6 research outputs found

    Pengujian Tiga Paket Teknologi Budi Daya Jarak Pagar Di Lahan Kering

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    Pengujian teknologi budi daya jarak pagar yang tepat sangat diperlukan untuk meningkatkan produktivitas biji jarak pagar hasil rehabilitasi. Penelitian dilaksanakan tiga tahun (2012–2014) di Kebun Percobaan Asembagus, Situbondo dengan karakter lahan kering, bertujuan untuk menguji tiga paket teknologi budi daya jarak pagar yang dapat meningkatkan produksi biji jarak pagar. Pengujian paket teknologi dilakukan pada sistem tanam baru IP-3A pada populasi rapat, pertanaman hasil rehabilitasi dengan sambung samping IP-3A dan pangkas IP-3A. Tanaman sela kacang tanah ditanam di antara tanaman jarak pagar. Komponen produksi dan produksi biji jarak pagar diamati saat panen dan diakumulasi per tahun. Pengujian paket teknologi budi daya tanaman jarak pagar pada sistem tanam baru menghasilkan produktivitas biji yang meningkat dari tahun pertama sampai tahun ketiga masing-masing 253,6 kg/ha; 1.277,2 kg/ha; dan 1.640,3 kg/ha. Pengujian paket teknologi budi daya jarak pagar hasil rehabilitasi dengan sistem sambung samping menghasilkan produktivitas biji dari tahun pertama sampai tahun ketiga berturut-turut 436,0 kg/ha, 3.434,5 kg/ha, dan 1.409,1 kg/ha dan produktivitas tanaman sela kacang tanah berturut-turut 960,0 kg/ha, 913,6 kg/ha, dan 1.233,3 kg/ha polong kering. Pengujian paket teknologi budi daya jarak pagar hasil rehabilitasi dengan pangkas menghasilkan produktivitas biji dari tahun pertama sampai tahun ketiga berturut-turut 529,8 kg/ha; 2.460,2 kg/ha; dan 1.567,3 kg/ha dan produktivitas tanaman sela kacang tanah berturut-turut 856,5 kg/ha; 300,46 kg/ha; dan 533,30 kg/ha polong kering. Teknologi budi daya tanaman jarak pagar yang diterapkan disesuaikan dengan kondisi tanaman yang ada. Penggunaan varietas yang dianjurkan yang sesuai dengan agroekosistemnya sangat dianjurkan melalui penanaman tanaman baru atau sambung samping. Tanaman yang telah meng-gunakan varietas baru dan telah melewati umur produktif (tiga tahun) dapat dilakukan pangkas bawah. Development of physic nut as an alternative energy source requires an optimized cultivation technology support. The field research was done in three consecutive years (2012–2014) in Asembagus Experimental Station, Situbondo to test physic nut cultivation technologies to improve productivity. Testing the cultivation technology package was performed on the new planted physic nut IP-3A, crop rejuvenation by grafting with entresIP-3A and pruning the IP-3A clone. Groundnut was planted as intercrop with physic nut, and after groundnut has been harvested, Crotalaria juncea was planted and harvested at the age of 45 days then mulched between physic nut plants. Yield components and yields of physic nut were recorded andaccumu-lated within a year. The application of cultivation technologies on new plating system resulted in agradually increase in seed yield from the first year to the third year consecutively, 253.6 kg/ha, 1,277.2 kg/ha, and 1,640.3 kg/ha. Physic nut IP-3A rejuvenated with grafting produced seeds 436.0 kg/ha at the first year, 3,434.5 kg/ha at the second year, and 1,409.1 kg/ha at the third year, and groundnut yields from first tothird year were 960.0 kg/ha, 913.6 kg/ha, and 1,233.3 kg/ha dry pods respectively. Physic nut IP-3A rejuvenated with pruning system produced seeds 529.8 kg/ha at the first year, 2,460.2 kg/ha at the second year, and 1,567.3 kg/ha at the third year and groundnut yields from first tothirdyear were 856.5 kg/ha, 300.46 kg/ha, and 533.30 kg/ha dry pods consecutively. Thus physic nut cultivation technologies are applied according to the conditions of existing plants. The use of recommended varieties best fit to agro-ecosystem is highly recommended by planting new plants or grafting. It is ideal to take up pruning activities when the plant is no longer productive

    Serotipe Virus Dengue dan Populasi Aedes Aegypti dan Aedes Albopictus di Kota Bengkulu: Implikasi Bagi Program Pencegahan Demam Berdarah

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    Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk pencegahan perkembangan penyakit DBD dengan mendeteksi serotipe virus dengue pada nyamuk Ae. aegypti dan Ae. albopictus dan menentukan rasio populasi nyamuk Ae. aegypti dan Ae. albopictus di daerah endemis dan sporadis DBD di Kota Bengkulu. Metode: Desain penelitian ini adalah observasional-analitik. Telur nyamuk Aedes sp dikumpulkan menggunakan ovitrap dari daerah endemis DBD (Kelurahan Sidomulyo) dan daerah sporadis DBD (Kelurahan Tanjung Jaya). Identifikasi spesies Ae. aegypti dan Ae. albopictus menggunakan pictorial key for the identification of mosquitoes Rueda. Deteksi serotipe virus dengue dilakukan dengan metode RT-PCR dan Nested PCR menggunakan primer spesifik Lanciotti. Hasil: Serotipe virus dengue yang ditemukan pada Ae. aegypti adalah DENV-3 (daerah endemis dan sporadis DBD) dan DENV-3 pada Ae. albopictus (daerah sporadis DBD). Perbandingan populasi Ae. aegypti dan Ae. albopictus pada daerah endemis dan sporadis DBD berturut-turut adalah (60,51%:39,49%) dan (27,08%:72,92%). Simpulan: Aedes aegypti di daerah endemis dan sporadis DBD serta Ae. albopictus di daerah sporadis DBD berpotensi sebagai vektor dengue-3. Dinas Kesehatan Kota Bengkulu dapat mengoptimalkan program pencegahan DBD dan mengaktifkan kader Jumantik

    The Phytochemical Analysis of Hay Infusions and Papaya Leaf Juice as an Attractant Containing Insecticide for Aedes Aegypti

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    Aedes aegypti mosquito population could be controlled by using lethal ovitrap. The addition of hay infusions as a attractant greatly enhance Aedes aegypti eggs trapped, and papaya leaf juice may inhibit Aedes aegypti eggs evolve to larvae or a larvae to pupae stage. This study was conducted to find out the chemical compounds in hay infusion and papaya leaf juice. We used phytochemical test using UV-Vis Spectrophotometry, Thin Layer Chromatography, and High Performance Liquid Chromatoraphy (HPLC) method. The results showed that hay infusion contains 12,75 mg/L ammonium and <1,20 ppm (µg/mL) lactic acid and papaya leaf juice contains 0,25% alkaloid, 0,14% flavonoid, 0,30% saponin, ≤68 mg/L steroid and 11,34% tannin, but negative terpenoid. We concluded that hay infusion and papaya leaf juice contains chemical compounds that could be use as attractant and bioinsecticide to Aedes aegypti, respectively

    Repellency Test of Wet Tissue Containing DEET (N,N-diethyl- 3-metatoluamide) and Citronella Oil (Cymbopogon Citratus) Againts Aedes Aegypti Mosquitoes

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    Dengue hemorrhagic fever has been one of the major health problems in Indonesia. As the disease spreads out by Aedes aegypti, a variety of ways has been conducted to disconnect host, agent, and the environment chain including prevention of human contact with the vector using by various repellents.The present test compared the complete protection time of N,N-diethyl- 3-metatoluamide (DEET) and citronella oil impregnated in wet tissue against Aedes aegypti. For this test, an ethanol-based 12.5% DEET and 20% citronella oil were prepared, into which dry tissue papers were immersed, drain in open air, and then stored in aluminum foil packs for one day and one week. Meanwhile, a number of disease-free adult female Aedes aegypti were placed in mosquito cages. The prepared one-day and oneweek stored wet tissues were used to swab volunteer adult human hands (from elbow to wrist) which were then inserted into the mosquito cage in three replicates (25 mosquitoes each cage). Elapsed time from first hand insertion to the first mosquito bite was calculated and expressed as repellency time of the impregnated repellent. It was found that the average repellency times of one-day stored 12.5% DEET and 20% citronella oil wet tissues were 4 hour 26 minutes and 14.24 minutes, respectively, while for oneweek stored were 4 hour 6 minutes and 12.57 minutes, respectively. Post Hoc test showed that the repellency time difference between one-day and one-week storage was not statistically significance (p = 0.524 for DEET and p = 0.681 for citronella oil)