183 research outputs found

    Privacy Preserving Auction Based Virtual Machine Instances Allocation Scheme for Cloud Computing Environment

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    Cloud Computing Environment provides computing resources in the form of Virtual Machines (VMs), to the cloud users through Internet. Auction-based VM instances allocation allows different cloud users to participate in an auction for a bundle of Virtual Machine instances where the user with the highest bid value will be selected as the winner by the auctioneer (Cloud Service Provider) to gain more. In this auction mechanism, individual bid values are revealed to the auctioneer in order to select the winner as a result of which privacy of bid values are lost. In this paper, we proposed an auction scheme to select the winner without revealing the individual bid values to the auctioneer to maintain privacy of bid values. The winner will get the access to the bundle of VM instances. This  scheme relies on a set of cryptographic protocols including Oblivious Transfer (OT) protocol and Yao’s protocol to maintain privacy of bid values

    Determination of the Weak Axial Vector Coupling from a Measurement of the Beta-Asymmetry Parameter A in Neutron Beta Decay

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    We report on a new measurement of the neutron beta-asymmetry parameter AA with the instrument \perkeo. Main advancements are the high neutron polarization of P=99.7(1)P = 99.7(1)% from a novel arrangement of super mirror polarizers and reduced background from improvements in beam line and shielding. Leading corrections were thus reduced by a factor of 4, pushing them below the level of statistical error and resulting in a significant reduction of systematic uncertainty compared to our previous experiments. From the result A0=−0.11996(58)A_0 = -0.11996(58), we derive the ratio of the axial-vector to the vector coupling constant λ=gA/gV=−1.2767(16)\lambda = g_\mathrm{A}/g_\mathrm{V} = -1.2767(16)Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Entanglement Entropy of Random Fractional Quantum Hall Systems

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    The entanglement entropy of the ν=1/3\nu = 1/3 and ν=5/2\nu = 5/2 quantum Hall states in the presence of short range random disorder has been calculated by direct diagonalization. A microscopic model of electron-electron interaction is used, electrons are confined to a single Landau level and interact with long range Coulomb interaction. For very weak disorder, the values of the topological entanglement entropy are roughly consistent with expected theoretical results. By considering a broader range of disorder strengths, the fluctuation in the entanglement entropy was studied in an effort to detect quantum phase transitions. In particular, there is a clear signature of a transition as a function of the disorder strength for the ν=5/2\nu = 5/2 state. Prospects for using the density matrix renormalization group to compute the entanglement entropy for larger system sizes are discussed.Comment: 29 pages, 16 figures; fixed figures and figure captions; revised fluctuation calculation

    An alternative to the gauge theoretic setting

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    The standard formulation of gauge theories results from the Lagrangian (functional integral) quantization of classical gauge theories. A more intrinsic qunantum theoretical access in the spirit of Wigner's representation theory shows that there is a fundamental clash between the pointlike localization of zero mass (vector, tensor) potentials and the Hilbert space (positivity, unitarity) structure of QT. The quantization approach has no other way than to stay with pointlike localization and sacrifice the Hilbert space whereas the approach build on the intrinsic quantum concept of modular localization keeps the Hilbert space and trades the conflict creating pointlike generation with the tightest consistent localization:: semiinfinite spacelike string localization. Whereas these potentials in the presence of interactions stay quite close to associated pointlike field strength, the interacting matter fields to which they are coupled bear the brunt of the nonlocal aspect in that they are string.generated in a way which cannot be undone by any differentiation. The new stringlike approach to gauge theory also revives the idea of a Schwinger-Higgs screening mechanism as a deeper and less metaphoric description of the Higgs spontaneous symmetry breaking and its accompanying tale about "God's particle" and its mass generation for all other particles.Comment: 26 page

    Mixing of mineral dust with urban pollution aerosol over Dakar (Senegal): Impact on dust physico-chemical and radiative properties.

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    In the framework of the Saharan Mineral Dust Experiment (SAMUM) in 2008, the mixing of the urban pollution plume of Dakar (Senegal) with mineral dust was studied in detail using the German research aircraft Falcon which was equipped with a nadir-looking high spectral resolution lidar (HSRL) and extensive aerosol in situ instrumentation. The mineral dust layer as well as the urban pollution plume were probed remotely by the HSRL and in situ. Back trajectory analyses were used to attribute aerosol samples to source regions.We found that the emission from the region of Dakar increased the aerosol optical depth (532 nm) from approximately 0.30 over sea and over land east of Dakar to 0.35 in the city outflow. In the urban area, local black carbon (BC) emissions, or soot respectively, contributed more than 75% to aerosol absorption at 530 nm. In the dust layer, the single-scattering albedo at 530 nm was 0.96 â�� 0.99, whereas we found a value of 0.908 �± 0.018 for the aerosol dominated by urban pollution. After 6h of transport over the North Atlantic, the externally mixed mode of secondary aerosol particles had almost completely vanished, whereas the BC agglomerates (soot) were still externally mixed with mineral dust particles

