdoblju od 120 dana. Životinjama jedne skupine dodavano je 0,5 mg Cr/kg suhe tvari, druge skupine 1,0 mg Cr/kg suhe tvari, a treće skupine 1,5 mg Cr/kg suhe tvari, dok kontrolnoj skupini Cr nije bio dodavan. U teladi su dnevno bile promatrane fiziološke varijable, uzimanje suhe tvari te svaka dva tjedna promjena tjelesne mase. Uzorci krvi bili su uzimani u razmacima od 14 dana i pretraženi na biomarkere imunosti i koncentraciju minerala u tragovima u plazmi. Na kraju pokusnog razdoblja od 120 dana proveden je sedmodnevni metabolički pokus. Prosječni indeks temperature i vlažnosti tijekom istraživanja iznosio je 58,10 jedinica dok je relativna vlažnost bila 52,0 %. Fiziološke varijable, uzimanje suhe tvari i prirast reducirajućeg željeza nisu se razlikovali među skupinama. Količina od 1,5 mg Cr/kg suhe tvari povećala je proliferaciju B- i T-limfocita, fagocitoznu aktivnost neutrofila i vrijednost antioksidacijske sposobnosti, dok su koncentracije ukupnih imunoglobulina plazme i imunoglobulina G (IgG) bile najveće u skupinama koje su dobivale 1,0 odnosno 1,5 mg Cr/kg suhe tvari. Nutritivna probavljivost, metabolizam dušika (N) i biološka raspoloživost minerala u tragovima nisu se razlikovali među skupinama. Biološka raspoloživost Cr bila je u korelaciji s razinom njegova dodatka. Rezultati upućuju na zaključak da povećani dodatak Cr u hladnoći može poboljšati imunosni odgovor bez utjecaja na fiziološki odgovor, prirast i hranidbenu iskoristivost u bivolje teladi

    In vitro evaluation of different varieties of maize fodder for their methane generation potential and digestibility with goat rumen liquor

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    Aim: To evaluate the methane generation potential and digestibility of different (normal and three high-quality protein maize [HQPM]) varieties of maize fodder with goat rumen liquor in vitro. Materials and Methods: Methane production potential and digestibility of different varieties of maize fodder were tested in in vitro gas production test. Seven varieties of maize, four normal (HTHM 5101, DHM 117, HM 5, and Shaktiman/900 M Gold), and three high-quality protein (HQPM 5, HQPM 7, and HQPM 9/Vivek) were grown in different plots under the same environmental and agro-climatic conditions. Fodders were harvested at 45-50 days of sowing, and the representative samples of fodder from different varieties of maize were collected for analysis. Dried and grinded form of these maize fodder varieties was tested for gas, methane, and digestibility using goat rumen microflora in in vitro gas syringes. Results: Gas production (ml/g dry matter [DM]) was highest for HM5 variety (97.66, whereas lowest for HQPM 9 variety (64.22). Gas production (ml/g degraded DM [DDM]) and methane (%) were statistically similar in different varieties of maize fodder. The methane production expressed as ml/g DM and ml/g DDM was significantly (p<0.05) highest for HM 5 (14.22 and 26.62) and lowest for DHM 117 variety (7.47 and 14.13). The in vitro DM digestibility (%) and in vitro organic matter digestibility (%) varied from 47.48 (HQPM 5) to 52.05 (HQPM 9) and 50.03 (HQPM 7) to 54.22 (HM 5), respectively. Conclusion: The present study concluded that DHM 117 maize variety fodder has lowest methane generation potential and incorporating it in the dietary regime of ruminants may contribute to lower methane production

    International Symposium on Marine Positioning

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    Effect of varying levels of formaldehyde treatment of mustard oil cake on rumen fermentation, digestibility in wheat straw based total mixed diets in vitro

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    Aim: The aim of the current study was to protect the protein in mustard cake by different levels of formaldehyde treatment with a view to optimize the level of formaldehyde. Materials and Methods: Different levels of formaldehyde treatment (0, 1, 1.5 and 2% of crude protein) containing concentrate and roughages diet in 40:60 ratio were tested for their effect on nutrients digestibility, in vitro ammonia release, in vitro gas production and change in protein fractions. Non-significant (p≤0.05) effect on pH, microbial biomass, partitioning factor, total gas production (TGP), TGP per g dry matter and TGP per g digestible dry matter (ml/g) was observed in almost all the treatments. Results: Total volatile fatty acids at 2% formaldehyde treatment level of mustard cake was lower (p<0.05) as compared to other groups, while in vitro dry matter digestibility and in vitro organic matter digestibility were reported to be low in 1% formaldehyde treated group. Conclusion: On a holistic view, it could be considered that formaldehyde treatment at 1.5% level was optimal for protection of mustard oil cake protein

    A case-based approach to data-to-text generation.

