65 research outputs found

    Community Structure of Mangrove Vegetation in Mengkapan Village Sungai Apit District of Siak

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    The research was conducted in January-February 2017 in Mengkapan Village, Sungai Apit, District of Siak. The purpose of study was to determine the structure community of mangrove in Mengkapan Village. The method used in the research was survey method. The stations were determined based on human activity. Each station was determined in three transects set along 100 m from the sea toward the land. The number of plots was 27, with the size of 10 x 10 m2 for tree criteria, 5 x 5m2 for sapling criteria, and 2 x 2m2 for the seedlings criteria. The results of this study found 10 species of mangrove. The vegetation was dominated by species of R. apiculata with value 155.71%. The status of mangrove vegetation in Mengkapan Village, Sungai Apit was in bad condition, with the average density of 607.40 ind/ha

    Tolerance of Probiotic Bacterial Candidate From Kakap Putih on Ph and Bile Salt

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    The use of probiotic is one of alternatives to solve disease problem in aquaculture. This research aimed to examine tolerance of three lactic acid bacteria (KP1, KP2, and KP3) isolated from kakap putih (Lates calcarifer) toward pH and bile salt at different consentration. The bacterial isolates were enriched on MRS agar medium. Tolerance to pH was conducted in MRS broth at pH 3, 5 and 8. While, tolerance to bile salt were performed on MRS agar at consentration of 0, 0,1, 0,2, 0,3, and 0,4 %. Isolate KP3 at pH and incubated for 48 hours showed the highest tolerance, but the highest tolerance to bile salt was indicated by isolated KP2 at bile salt consentration of 0,3 %

    Hubungan Pengetahuan Pasien Tentang Terapi Infus (Intravena) Dengan Kejadian Flebitis Di Irina a Bawah Rsup Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado

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    :Intravenous therapy used for treat various patient conditions. Phlebitis is one of many complication of intravenous therapy distribution. Purpose this study is to know relation knowledge of the patient about infusion teraphy (intravenous) with phlebitis incidence at IRINA A Bawah RSUP Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado. This study implemented with cross sectional method, sampling poll with total sampling. Obtained total sample is 30 peoples. Data analysis was perfomed using chi-square at the 95% significance level (α 0,05). The result of this study obtained respondents with highest result are patient with male sex (80%), age 31-40 (43,3%), education highschool (53,3%), and most of the respondents have a good knowledge about infusion therapy (76,7%) and not exposed phlebitis (80%). Result of statistic test is no relation between patient knowledge about infusion therapy with phlebitis insidence with P value=0,120> α=0,05. For nursing profesion particulary hospital nurse need to do health education to patient about infusion therapy with the complication. For the patient being on treatment infusion therapy must attention that the medical personil information to prevent the complication of the infusion therapy

    Kebijakan Hukum Pidana terhadap Tindak Pidana Pencurian dengan Modus Pecah Kaca Mobil dalam Perspektif Kriminologi (Studi Kasus Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Stabat No. 404/pid.b/2013/pn.stabat)

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    Thefts with modus operandi by breaking windshields happen frequently in Indonesia. Since it increases in number, research on it from the criminological perspective in necessary in order to find out the causing factors. The Penal law can be used as the means to overcome this theft. Overcoming this crime by penal law can be categorized into the forms of penal and non penal efforts. The objective of teh research is to find out the factors that constitute this theft and the policy of penal law to overcome it. The formulation of problems in the research are how the legal regulation are in regard to this theft, what the causing factors are, modus operandi are, and how the penal law policy is to overcome this theft.The method used in the research is the judicial normative method, namely a method based on the library study in order to obtain the materials that meet the requirements. The instruments of data gathering are guidelines of interviews and library study. According to the research result, the theft with modus operandi by breaking the windshields is categorized into a theft with aggravation which is regulated in the Article 363 of the Penal Law. Theaggravating element is that there is an effort from the perpetrators to break a thing that prevents them from conducting their action and it is conducted by more than 2 persons. The factors that cause the theft with modus operandi by breaking the windshields are habit, environment, and benefit. The policy of the penal law to overcome this kind of theft can be divided into the penal and non penal forms. These are divided again into pre-adjudication phase. The pre-adjudication phase is the phase of filing to the police before getting into phase of court session and the adjudication is the hearing of the theft perpetrator to the court. Meanwhile, in the non penal efforts, the police have made preventive efforts, such as, by patrolling at critical hours either while wearing casual clothes or uniform to prevent the occurence of the theft

