4 research outputs found

    Conflict of Waste Management in DKI Jakarta and Its Recomended Solutions

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    Conflict of waste management is interesting to be investigated. Bantargebang as a government project on waste management in Jakarta and Bekasi areas is a community based waste management which has both positive and negative impacts. This research aims to collect information on the history of waste management conflict in DKI Jakarta, identify stakeholders, analyze the cause of waste management conflict and provide alternative solutions to solve the problem. This research used case study method with qualitative analysis approach. The result showed that waste management conflict in DKI Jakarta area involves various parties i.e: DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, Jakarta City Council D Commission, PT Godang Tua Jaya, and Commission A of DPRD Kota Bekasi. Factors causing conflict in the management of Bantargebang TPA assessed various circles not in accordance with agreed provisions, the disharmony and the inability of the manager in processing waste, and has not run the Intermediate Treatment Facility (ITF) waste management system. Waste management needs to build environmentally friendly waste technology because its legal umbrella already exists, such as Governor Regulation Number 50/2016 on the Construction and Operation of Municipal Waste Management Facility in the City

    Total Economic Value of Urban Forest of PT. Holcim Tbk Area in Cilacap Regency, Central Java

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    High urban activities tend to impact on the degradation of environmental quality. One of the causes of environmental degradation is conversion of forests into office buildings and settlements. An effort to reduce enviromental quality degradation is by applying green open space (RTH) in which for the urban areas the most appropriate form is city's urban forest. City's urban forest in addition to having ecological values it has economic values. This study aims to determine total economic value of urban forest of PT. Holcim Indonesia Tbk in Cilacap Regency, Central Java. The study was carried out related to public perception, if the product or services produced by urban forest is calculated in term of monetary value such that, it is expected that the society would increasingly recognize the important role of urban forest. Measurements were carried out in 2013, using total economic value approach, covering direct and indirect values. The results showed that total economic value of urban forests of PT. Holcim Indonesia is IDR598,719,138,213.00 per year, consisting of direct benefit of IDR346,769,705,800.00 and indirect benefit of IDR251,949,432,413.00. The result of analysis shows that urban forest meets the feasibility requirement when viewed from the benefits obtained compared with cost incurred

    Kajian Hutan Kemasyarakatan sebagai Sumber Pendapatan : Kasus di Kab. Gunung Kidul

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    Hutan kemasyarakatan (HKm) merupakan hutan negara yang pemanfaatannya ditujukan untuk pemberdayaan masyarakat sekitar hutan. Keterlibatan masyarakat dalam pengelolaan hutan agar kelestarian hutan tetap terjaga dan kesejahteraan masyarakat tercapai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji kegiatan-kegiatan pada HKm yang menjadi sumber pendapatan bagi masyarakat sekitar hutan di Kabupaten Gunungkidul, DI Yogyakarta. Dua kelompok tani hutan (KTH) kemasyarakatan sebagai contoh penelitian, dan sebanyak 40 KK anggotakelompok tani sebagai responden. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik wawancara, observasi dan studi literatur, analisa data dilakukan secara kuantitatif dan deskriptif kualitatif. Analisis kuantitatif terdiri atas analisis pendapatan rumah tangga, analisis imbangan penerimaan dan biaya. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kegiatan HKm dapat meningkatkan pendapatan KTH antara 20–50%. Kegiatan yang dapat dijadikan sumber pendapatan terdiri dari kegiatan kelembagaan dan pengelolaan HKm secara tumpangsari. Kegiatan tumpangsari dengan memperhatikan komposisi antara tanaman pokok dengan tanaman sela berpengaruh terhadap tingkat pendapatan. Tingkat pendapatan KTH Tani Manunggal lebih besar dari KTH Sedyo lestari, hal ini karena adanya perbedaan antara komposisi tanaman pokok dan tanaman sela, luasan HKm, dan jumlah anggota KTH kemasyarakatan

    Analysis of Livelihoods in Peat Land: the Case of Tanjung Jabung Barat Regency

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    Peatland is unique, marginal and fragile ecosystem, therefore its utilization should be based on careful research and planning, and requires support from stakeholders. The utilization of peatland by community is generally in the forms of yards, fields, and gardens. The study aims to examine community activities on peatland to be source of livelihood and income. Research was conducted in Bram Itam Raya and Mekar Jaya villages, Tanjung Jabung Barat District. Data were analyzed by using thematic, economic social dimension analysis, and SWOT analysis. The results show the activities that can be source of livelihood and income in peatland are plantation, agriculture, and other forest products while income from non-land are entrepreneurship, services and livestock.People's livelihoods generally are plantation farmers (60.35%), with main commodities pinang, coffee, and palm oil, with average income greater than UMP namely up to Rp4,467,282.61per month. It illustrates that incomefrom peatland can fulfill their needs properly. There is limited knowledge of farmer in cultivating land, selection of plant species that can be adapted to biophysical conditions and how to cope with pests and diseases. To overcome limitation of community knowledge, it is necessary to provide alternative activities and sources of livelihood with agroforestry techniques