    Causality and dispersion relations and the role of the S-matrix in the ongoing research

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    The adaptation of the Kramers-Kronig dispersion relations to the causal localization structure of QFT led to an important project in particle physics, the only one with a successful closure. The same cannot be said about the subsequent attempts to formulate particle physics as a pure S-matrix project. The feasibility of a pure S-matrix approach are critically analyzed and their serious shortcomings are highlighted. Whereas the conceptual/mathematical demands of renormalized perturbation theory are modest and misunderstandings could easily be corrected, the correct understanding about the origin of the crossing property requires the use of the mathematical theory of modular localization and its relation to the thermal KMS condition. These new concepts, which combine localization, vacuum polarization and thermal properties under the roof of modular theory, will be explained and their potential use in a new constructive (nonperturbative) approach to QFT will be indicated. The S-matrix still plays a predominant role but, different from Heisenberg's and Mandelstam's proposals, the new project is not a pure S-matrix approach. The S-matrix plays a new role as a "relative modular invariant"..Comment: 47 pages expansion of arguments and addition of references, corrections of misprints and bad formulation

    String-localized Quantum Fields and Modular Localization

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    We study free, covariant, quantum (Bose) fields that are associated with irreducible representations of the Poincar\'e group and localized in semi-infinite strings extending to spacelike infinity. Among these are fields that generate the irreducible representations of mass zero and infinite spin that are known to be incompatible with point-like localized fields. For the massive representation and the massless representations of finite helicity, all string-localized free fields can be written as an integral, along the string, of point-localized tensor or spinor fields. As a special case we discuss the string-localized vector fields associated with the point-like electromagnetic field and their relation to the axial gauge condition in the usual setting.Comment: minor correction

    Warped Convolutions, Rieffel Deformations and the Construction of Quantum Field Theories

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    Warped convolutions of operators were recently introduced in the algebraic framework of quantum physics as a new constructive tool. It is shown here that these convolutions provide isometric representations of Rieffel's strict deformations of C*-dynamical systems with automorphic actions of R^n, whenever the latter are presented in a covariant representation. Moreover, the device can be used for the deformation of relativistic quantum field theories by adjusting the convolutions to the geometry of Minkowski space. The resulting deformed theories still comply with pertinent physical principles and their Tomita-Takesaki modular data coincide with those of the undeformed theory; but they are in general inequivalent to the undeformed theory and exhibit different physical interpretations.Comment: 34 page

    Jorge A. Swieca's contributions to quantum field theory in the 60s and 70s and their relevance in present research

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    After revisiting some high points of particle physics and QFT of the two decades from 1960 to 1980, I comment on the work by Jorge Andre Swieca. I explain how it fits into the quantum field theory during these two decades and draw attention to its relevance to the ongoing particle physics research. A particular aim of this article is to direct thr readers mindfulness to the relevance of what at the time of Swieca was called "the Schwinger Higgs screening mechanism". which, together with recent ideas which generalize the concept of gauge theories, has all the ingredients to revolutionize the issue of gauge theories and the standard model.Comment: 49 pages, expansion and actualization of text, improvement of formulations and addition of many references to be published in EPJH - Historical Perspectives on Contemporary Physic

    Bondi-Metzner-Sachs symmetry, holography on null-surfaces and area proportionality of "light-slice" entropy

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    It is shown that certain kinds of behavior, which hitherto were expected to be characteristic for classical gravity and quantum field theory in curved spacetime, as the infinite dimensional Bondi-Metzner-Sachs symmetry, holography on event horizons and an area proportionality of entropy, have in fact an unnoticed presence in Minkowski QFT. This casts new light on the fundamental question whether the volume propotionality of heat bath entropy and the (logarithmically corrected) dimensionless area law obeyed by localization-induced thermal behavior are different geometric parametrizations which share a common primordeal algebraic origin. Strong arguments are presented that these two different thermal manifestations can be directly related, this is in fact the main aim of this paper. It will be demonstrated that QFT beyond the Lagrangian quantization setting receives crucial new impulses from holography onto horizons. The present paper is part of a project aimed at elucidating the enormous physical range of "modular localization". The latter does not only extend from standard Hamitonian heat bath thermal states to thermal aspects of causal- or event- horizons addressed in this paper. It also includes the recent understanding of the crossing property of formfactors whose intriguing similarity with thermal properties was, although sometimes noticed, only sufficiently understood in the modular llocalization setting.Comment: 42 pages, changes, addition of new results and new references, in this form the paper will appear in Foundations of Physic
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