2 research outputs found

    Karakteristik, Faktor Pendorong dan Dampak Perempuan Menjadi Tkw Luar Negeri di Kecamatan Mranggen Kabupaten Demak.

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    This research is motivated by the widespread of village women who wish to work as migrant workers. Data from the Department of Employment and Transmigration PPKLN in 2007 showed that the number of women migrant workers had reached 4 million people , an increase of 25 % per year where 78.3 % work as domestic workers . This phenomenon can also be seen by the increasing number of Indonesian Manpower Services Company (agency) opening its branch in villages. Problems examined in this study is what kind of characters attached to women who are willing to work as migrant workers abroad , both physically as level of education , skill level , who is invited and how she could be willing to work as migrant workers abroad, the status in the household , and non-physical character as mental resiliance. This study used descriptive qualitative research methods. Data were analyzed by using Weft QDA taxonomy. Women workers who work abroad are more likely elementary and junior high school graduates than and senior high school or university graduates . This is due to the fact that foreign consumers are more likely to make them work in informal sector than the formal one. Women migrant workers have the following problems : a ) problem of skills , b ) problem of departure money, c ) problem in the destination country, d ) problems of law protection, and e ) financial management problems. Departure money for women migrant workers is more likely to be obtained by either an individual loan or bank loan. Some of them also sell agricultural land to finance their overseas departure . The success of women migrant workers can be seen from how they can pay off their debts, and how their income can be used for productive activities

    Peran Modal Sosial dalam Penanggulangan Kemiskinan Masyarakat Miskin Perkotaan pada Pedagang Sektor Informal di Kota Semarang

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    The informal sector trader has a greater chance when they had empowered compared with otherprofessions in vertical mobility among people on low incomes. In addition, based on BPS data from 1996-2008, the condition of the poor in Indonesia has always fl uctuated with the range between 1% to 5%, to riseor fall on the poverty line. This condition indicated that there have not formulated of the poverty reductionyet. This study was to determine the extent of social capital’s role in the response to the urban poor in thecommunity of informal sector traders in the city of Semarang on the basis of the pockets of the informalsector as traders in Semarang Jalan Gajah Mada, Pasar Kobong , and bird markets Citarum. Respondentsof this study include the informal sector traders who can represent the data analysis, and respondentswho can provide additional information relating to informal trading sector. Data analysis using qda weftof this study are 1) Categorization of cooperation undertaken in the informal sector traders communityof the urban poor can be divided into joint categorization of low, medium and fairly. Categorization ofthis cooperation is based on how far they can foster capital that can be used as working capital from highlevel. Interactions are very rare which is often done while the low cooperation, 2) Traders prefer informalsector in the form of informal cooperation, 3) Found allegations reason not to develop cooperatives in theinformal sector traders community. 4) In this research can be made categorization “please help†in themerchant community informal.5) community cohesiveness informal traders can be categorized as highsector. This condition is shown from the notion of my (community members) and you (not a member)