25 research outputs found

    Kesesuaian Perairan Untuk Wisata Selam Dan Snorkeling Di Pulau Biawak, Kabupaten Indramayu

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    Pulau Biawak, Kabupaten Indramayu merupakan kawasan yang memiliki potensi untuk wisata selam dan snorkeling, sehingga perlu dilakukan studi kesesuaian dan daya dukung kawasan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi ekosistem terumbukarang dan tingkat kesesuaian untuk wisata selam dan snorkeling. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil studi menunjukkan lokasi yang berpotensi untuk wisata selam adalah stasiun 1 (S2), 3 (S2), 5 (S1) dan 7 (S1). Hasil studi untuk wisata snorkeling menunjukkan terdapat tiga stasiun yang sangat sesuai (S1) yaitu stasiun 2, 6 dan 8, sedangkan stasiun 4 termasuk kategori cukup sesuai (S2). Daya Dukung Kawasan untuk wisata selam mendapatkan hasil seluas ±18.499 m2 sebanyak 74 orang/hari dengan daya dukung pemanfaatan ±7 orang/hari. Daya Dukung Kawasan untuk wisata snorkeling didapatkan luas area sebesar ±228.811 m2 sebanyak 915 orang/hari dengan Daya Dukung Pemanfaatan ±91 orang/hari

    Kondisi Ekosistem Terumbu Karang Di Rote Timur, Kabupaten Rote Ndao, Taman Nasional Perairan Laut Sawu Menggunakan Metode Manta Tow

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    Waters of the Savu Sea serves strategic means for the development of East Nusa Tenggara province, because most of the district / city in the province is highly dependent on the Savu Sea. The purpose of this study was to determine the condition of coral reef ecosystems using the Manta Tow in the waters of the East Rote, District of Rote Ndao, province of East Nusa Tenggara in the plan of conservation areas Savu Sea Marine National Park. The results show the percentage of hard coral life cover in the East Rote 3 study sites in the category of bad. The west side has average cover of 23.98%. Mulut Seribu Strait have hard coral life cover percentage of 15.8% and eastern side has the lowest percentage to hard coral life cover average by 12.33%

    Kondisi Terumbu Karang Pada Lokasi Wisata Snorkeling Di Kepulauan Karimunjawa, Jawa Tengah

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    Peningkatan jumlah kunjungan wisata snorkeling di Taman Nasional Karimunjawa dikhawatirkan dapat mengakibatkan penurunan tutupan terumbu karang pada lokasi wisata snorkeling. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui kondisi terumbu karang dan bentuk – bentuk kerusakannya akibat wisata snorkeling. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan manta tow untuk pengambilan data terumbu karang dan metode survey untuk kualitas perairan seperti suhu, salinitas, pH dan kecerahan. Persentase tutupan terumbu karang hidup pada lokasi wisata snorkeling di Taman Nasional Karimunjawa sebesar 33%-52,5%. Kondisi ini termasuk dalam kategori buruk-baik. Persentase tutupan terumbu karang hidup tertinggi terdapat pada Pulau Sintok dengan nilai 52,5% dan persentase tutupan terumbu karang terendah terdapat pada Pulau Menjangan Kecil dengan nilai 33%. Kerusakan terumbu karang yang ditimbulkan dari wisata snorkeling dapat berupa rubble (patahan karang) dan karang keras mati dikarenakan terinjak maupun terkibas fins

    Studi Penempelan Juvenil Karang Pocillopora Damicornis Pada Jenis Substrat Kolektor Dan Zona Terumbu Yang Berbeda Di Pulau Panjang, Kabupaten Jepara

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    Coral reef at Panjang Island is being gradually degraded. At least, the availability of substrates that suitable for coral\u27s attachment has a great effect to coral abundance. The aim of this research is to know coral juvenile\u27s recruitment (Pocillopora damicornis) based on the abundance of coral juvenile which attaches on the different location (zone), placement (position), type of substrate, and time of observation. This experimental research was carried out on August-November 2009 at Panjang Island, Jepara. The research uses substrate from Cement Block and Andesite Stone placed on the column and bottom of water at reef flat and reef slope zone. The result shows that coral juvenile abundance rise significantly along with time rising. Abundance of coral juvenile also different between coral zones, P.damicornis juvenile on reef flat zone is more higher (86 colonies founds), than reef slope zone (64 colonies founds). This is because the substrate in reef slope zone was far from adult coral colonies which produce planula, whereas in reef flat zone there was much found adult coral colonies

    Studi Arus Laut Dan Sedimen Dasar Dalam Hubungannya Dengan Kondisi Terumbu Karang Di Perairan Pulau Parang Kepulauan Karimunjawa Jepara Jawa Tengah

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    Pulau Parang merupakan bagian dari Taman Nasional Kepulauan Karimunjawa yang termasuk pada zona budidaya, zona rehabilitasi, dan zona pemukiman. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pola arus laut dan jenis sedimen dasar dalah hubungannya dengan kondisi terumbu karang yang ada di Pulau Parang Kepulauan Karimunjawa. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 17 September 2012 sampai 31 Januari 2013di Perairan Pulau Parang dan di Laboratorium Geologi Ilmu kelautan UNDIP. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer arus laut, sedimen dasar, kondisi terumbu karang, pasang surut, suhu, salinitas, kecerahan, kedalaman, pH, DO dan data sekunder peta rupa bumi Kepulauan Karimunjawa, peta batimetri Karimunjawa dan kondisi terumbu karang Pulau Parang. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian deskriptif yang bersifat eksploratif merupakan metode dalam meneliti suatu kondisi di alam dengan intrepetasi yang sistematis, aktual, cermat dan tepat. Analisa data arus laut menggunakan pemodelaan SMS 8.0 dan 8.1 model arus ADCIRC, data sedimen dengan analisa ukuran butir, dan kondisi terumbu karang berdasarkan prosentase tutupan karang hidup. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kondisi terumbu karang baik apabila nilai ukuran butir sedimen Pasir 99,173 % tinggi, Lanau 0,662 % rendah dan Lempung 0,164 % rendah dengan kecepatan arus 0,002 m/detik, kondisi terumbu karang sedang Pasir 89,789 % tinggi, Lanau 8,214 % rendah, danLempung 1,166% rendah dengan kecepatan arus 0,001 m/detik, kondisi terumbu karang buruk Pasir84,845 % tinggi, Lanau 12,244 % rendah, Lempung 2,91 % rendah dengan kecepatan arus 0,001 m/detik

    Estimasi Daya Dukung Terumbu Karang Berdasarkan Biomassa Ikan Karang Di Perairan Misool Selatan, Raja Ampat, Papua Barat

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    Terumbu karang merupakan ekosistem yang memiliki banyak fungsi ekologis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi terumbu karang, biomassa ikan karang,dan estimasi daya dukung tutupan karang keras hidup pada area terumbu karang di perairan Misool Selatan. Pengambilan data lapangan dilakukan pada tanggal 15-28 November 2013. Nilai daya dukung terumbu karang diperoleh dengan perhitungan luasan area terumbu karang dikalikan jumlah biomassa pada area transek pengamatan (250 meter). Pengambilan data kondisi terumbu karang menggunakan metode Point Intercept Transect dan sensus visual untuk ikan karang pada kedalaman 10 meter dengan 5 transek sepanjang 50 meter sejajar garis pantai. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa kondisi terumbu karang di lokasi penelitian dalam keadaan sedang hingga baik dengan total genus yang ditemukan sebanyak 32 genus. Nilai Biomassa ikan karang tertinggi ada pada stasiun Waaf sebesar 97 kg/ha dan terendah pada stasiun Yoss sebesar 32,8 kg/ha. nilai daya dukung terumbu karang dengan persentase tutupan karang 36,7-70,7% serta bentuk lifeform yang ada di lokasi penelitian untuk tiap Famili ikan karang Scaridae 2,55-50,3 kg, Serranidae 0,5-6,8 kg, dan Caesionidae 6,4-44,8 kg. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa kondisi tutupan karang keras pada area terumbu karang mempengaruhi biomassa ikan karang untuk beberapa family ikan yaitu Caesionidae, Scaridae, dan Serranidae

    Komposisi Jenis Dan Kelmpahan Ikan Karang Di Perairan Pulau Parang Kepulauan Karimunjawa Jepara

