30 research outputs found

    Market orientation and corporate success: Findings from Germany

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    The significance of the markteing concept for corporate management is the subject of a long-standing controversy. This empirical study conducted in Germany, the largest European market, shows that together with other basic dimensions of management, market orientation contributes substantially to corporate success. In addition, the results indicate that popular practical measures designed to implement the marketing concept within the organization may cause negative side effects on corporate success. These risks could be controlled by observing a number of strategies suggested in this article. But detecting these risks requires a holistic research approach to corporate management, of which market orientation represents only one basic dimension. An integrated perspective of research, such as the one presented in this paper, is still alien to the empirical research regarding the question of whether market orientation exerts an impact on corporate success. --

    Regional Differences in Entrepreneurial Intention of College Students May Exacerbate Regional Economic Gap

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    Entrepreneurial intention is the basis and premise to start entrepreneurial activities and entrepreneurial activities affect regional economic. Based on the survey, this study tries to carry out grey incidence clustering model analyzing data of entrepreneurial intention of 1431 college students. At the same time, 13 cities’ economy of these relevant universities adopt grey incidence clustering model. The results show that the both grey incidence cluster are consistent, which means the economic environment has an impact on the entrepreneurial intention of college students in this region. In turn, the different level of entrepreneurial intention resulting in different entrepreneurial activities further affects this regional economy if entrepreneurship education doesn\u27t work well. We draw a number of implications for the theory and practice of regional entrepreneurial economy development

    Psychological Well-Being Sustainable During Entrepreneurial Process—The Moderating Role of Entrepreneurial Creativity

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    Despite pitfalls during the entrepreneurial journey, entrepreneurship offers the opportunity to illuminate new ventures and preserve psychological well-being to sustain entrepreneurial development. From a dynamic perspective, this study discusses the early stage of the entrepreneurial process affecting student entrepreneurs’ psychological well-being and examines the moderating role of entrepreneurial creativity. By building a framework with the data of 1873 student entrepreneurs across 36 university business incubators in China involved in entrepreneurship activity, we found that entrepreneurial passion, alertness and intention had a positive correlation with entrepreneurs’ psychological well-being, but entrepreneurial action had the opposite effect. Entrepreneurial creativity positively moderated relationships between entrepreneurial action and students’ psychological well-being. This finding contributes to a full understanding of students’ psychological well-being on their entrepreneurial journey in the context of COVID-19 and eases the pressure of entrepreneurship by strengthening entrepreneurial creativity education

    Die Vermittlung interkultureller Kompetenz durch die internationale E-Mail Debate

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    Die sich beschleunigende Globalisierung von Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft und Politik führt immer mehr Menschen unterschiedlicher Kulturzugehörigkeit zusammen. Im 21. Jahrhundert werden die erfolgreiche Führung von Unternehmen und das friedliche Miteinander der Menschen stärker als je zuvor vom Umgang Init Kulturunterschieden abhängen. In nahezu allen Bereichen von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft wird somit die interkulturelle Kompetenz zu einer Schlüsselqualifikation der Menschen heranwachsen. Dieser Entwicklung muß auch die Hochschulausbildung Rechnung tragen. Ein didaktisches Instrument, das u.a. der Erhöhung der interkulturellen Kompetenz der Studierenden dienen soll, stellt die internationale E-Mail Debate dar, die inzwischen an einigen Universitäten fester Bestandteil des Lehrprogramms ist. Eine empirische Untersuchung zeigt, daß die E-Mail Debate bisher lediglich Einzelaspekte der interkulturellen Kompetenz in der gewünschten Weise beeinflußt. Sie trägt aber dazu bei, die Wahrnehmung fremder Kulturen zum Teil zu verbessern und einige Hindernisse, die der kulturübergreifenden Kommunikation entgegenstehen, abzubauen. Diese Ergebnisse geben Anlaß zu der Hoffnung, daß ein verfeinertes und erweitertes Konzept der E-Mail Debate den günstigen Einfluß auf die interkulturelle Kompetenz der Studierenden stärker entfalten wird. --

    Novos serviços de informação e comunicação: um quadro de referência estratégico

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    A partir do final da década de 60, a gama de serviços de informação e comunicação disponíveis para consumidores residenciais e usuários comerciais nas nações que contam com tecnologia avançada vem crescendo incessantemente. O futuro desses serviços dependerá das interações estratégicas e estruturais de firmas especializadas em conteúdo, condutores e componentes

    Exploring Sustainable Transportation Attitudes and Stages of Change Using Survey and Geospatial Data in New England Campus Commuters

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    This paper presents findings of a two-campus project designed to assess alternative/sustainable transportation (AT), which is defined as commuting via non-SOVs (single occupancy vehicles) such as transit, carpooling, walking, or biking. One of the objectives was to test the application of a well-known behavior change model, the Transtheoretical Model of Change (TTM), to transportation behaviors. Additionally, geospatial analysis and visualization were applied using the TTM measures. The survey results show that commuting distances, transit connectivity, and status (i.e., students, staff, and faculty) affected commute modes and stages of readiness to use AT. Another important finding was that the survey data for AT replicated TTM relationship predictions between constructs and stages of change

    Effects of hedonic components and user\u27s gender on the acceptance of screen-based information services

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    To compete successfully with other information media, screen-based information services would have to offer hedonic qualities that appeal to a wide range of users, men as well as women. To study effects of hedonic components of information services, a software simulation of an interactive service was designed. In an experiment, 59 female and 73 male subjects were exposed to this software simulation. Hedonic features (presence or absence of colour, graphics, and music) of the simulated information service were factor-ially varied to form eight unique treatment configurations. Music and colour were shown to affect level of enjoyment and intention to use the service. The effects varied according to gender: females showed greater intention to use the service than did males. Males showed greater preference for the colour version. These findings provide some basic design guidelines for information service marketers and point to the need for future research-based exploration of this area. © 1993 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

    Exploring the use of computer-mediated communication: A simulation approach

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    This article discusses methodologies that allow in-depth exploration of usage patterns and preferences in screen-based computer-mediated communication (CMC). After discussing the growth trends and special characteristics of CMC in comparison to other electronic communication technologies, research challenges posed by CMC are contrasted with conventional mass communication research. This article also describes the online, simulation-based research methodology developed and employed by the authors to measure actual user behavior and identify topic preferences and usage paths. Advantages and limitations of simulation-based experiments as a technique for researching CMC are discussed. © 1993

    On the predispositions toward information technology: a three-way cross-cultural study

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    Governments in most countries have realized the critical importance of telecommunications for economic progress and are opening up to foreign investment in this sector. In order to achieve significant market share, U.S. firms need to understand attitudinal and lifestyle factors impacting information technology purchase and usage patterns across different cultures. This includes understanding the current infrastructure and economic conditions, but also familiarity and attitudes. A study was conducted to explore attitudes towards, and familiarity with, new information technologies in the United States, Germany and Croatia. Findings indicate that Americans are more familiar with technology than Germans and Croats, and tend to use information technology more. Respondents from all countries showed a predominantly positive attitude towards technology. Germans and Croats were particularly aware of environmental problems and, in general, the price society pays for technology, while Americans and Croats showed concern for the loss of essential human qualities. These and other findings from the study not only highlight the differences in these three markets, they also provide useful insights for strategists in information technology firms and public policy makers grappling with the complex issues arising from the rapid proliferation of new information technologies in an ever-shrinking world. © 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd