27 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Komponen Manajemen Konstruksi Terhadap Capaian Mutu Pemeliharaan Preventif Perkerasan Lentur

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    Road maintenance management in Indonesia focuses mainly on preventive rather than reactive maintenance as written on Strategic Plan 2015-2019 of Directorate General of Highways. Construction management criteria play a significant role in successful delivery of a road preservation project. In an attempt to understand these construction management criteria and their links to quality performance on a flexible pavement preventive maintenance project, a hierarchical structural model is established. The method used in this research was the structural equation modeling involving 186 respondents that directly involved in the national road maintenance project on Balai Besar Pelaksanaan Jalan Nasional V. The results of the model show that the major factors that control the performance of flexible pavement preventive maintenance project considered in this study are: (1) supervising consultant by 93.6%; (2) Commitment Making Official (CMO) or PPK (Pejabat Pembuat Komitmen) by 92.1%; (3) contractor by 89.8%; (4) material by 74.8%; and (5) project equipment by 72.1%

    Pengaruh Atribut Sidlacom Terhadap Penilaian Kinerja Jasa Konsultansi Core Team Jalan Nasional Pada Snvt-p2jn Provinsi Gorontalo

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    Consultant has a very important role in coordinating project at the planning and supervision step. At present the performance of companion consultancy service (core team) in SNVT-P2JN Gorontalo is based on the absorption of core team's contract value itself. This study aims to determine the effect of SIDLACOM (Survey, Investigation, Design, Land acquisition, Action program, Construction, Operation, and Maintenance) attributes towards core team's performance in the working area of SNVT-P2JN Gorontalo. Analysis results of four methods, i.e. IPA method, CSI method, factor analysis, and regression analysis show that the attributes which determine the effect of SIDLACOM are: (1) Survey, consist of data accuracy and validation; (2) Investigation, consist of investigation of problem and obstacle control in the site and investigation of method accuracy; (3) Detail Engineering Design, consist of inspection of DED anticipation towards the changes in the site, appropriate of dimension in accordance with technical standard and criteria; and relevant to the technology; (4) Land Acquisition, consist of accuracy of land acquisition cost analysis; (5) Action Program, consist of examination of accurate DED preparation; (6) Construction, consist of making of road construction Standard Operating Procedure (SOP); (7) Operational, consist of investigation of traffic volume growth prediction data preparation; and (8) Maintenance, consist of the progress of making road maintenance Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). Keywords: core team, performance appraisal, SIDLACOM Konsultan memiliki peran penting dalam melakukan koordinasi pekerjaan proyek pada tahap perencanaan dan pengawasan. Selama ini penilaian kinerja jasa konsultansi pendamping (core team) di lingkungan SNVT-P2JN Gorontalo dilakukan berdasarkan penyerapan nilai kontrak. P2JN belum memiliki metode penilaian kinerja core team ditinjau dari tugas dan fungsinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh atribut SIDLACOM (Survey, Investigation, Design, Land Acquisition, Action Program, Construction, Operation, Maintenance) terhadap penilaian kinerja core team di wilayah kerja SNVT-P2JN Gorontalo. Metode nalisis yang digunakan adalah metode IPA, CSI, analisis faktor dan regresi, yang hasil analisisnya menyimpulkan beberapa atribut SIDLACOM yang berpengaruh terhadap penilaian kinerja core team: (1) Survey, meliputi kesiapan akurasi dan validasi data; (2) Investigation, meliputi pengendalian masalah dan kendala serta pemeriksaan ketepatan metode yang digunakan; (3) Detail Engineering Design, meliputi antisipasi terhadap Perubahan di lapangan, kesesuaian dimensi terhadap standar dan kriteria teknis, dan relevansinya terhadap perkembangan teknologi; (4) Land Acquisition, meliputi analisis kebutuhan biaya pengadaan lahan; (5) Action Program, meliputi penyusunan desain dan program pendanaan yang akurat; (6) Construction, meliputi pembuatan manual pekerjaan jalan; (7) Operational, meliputi penyusunan data prediksi pertumbuhan volume lalulintas; dan (8) Maintenance, meliputi pembuatan manual pemeliharaan jalan. Kata

    Identifikasi Kebutuhan Penanganan Jalan Nasional 2015-2019 Di Provinsi Sumatera Selatan

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    Multi-criteria analysis combines road condition assessment score (IRI, SDI, road width, V/C ratio, traffic volume, vehicle speed, travel time) with importance level of the development of the area. The analysis resultedthe need of maintenance of national road in South Sumatera (2015-2019) more optimally, efficiently and effectively. The result are as follows : (1) in 2015, 95,86% of the roads require routine maintenance and 4,14% require capacity improvement by widening the road to 7,0 meter; (2) among 2016 to 2019, 100,0% of the roads require routine maintenance without widening. The implementation of the maintenance does notaffect much to reduce travel time, although 100,0% of road has a width of more than 7,0 meter and about 90,37% of road has IRI less than 4,0 m/km. The condition is caused by there are no maintenance requirements concerning the improvement of the substandard geometric

    Biaya Penanganan Jalan Nasional Berdasarkan Kondisi Kerusakan Jalan Dan Modulus Efektif Perkerasan Pada Ruas Jalan Nasional Di Demak

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    The selection methods for pavement handling in Indonesia are often less precise. Handling of road damage with an overlay calculated based on the effective modulus of pavement is often chosen as a quick solution. However the road handling related to the structural damage cannot be done only with the overlay because pavement structural repairs are needed and, if this is not done, the pavement damaged will occur quickly. This study was conducted on the road segment Number 017.11 (K), Jalan Bypass, in Demak, to identify the type of damage, severity, and quantity of damage. The results were then analyzed using the PCI method for determining the repair option costs. Then a cost comparison was performed on the overlay cost based on the pavement effective modulus using the AASHTO (1993) method with the overlay cost based on the Bina Marga (2005) method. The results can be taken into consideration in determining the road maintenance program so that the handling of road damage becomes more precise and optimal

    Penyusunan Jaringan Jalan Kota Sebagai Strategi Mengatasi Kemiskinan Kota

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    Kemiskinan merupakan masalah pembangunan di berbagai bidang yang ditandai oleh pengangguran, keterbelakangan, dan keterpurukan. Masalah kemiskinan sangat erat kaitannya dengan tingkat kesejahteraan, yang dapat diukur melalui sejauhmana masyarakat memiliki akses untuk mendapatkan kebutuhan yang diperlukan. Akses secara fundamental dapat diperbaiki melalui 2 cara yang bersifat saling melengkapi, yaitu: (1) meletakkan secara tepat berbagai fasilitas dan pelayanan dasar yang dibutuhkan masyarakat (intervensi non transportasi) dan (2) memperbaiki mobilitas masyarakat sehingga dapat melakukan perjalanan dengan lehih cepat, murah, nyaman, dan aman (intervensi transportasi). Dengan demikian pendekatan transportasi merupakan salah satu strategi untuk mengatasi kemiskinan perkotaan. Kajian ini dilakukan terhadap kota-kota dengan karakteristik kota besar dan kota sedang. Kota Besar diwakili oleh Kota Surabaya dan Kota Medan, sedangkan kota sedang diwakili oleh Kota Banjarmasin. Kajian yang dilakukan mencakup kajian literatur terhadap konsep-konsep kemiskinan perkotaan serta kajian lapangan terhadap kondisi penduduk miskin dan tingkat aksesibilitas terhadap fasilitas ekonomi, sosial, dan pemerintahan. Jumlah sampel untuk penelitian ini adalah sebanyak 50 Kepala Keluarga untuk masing-masing kota, yang diambil pada kantong-kantong kemiskinan yang diidentifikasi melalui pengolahan data sekunder dari Data Potensi Desa BPS. Analisis data dilakukan dengan analisis regresi untuk mendapatkan hubungan antara tingkat kesejahteraan sebagai variabel tergantung dengan jarak sebagai variabel bebas. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa pada kota besar, penyusunan jaringan jalan seharusnya lebih diprioritaskan pada aspek-aspek aksesibilitas penduduk miskin terhadap pencapaian fasilitas pertokoan/warung, pasar dan tempat kerja. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa pengembangan jaringan jalan dalam mengatasi kemiskinan di kota besar harus lebih diutamakan pada pemenuhan kebutuhan dasar hidup, yaitu aktivitas ekonomi. Pada kota sedang, penyusunan jaringan jalan seharusnya lebih diprioritaskan pada aspek aksesibilitas penduduk miskin terhadap fasilitas pemerintahan, tempat pendidikan, dan tempat kerja. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa pengembangan jaringan jalan dalam mengatasi kemiskinan di kota sedang harus lebih diutamakan pada pemenuhan kebutuhan pemerintahan, pendidikan, dan ekonomi. Kata