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    Parang island is the most northwest island in the Karimunjawa islands, It has unique characteristic, namelyleeward and windwardwaters. It is suspected to be the factors that can affect the existence of coral reef ecosystem diversity and reef fish\u27s habitat.This study aims to determine the species composition and abundance of reef fish in the waters of Parang island, Karimunjawa.Data were collected by using abelttransectmethod(belt transect) along 75meter coastline. The results showed that the research location have a totally 1069 individuals. There were differences in the composition and abundance of reef fish in the waters in the east, south, west and north. The highest abundance of reef fish was found in the north side the island, there were 462 fish which composed of 20 species and 9 families. Family which has the highest species composition was Pomacentridae and Labridae. The lowest abundance of reef fish was found in the waters in the west side with 146 fish which was composed of 11 species of 5 family of reef fish, and species of fish that hasthe highest constituent of abundance was Family Pomacentridae and Labridae. There were 203 reef fish found on the south side of theParangisland thatborders directly with Kumbang Island, which was composed of 16 species, 8 family, and species of fish that has the highest constituent wereFamily Pomacentridae and Caesionidae. While in the waters of the eastern side the dominance fish was found Family Apogonidae fairly high as 144 individu, from the total 258 individu reef fish consisting of 15 species and 6 families.Differences incompositionandabundance species ofreef fishin the waters ofParang islandis presumably becauseof differences inthe life form condition ofcoral reef habitatfrom effect leeward and windward of Parangisland, Karimunjawa Islands

    Pengaruh Perbedaan Jenis Substrat Dan Kedalaman Terhadap Jumlah Juvenil Karang Yang Menempel Di Perairan Pulau Sambangan, Kepulauan Karimunjawa, Jepara

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    Coral reef degradation caused by the human and natural factors. Human factors such as pollution and exploitation of marine resources is excessive. While natural factors such as waves, currents, brightness, substrate type and depth. This study aims to determine the effect of differences in substrate type and depth to the number of juvenile coral attached. Substrate used is a slab of concrete blocks and andesite which have been compiled into a series of collector substrate. Were of compile congcrete blok and andesit mounted at a depth of 3m and 10m. The study was conducted with experimental methods and data processed in the field by descriptive analysis. The observation station were using a purposive sampling method. The substrate was observed every month with 3 repetitions. After 6 mounth of observation the slabs of compile concrete blocks were tooh from the side and them. Taken were dipped in a chlorine solution of 10%. Juveniles determined attached identification and calculate. The number of juvenile corals on a andesite substrate at a depth of 3 meters by 14 induvidu the position of the water column and as many as 17 induvidu the bottom position, while at a depth of 10 meters as 11 induvidu at position 18 induvidu water column and bottom positions. While the number of juvenile corals are attached to the substrate concrete block at a depth of 3 meters by 24 induvidu the position of the water column and as many as 30 induvidu the bottom position, while at a depth of 10 meters by 17 induvidu at position 22 induvidu water column and bottom positions. The results may indicate that the differences in substrate type and depth of exercising influence over the settlement of juveniles

    Prediksi Waktu Spawning Karang Acropora Pada Musim Peralihan Kedua Di Pulau Sambangan Kepulauan Karimunjawa Jepara

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    Knowledge of coral reproduction in Indonesian waters were divided into three groups, there are the spawning time which occurs in first transition season or before East season (January to April), the spawning time which occurs in second transition season or before West season (September-November), and the spawning time which occurs throughout the year. This study aims to predicted spawning time of Acropora by observe gonad maturity level during second transition season (September-October 2012) at Sambangan Island Karimunjawa Archipelago Jepara. The method used in this research was descriptive method. Distribution and composition Acropora were observed using Line Intercept Transect (LIT) method. Spawning time of Acropora was determined by presence or absence of gonad contents, and the maturity level of the gonads deferred to Hanafy et al. (2009). Gonad was examine in new moon phase, before full moon phase, and after full moon phase. The result show that distribution and composition of coral species Acropora at Sambangan Island in depth of 1-3 m was known 5 species of the stations I, 6 species at station II, and 8 species at station III with the highest cover composition at each station was a species A. formosa. Total 8 species Acropora were observe however only two species were found content of gonad. There were Acropora carduus and A. formosa. The gonad of coral A. carduus matured earlier than A. formosa. Gonad maturity of A. carduus occurred in September 2012 (new moon) and then gonad didn\u27t found in the phase before the full moon. Gonad maturity of coral A. formosa occured on the full moon phase in October 2012 and the phase after full moon the colony hadn\u27t contain gonads. Based on this information spawning of two species of Acropora likely occurred in different moon phase. Species of A. carduus has been spawned before the full moon phase and species A. formosa has been doing spawning after the full moon phase in October 2012