313 research outputs found

    High Mobility in a Stable Transparent Perovskite Oxide

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    We discovered that La-doped BaSnO3 with the perovskite structure has an unprecedentedly high mobility at room temperature while retaining its optical transparency. In single crystals, the mobility reached 320 cm^2(Vs)^-1 at a doping level of 8x10^19 cm^-3, constituting the highest value among wide-band-gap semiconductors. In epitaxial films, the maximum mobility was 70 cm^2(Vs)^-1 at a doping level of 4.4x10^20 cm^-3. We also show that resistance of (Ba,La)SnO3 changes little even after a thermal cycle to 530 Deg. C in air, pointing to an unusual stability of oxygen atoms and great potential for realizing transparent high-frequency, high-power functional devices.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure

    Frequency of Pro475Ser Polymorphism of ADAMTS13 Gene and Its Association with ADAMTS-13 Activity in the Korean Population

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    Purpose: The in vitro study suggested that proline to serine polymorphism in codon 475 (C1423T) of the A Disintegrin and Metalloprotease with ThromboSpondin type 1 repeats-13 (ADAMTS-13) gene is related to reduced activity of ADAMTS-13. In this study, the frequency of the Pro475Ser polymorphism in Koreans was studied and plasma ADAMTS-13 activity was measured to find out whether this polymorphism contributes to decreased ADAMTS-13 activity in Koreans. Patients and Methods: The frequency of the C1423T allele of the ADAMTS13 gene was studied along with measuring plasma ADAMTS-13 activity in 250 healthy Korean individuals. Results: The allele frequency of C1423T polymorphism was 4%, and the median activity of CT type was 107 (69- 143)%, which was lower than in controls with the CC genotype [118 (48- 197)%, (p = 0.021)]. Conclusion: Therefore, the Pro475Ser polymorphism seems to be popular in the Korean population, and attenuates ADAMTS-13 plasma activity. Key Words: ADAMTS-13, polymorphism, thrombotic thromobocytopenic purpur

    Scutellaria baicalensis

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    Antimycin A (AMA) damages mitochondria by inhibiting mitochondrial electron transport and can produce reactive oxygen species (ROS). ROS formation, aging, and reduction of mitochondrial biogenesis contribute to mitochondrial dysfunction. The present study sought to investigate extracts of Scutellaria baicalensis and its flavonoids (baicalin, baicalein, and wogonin), whether they could protect mitochondria against oxidative damage. The viability of L6 cells treated with AMA increased in the presence of flavonoids and extracts of S. baicalensis. ATP production decreased in the AMA treated group, but increased by 50% in cells treated with flavonoids (except wogonin) and extracts of S. baicalensis compared to AMA-treated group. AMA treatment caused a significant reduction (depolarized) in mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP), whereas flavonoid treatment induced a significant increase in MMP. Mitochondrial superoxide levels increased in AMA treated cells, whereas its levels decreased when cells were treated with flavonoids or extracts of S. baicalensis. L6 cells treated with flavonoids and extracts of S. baicalensis increased their levels of protein expression compared with AMA-treated cells, especially water extracts performed the highest levels of protein expression. These results suggest that the S. baicalensis extracts and flavonoids protect against AMA-induced mitochondrial dysfunction by increasing ATP production, upregulating MMP, and enhancing mitochondrial function

    Mycobacterium seoulense sp. nov., a slowly growing scotochromogenic species

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    A previously undescribed, slowly growing, scotochromogenic mycobacterium was isolated from a patient with symptomatic pulmonary infection during hsp65 sequence-based identification of Korean clinical isolates. Phenetic characteristics of this strain were generally similar to those of Mycobacterium nebraskense and Mycobacterium scrofulaceum. However, some phenetic characteristics differentiated it from these two species. Its 16S rRNA gene sequences were unique and phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequences placed the organism in the slowly growing Mycobacterium group close to M. nebraskense and M. scrofulaceum. Its unique mycolic acid profiles and the results of phylogenetic analysis based on two independent alternative chronometer molecules, hsp65 and rpoB, confirmed the taxonomic status of this strain as representing a novel species. These data support the conclusion that this strain represents a novel mycobacterial species, for which the name Mycobacterium seoulense sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is strain 03-19(T) (=DSM 44998(T)=KCTC 19146(T))

    Deterministic mechanical model of T-killer cell polarization reproduces the wandering of aim between simultaneously engaged targets

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    T-killer cells of the immune system eliminate virus-infected and tumorous cells through direct cell-cell interactions. Reorientation of the killing apparatus inside the T cell to the T-cell interface with the target cell ensures specificity of the immune response. The killing apparatus can also oscillate next to the cell-cell interface. When two target cells are engaged by the T cell simultaneously, the killing apparatus can oscillate between the two interface areas. This oscillation is one of the most striking examples of cell movements that give the microscopist an unmechanistic impression of the cell's fidgety indecision. We have constructed a three-dimensional, numerical biomechanical model of the molecular-motor-driven microtubule cytoskeleton that positions the killing apparatus. The model demonstrates that the cortical pulling mechanism is indeed capable of orienting the killing apparatus into the functional position under a range of conditions. The model also predicts experimentally testable limitations of this commonly hypothesized mechanism of T-cell polarization. After the reorientation, the numerical solution exhibits complex, multidirectional, multiperiodic, and sustained oscillations in the absence of any external guidance or stochasticity. These computational results demonstrate that the strikingly animate wandering of aim in T-killer cells has a purely mechanical and deterministic explanation. © 2009 Kim, Maly

    Flexoelectric control of a ferromagnetic metal

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    Electric fields have played a key role in discovering and controlling exotic electronic states of condensed matter. However, electric fields usually do not work in metals as free carriers tend to screen electrostatic fields. While a pseudo-electric field generated by inhomogeneous lattice strain, namely a flexoelectric field, can in principle work in all classes of materials, it remains experimentally unexplored in metals. Here, using heteroepitaxy and atomic-scale imaging, we show that flexoelectric fields can polarize a metallic oxide SrRuO3 with unexpectedly large Ru off-center displacements. We also observe that the flexoelectrically induced polar state of SrRuO3 leads to sizable lattice expansion, similar to the electrostrictive expansion caused by ionic displacements in dielectrics under an external electric field. We further suggest that flexoelectrically driven Ru off-centering promotes strong coupling between lattice and electronic degrees of freedom, possibly enhancing the ferromagnetism of SrRuO3. Beyond conventional electric fields, flexoelectric fields may universally engender novel electronic states and their control via pure atomic displacements in a nondestructive and fast manner.Comment: 33 pages, 13 figure

    Combined spinal-epidural anesthesia for cesarean section in a patient with Moyamoya disease -A case report-

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    Moyamoya disease is a rare progressive occlusive disease of the internal carotid arteries. We report a case of combined spinal-epidural anesthesia in a patient with Moyamoya disease presenting for Cesarean section. Hypotension associated with spinal anesthesia for Cesarean section is the most common and serious adverse effect despite the use of uterine displacement and volume preload. We continuously infused phenylephrine and ephedrine to prevent hypotension. The intraoperative hemodynamic state was stable. The patient had no significant postoperative complications