    Program Pemeliharaan Jalan Nasional Di Provinsi Sumatera Utara

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    Existing condition of national roads in the Province of North Sumatera at the end of 2014 has not been fully optimized, with the proportion of road conditions that fall into either good and medium categories still had a significant decrease each year. In addition, the width of pavement is still dominated by the class of small roads (less than 7 m). This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of the national road maintenance program in the Province of North Sumatera from 2012 until 2014. The effectiveness was evaluated by using the modified Importance Performance and the Customer Satisfaction Index. This results indicates that the outputs generated by the road handling in this study is somewhat different compared to those implemented by the Directorate General of Highways, especially in the handling of capacity expansion

    Pengaruh Komponen Manajemen Konstruksi Terhadap Capaian Mutu Pemeliharaan Preventif Perkerasan Kaku

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    Construction quality characteristic and contribution of construction management component need to be defined in order to do a project effectively and efficiently. The objective of this research is to get desirable construction quality in preventive maintenance of rigid pavement and contribution of construction management in achieving the quality. Questioners are spreaded to national road stakeholder in Riau and Riau Island Province. Total responden feedbacks are 109, which comes from owner 36,70%; contractor 31,19%; and consultant 32,11%. Data analysis is done using Structural Equation Modeling with AMOS 21 software. The result of this research shows that desirable quality of rigid pavement preventive maintenance are lackness of crack, depression, faulting, pumping, surface texture defects, spalling, and keeping the IRI value less than 8. Construction management contribute 54% of quality result. In other hand, construction management is significantly influenced by PPK, contractor, consultan, material, project administration, and environment

    Risiko Keterlambatan Progres Fisik Terhadap Mutu Pelaksanaan Jalan Nasional Di Provinsi Sulawesi Utara

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    Physical progress delay affects the quality performance of national road construction. Factors causing the delay are very complex related to quality, human resource, material, equipment, construction method, and project control and management. This study aims to identify and analyze the risks of delays and its effect to road construction quality performance. The methods of risk analysis are modified Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The result shows that factors that cause delays and have significant risk and effect on quality deviation are: (1) improper technology, (2) wrong construction methods, (3) improper material quality, (4) infeasible of heavy equipment function, (5) deficient specifications and shop drawings, (6) incompleteness planning documents, (7) lack of control, (8) inadequate project administration, (9) low competency of personnel, and (10) deficient contract. Keterlambatan progres fisik di lapangan berpengaruh terhadap capaian mutu pelaksanaan jalan nasional. Faktor-faktor penyebab keterlambatan tersebut sangat kompleks berkaitan dengan mutu Sumber Daya Manusia, material, peralatan, metode kerja, serta pengendalian dan manajemen proyek. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis risiko akibat keterlambatan progres fisik dan pegaruhnya terhadap mutu pelaksanaan konstruksi jalan. Analisis risiko tersebut menggunakan metode Importance Performance Analysis yang dimodifikasi dan Structural Equation Modelling. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa faktor penyebab keterlambatan yang memiliki risiko signifikan dan berpengaruh terhadap penyimpangan mutu pelaksanaan jalan nasional adalah: (1) ketidaktepatan teknologi pelaksanaan proyek, (2) kesalahan metode kerja, (3) ketidaktepatan kualitas material, (4) ketidaklaikan fungsi peralatan berat, (5) defisiensi spesifikasi dan gambar kerja, (6) ketidaklengkapan dokumen perencanaan, (7) pengendalian proyek yang kurang memadai, (8) ketidaktepatan pelaksanaan manajemen proyek, (9) kompetensi tenaga kerja yang rendah, dan (10) defisiensi kontrak

    Evaluasi Kendala Dan Masalah Implementasi UU 22/2009 Tentang Llaj Terhadap Capaian Penyelenggaraan Jalan Nasional

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    The Law No. 22/2009 on Road Traffic and Transportation dictates the national road authorities to perform proactively, reactively, and with fullest anticipation with regards to the safety aspects in administering road provision. In relation to this demand, data collection was conducted in Provinces of Riau, East Java, South Kalimantan, South Sulawesi, and East Nusa Tenggara through a series of focussed discusions involving road authorities, road traffic and transportation regulators, as well as law enforcement officers. Proactive measures that still fell short to meet the demand were related to Article 8 (stipulation of road's level of service, optimized utilization of road segments, geometric betterment of roads and intersections, stipulation of road classes, and attainment of road worthiness). Reactive measures that still lag in enforcement were related to Article 24 (improvement of road sections with safety deficiencies, and installation of road signs at damaged road sections or roads with substandard geometric to prevent accidents). Anticipative measures in need of attention were related to Article 230 (road unworthiness as a contributing factor to cause accidents), and Article 273 (poor road conditions that might cause accidents, and in consequence of which, road authorities could face 5 year imprisonment in cases invloving fatalities)