    Analisis Yuridis Peran Polri Dalam Penanggulangan Tindak Pidana Pemalsuan Mata Uang Terkait Dengan Undang-undang Nomor 7 Tahun 2011 Tentang Mata Uang

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    The role of Indonesian Police in coping with the criminal act of counterfeiting currency was repressively performed through the enforcement of criminal law which is the action of eradication and the same time crushing the crime by the law enforces in criminal justice system. Coping with the crime through repressive action began from the Police Department assigned its members as investigators. Law on currency has formulated the expansion of the investigators activities within the framework of proving such as the investigator has the right/authority to open the access or to check and make copies of the electronic data saved in the computer file, internet networking, optical media, as well as all others forms of electronic data storage. The investigators may seize the evidence from the owner and provider of electronic services. Besides the repressive action, pre emtive and preventive actions are also needed through the socialization and inter-sectoral coordination wuth the holders of authorities in the field of currency

    Hasil Unplag Redesign and modification of torque measurement instrument for centrifugal pump

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    Ini adalah hasil unplag dari artikel yang berjudul Redesign and modification of torque measurement instrument for centrifugal pum

    Comparative evaluation of anopheline sampling methods in three localities in Indonesia

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    Background: The effectiveness of vector control efforts can vary based on the interventions used and local mosquito behaviour and adaptability. In many settings, biting patterns of Anopheles mosquitoes can shift in response to interventions targeting indoor-biting mosquitoes, often resulting in higher proportions of mosquitoes feeding outside or at times when people are not protected. These behaviourally resistant mosquitoes have been shown to sustain residual malaria transmission and limit control efforts. Therefore, it is important to accurately sample mosquitoes to understand their behaviour. Methods: A variety of traps were evaluated in three geographically diverse sites in malaria-endemic Indonesia to investigate local mosquito feeding behaviour and determine effective traps for surveillance. Results: Eight traps were evaluated in three sites: Canti village, Lampung, Kaliharjo village, Purworejo, and Saketa village, Halmahera, Indonesia, including the gold standard human landing collection (HLC) and a variety of traps targeting host-seeking and resting mosquitoes both indoors and outdoors. Trapping, using indoor and outdoor HLC, the Ifakara tent trap C, goat and human-occupied tents, resting pots and boxes, and CDC miniature light traps was conducted for 16 nights in two sites and 8 nights in a third site, using a Latin square design. Trap efficacy varied by site, with outdoor HLC yielding the highest catch rates in Canti and Kaliharjo and a goat-baited tent trap proving most effective in Saketa. In Canti village, anthropophilic Anopheles sundaicus were caught indoors and outdoors using HLCs, peaking in the early morning. In Kaliharjo, a variety of mosquitoes were caught, mostly outdoors throughout the night. HLC was ineffective in Saketa, the only site where a goat-baited tent trap was tested. This trap was effective in catching zoophilic vectors outdoors before midnight. Conclusions: Different trapping methods were suitable for different species, likely reflecting differences in behaviour among species. The three villages, each located on a different island in the Indonesian archipelago, contained mosquito populations with unique behaviours. These data suggest that the effectiveness of specific vector monitoring and control measures may vary by location

    Analisis Unjuk Kerja Hasil Minyak Alat Pirolisis dari Bahan Plastik Berkapasitas 2 Kg

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    Limbah sampah plastik sangat sulit terurai. Ada beberapa solusi untuk menanggulanginya, antara lain dapat diolah menjadi bentuk butiran, butiran ini sebagai bahan baku daur ulang untuk pembuatan bahan lain. Selain itu limbah plastik dapat diolah menjadi bahan bakar minyak. Penelitian ini bertujuan menjadikan plastic PP sebagai sumber dalam menghasilkan minyak dengan metode pirolisis. Adapun yang akan diuji adalah nilai massa jenis dan uji bakar dengan jumlah plastik sebanyak 2 kg. Dari proses pirolisis hasil yang didapatkan pada penelitian pertama adalah 845 ml dimana T1 mengasilkan sebanyak 810 ml, T2 menghasilkan 35 ml selama 5 jam.. Nilai massa jenis rata – rata minyak sebesar 0,84 kg/cm3 . Uji bakar minyak mampu menyala selama 2,31 menit dan 2,58 menit. Hasil minyak yang memiliki kualitas yang sangat baik karena berada diantara minyak tanah dan bensin
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