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    Traditional Data-to-Text Generation (D2T) systems utilise carefully crafted domain specific rules and templates to generate high quality accurate texts. More recent approaches use neural systems to learn domain rules from the training data to produce very fluent and diverse texts. However, there is a trade-off with rule-based systems producing accurate text but that may lack variation, while learning-based systems produce more diverse texts but often with poorer accuracy. In this paper, we propose a Case-Based approach for D2T that mitigates the impact of this trade-off by dynamically selecting templates from the training corpora. In our approach we develop a novel case-alignment based, feature weighing method that is used to build an effective similarity measure. Extensive experimentation is performed on a sports domain dataset. Through Extractive Evaluation metrics, we demonstrate the benefit of the CBR system over a rule-based baseline and a neural benchmark

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    Not AvailableThe study was conducted to elucidate the changes in circulatory plasma levels of hepatic enzymes in vitamin E and zinc supplemented periparturient Sahiwal cows. Sahiwal cows (18) were selected from the institute herd, apparently healthy and in advanced state of pregnancy. The cows were randomly divided into 3 groups 6 cows in each, viz. control, treatment 1 (T1) and treatment 2 (T2). Control group was fed a control diet as practiced for pregnant cows in NDRI dairy farm. The treatment 1 (T1) group was supplemented with zinc @ 60 ppm/day/cow and treatment 2 (T2) group was supplemented a mixture of vitamin E @ 1000 IU/day/animal and zinc @ 60 ppm/ day/cow with control diet during day 60 prepartum to day 90 postpartum. Plasma was analyzed for alkalline phosphatase (ALP), alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST). ALP levels were differing significantly in all 3 groups. ALT level was significantly lower in treatment 2 as comparison to its level of both control and treatment 1 animals. AST level was also significantly lower in treatment 2 as comparison to its level of both control and treatment 1 animals. The study indicated that vitamin E and zinc supplementation lowers these hepatic enzymes in blood plasma, prevents oxidative damage of liver and improves the health condition of liver.Not Availabl

    Effect of feeding different levels of Azolla pinnata on blood biochemicals, hematology and immunocompetence traits of Chabro chicken

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    Aim: The present study was conducted to see the effect of feeding different levels of Azolla meal on blood biochemicals, hematology and immunocompetence traits of Chabro chicken. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted on 160 Chabro chicks, which were randomly divided into four treatment groups each with four replicates of 10 birds. The first treatment (T1) served as a control in which basal diets was offered without Azolla supplementation while in T2, T3, and T4 groups, basal diet was replaced with Azolla meal at 5%, 7.5%, and 10% levels, respectively. A feeding trial was conducted upto 8 weeks. At the last week of trial, blood samples were collected randomly from one bird of each replicate and plasma was separated to estimate certain biochemical parameters, some blood metabolites, minerals and enzymes like alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase (AST). Hematological parameters such as hemoglobin, packed cell volume, total leukocytes count and differential leukocytes count were estimated in fresh blood just after collection. The humoral immune response was measured against sheep red blood cells,and cell-mediated immune response was measured against phyto hemagglutinin lectin from Phaseolus vulgaris (PHA-P). Results: The study showed that hematological profile of the Chabro bird was not affected by any treatment except heterophil and lymphocyte which was found higher in T2 and T3 groups and eosinophil was found higher in a T3 group than control. Blood glucose, creatinine, cholesterol, total protein, albumin, uric acid, and triglycerides were found similar in all the groups and within the normal values for broiler chicken. Liver enzymes and macro mineral content in blood were found similar in all the treatment groups and within normal physiological range. Although AST was found higher in 10% replacement group than control, the value was within normal range for broiler chicken. Although antibody titer was found similar in all the experimental groups in the present study, cell-mediate immune response (response to PHA-P) was found higher in 5%, 7.5%, and 10% replacement groups than control(p<0.05). Conclusion: Similar blood biochemical parameters and higher cell-mediated immune response in Azolla replacement group indicated immune-modulatory effect of Azolla meal without any toxicity

    A case-based approach to data-to-text generation. [Software]

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    Traditional Data-to-Text Generation (D2T) systems utilise carefully crafted domain specific rules and templates to generate high quality accurate texts. More recent approaches use neural systems to learn domain rules from the training data to produce very fluent and diverse texts. However, there is a trade-off with rule-based systems producing accurate text but that may lack variation, while learning-based systems produce more diverse texts but often with poorer accuracy. This code has been used to help propose a case-based approach for D2T, which mitigates the impact of this trade-off by dynamically selecting templates from the training corpora. In our approach we develop a novel case-alignment based, feature weighing method that is used to build an effective similarity measure. Extensive experimentation is performed on a sports domain dataset. Through Extractive Evaluation metrics, we demonstrate the benefit of the CBR system over a rule-based baseline and a neural benchmark. The file accompanying this OpenAIR record contains a link to where the code is held on GitHub. The GitHub repository also includes information on how to use the code