7 research outputs found
Analisis Validasi Kualitas Soal Tes Hasil Belajar pada Pelaksanaan Program Pembelajaran
An Analysis of the Validation of the Quality Achievement Tests in the Learning Program Implementation. This study aims to investigate the test types developed by FE YSU, the steps of the development and validation, and the quality based on theories. This study was a survey involving 192 lecturers who taught basic science and technology subjects in the odd semester of 2008/2009. The sample, consisting of 92 lecturers, was selected using the proportional random sampling technique. The data were collected through documents and questionnaires and analyzed using the descriptive quantitative technique. The results showed that 1) 55.42% of the lecturers developed essays tests for measuring learning achievement, 13.03% developed objective tests, and 31.55% combined both; 2) in the test development process, 35.87% made the test blue-prints and 23.92% did not; only 13.59% developed new tests, 2.74% used old tests, and 46.19% combined the old tests with the new ones; 3) 54.89% rechecked the tests and 3.73% did not, 25.50% rechecked the tests by themselves and 17.85% rechecked the tests with group members of the same subject, 2.18% had other lecturers fully check the tests, 32.85% rechecked the essay tests, 11.18% rechecked the objective tests, and 91% rechecked mostly the relevance between the test and the learning competence; and 4) theoretically, 87% of the tests developed by lecturers were good in terms of the essence of the test quality. However, there were still some weaknesses in the clarity or the function of pictures and the scoring procedure of each test item (in essay test) and the homogenity of the option length (in objective tests)
Pemetaan Smk: Studi Eksploratif Di Provinsi DIY, Kalsel, Dan Kaltim
This research aims to describe (1) the latest data about the existence of vocational senior high school that consists of the numbers of school, the skill program, the numbers of learning group, and the numbers of productive training teacher: (2) the comparison of the productive training teacher with the skill program and the learning group. This research was conducted by using survey technique. The population which also eshtablished as the sample of this research were all of the head of the Branch Office of Education in the provinces region Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY), South Kalimantan, West Kalimantan, and all of the headmasters of SMK in those provinces. The data were collected by using documentation and questionnaire technique. The collected data were analyzed by using the quatitave descriptive technique and processed by SPSS 12 program. The result of this research showed that there was difference of SMK numbers between the numbers of SMK that recorded in 2008 (409 schools) and the numbers of SMK that observed in 2009. There were 423 SMKs in DIY, South Kalimantan, and East Kalimantan. 152 SMKs of them were public shool and the other 271 SMKs were private schools. The numbers of skill program were 1142 programs that located in DIY: 491, South Kalimantan: 198, and East Kalimantan: 453. The numbers of learning group = 4998 groups, for DIY 2309 groups, South Kalimantan 785 groups and East Kalimantan 1904 groups. The numbers of productive training teacher were 16069 people, DIY 7450 people, South Kalimantan 2459 people and East Kalimantan 5160 people. The comparison between teacher and skill program was 14,6 : 1, between teacher and learning group was 3,2 : 1. The skill program dominantly handled were Automotive Mechanical Engineering, Networks and Computer Technology, Accountancy, Multimedia, Marketing, and Office Administration. In addition, especially for DIY, Clothing Engineering was dominant skill program as wel
Pengaruh Strategi Pembelajaran Student-Centered Learning dan Kemampuan Spasial terhadap Kreativitas Mahasiswa
This study aims at investigating the difference of creativity between the students treated with the Student-Centered Learning (SCL) strategy and the students treated with the Direct Learning strategy. It was a quasi-experimental study employing the non-equivalent control group design. It was conducted using the 2x2 factorial design. The research population were 40 students attending the course of Fabrication Construction Design. The results of the study showed that (1) The creativity of the students using the SCL strategy attained mean scores of 42.65, higher than the students using the Direct Learning strategy with mean scores of 39. (2) The students with high spatial ability using the SCL strategy attained mean scores of 49, higher than the students using the Direct Learning strategy with mean scores of 36.3. (3) The students with low spatial ability using the SCL strategy attained mean scores of 36.3, lower than the students using the Direct Learning strategy with mean scores of 41.70. (4) There was an interaction between the learning strategy and the spatial ability in terms of the effect on the creativity
Analisis Daya Prediksi Tes Seleksi Masuk Program D3 Reguler Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri YOGYAKARTA terhadap Prestasi Akademik Mahasiswa D3 Teknik FT UNY
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) hasil tes seleksi masuk program D3 Reguler Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (FT UNY) dan prestasi akademik mahasiswa D3 FT UNY yang lulus tes seleksi dan (2) daya prediksi tes seleksi terhadap prestasi akademik mahasiswa D3 FT UNY. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di FT UNY dengan menggunakan teknik analisis dokumen. Populasi penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa baru program D3 FT UNY tahun 2005 yang diterima melalui tes seleksi sebanyak 219 orang. Semua populasi dijadikan sampel penelitian. Data penelitian diambil dari dokumen hasil tes seleksi masuk dan pencapaian indeks prestasi semester I pada tahun akademik 2005/ 2006. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis secara deskriptif dan korelasional dengan menggunakan bantuan program SPSS 10. Berdasarkan analisis data diperoleh hasil penelitian Sebagai berikut: (1) rerata skor hasil tes seleksi masuk program D3 reguler= 261, 733 masuk dalam kategori baik, (2) rerata indeks prestasi yang dicapai mahasiswa angkatan 2005/2006= 2,711 masuk dalam kategori baik dan (3) tes seleksi masuk program D3 Reguler tahun 2005 memiliki korelasi positif terhadap pencapaian indeks prestasi mahasiswa dengan koefisien korelasi sebesar 0,68. Dengan kata lain, skor tes seleksi masuk memberikan kontribusi sebesar 46,24% terhadap capaian indeks prestasi. Artinya tes seleksi masuk program D3 Reguler FT UNY memiliki daya prediksi yang cukup baik. Oleh karena itu, tes seleksi masuk ini dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu cara untuk seleksi penerimaan mahasiswa baru FT UNY dalam rangka mendapatkan calon mahasisawa yang berkualitas