32 research outputs found

    Structure Community of Mangrove in the Village a Pantai Cermin Kiri Districts Pantai Cermin Regency of Serdang Bedagai the Province of North Sumatra

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    Study was conducted in february 2017. This report aims to understand structure community of mangrove in the village Pantai Cermin kiri in the Pantai Cermin North Sumatra. Methods used in research is method of surveying. The research station based on human activity. In every station divided into 3 transects with long transects 50 m lead from the sea to land. The number of a plot used by 27, with each size 10 x 10 m2 to tree level, 5 x 5 m m2 to the saplings, and 2 x 2m2 to level seedling. The result of this research found 7 mangrove species in the village Pantai Cermin kiri. Vegetation that dominated is Rhizophora apiculata with INP of 300 %. A condition of vegetation in the village Pantai Cermin Kiri in the shore Pantai Cermin mangrove are forest area is still in good with the density of of 2377,78 tree / ha

    Analysis of Mangrove Biomass in the Eco – Tourism Area of Mangrove Ecosystem in Sungaitohor Village of Riau Province

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    The research was conducted in December 2016-January 2017 in the mangrove ecosystem of Sungaitohor Village, Riau Province. The objective of this research was to analyze the biomass potential of mangrove ecosystem, to know the difference betwen above ground biomass potential (Above Ground Biomass, AGB) and underground biomass (Below Ground Biomass, BGB). Of the ANOVA test results on the levene test count has a value of 5.822 with a probability value of 0.009 (<0.05) then the three variants of the population are identical so that the biomass content of Station 1. Station 2 and Station 3 is not significantly different, the results showed that in the t-independent test results showed no significant differences in the potential value of AGB and BGB. Based on the ANOVA test the finding shawed no significant difference to total biomass at each station in Sungaitohor Village, Meranti Islands District

    Community Structure of Mangrove Vegetation in Mengkapan Village Sungai Apit District of Siak

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    The research was conducted in January-February 2017 in Mengkapan Village, Sungai Apit, District of Siak. The purpose of study was to determine the structure community of mangrove in Mengkapan Village. The method used in the research was survey method. The stations were determined based on human activity. Each station was determined in three transects set along 100 m from the sea toward the land. The number of plots was 27, with the size of 10 x 10 m2 for tree criteria, 5 x 5m2 for sapling criteria, and 2 x 2m2 for the seedlings criteria. The results of this study found 10 species of mangrove. The vegetation was dominated by species of R. apiculata with value 155.71%. The status of mangrove vegetation in Mengkapan Village, Sungai Apit was in bad condition, with the average density of 607.40 ind/ha

    The Abudance Crown of Thorn Starfish (Acanthaster Planci) in Coral Reef Ecosystem Tikus Island Bengkulu Province

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    Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Juni 2019 di Pulau Tikus Provinsi Bengkulu untuk mengetahui bagaimana kepadatan bintang laut berduri (A. planci), bagaimana kondisi terumbu karang serta bagaimana kepadatan bintang laut berduri (A. planci) pada ekosistem terumbu karang yang dianalisis berdasarkan tutupan karang hidup di Pulau Tikus. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survey. Pengambilan data kondisi terumbu karang dilakukan menggunakan metode Underwater Photograph Transect (UPT) dan pengambilan data kepadatan A. planci menggunakan metode line Intercept Transect (LIT). Kondisi Terumbu karang Pulau Tikus Provinsi Bengkulu pada 3 stasiun penelitian kedalaman 4 meter didapatkan masuk dalam kategori sedang-bagus. Pada stasiun I didapatkan persentase tutupan 44,4% atau dalam kategori sedang, pada stasiun II didapatkan persentase tutupan 59,33% dan stasiun III didapatkan persentase tutupan 59,04% yang masuk dalam kategori baik. Sedangkan pada kedalaman 9 meter didapatkan persentase tutupan dalam kategori buruk yaitu 13,93-20,20%. Kepadatan A. planci pada 3 stasiun penelitian yang masing masing dilakukan pengambilan data pada kedalaman 4 dan 9 meter semuanya masih dalam status populasi normal atau alami dengan kepadatan tertinggi yaitu 0,004 ind/m² sehingga belum memberikan ancaman yang berarti bagi ekosistem terumbu karang. Kepadatan A. planci pada masing masing stasiun penelitian juga tidak memperlihatkan perbedaan baik itu berdasarkan kedalaman maupun berdasarkan stasiun

    Analysis of Organic Matter in Sediments and Macrozoobenthos From Coastal Waters of Hurun Bay of Lampung

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    This study was conducted in July 2015 with the aim to observe the macrozoobenthospopulation and organic matter content in the sediment. The samples were collected from HurunBay in Lampung Province with using survey method. Samples were analyzed in the Laboratoryof Water Quality BBPPL Lampung and Chemistry Laboratory, Faculty of Fisheries and MarineSciences University of Riau. The study showed that the organic content in the sediment between22.88 - 54.91%, while the abundance of macrozoobenthos was between 20.29 - 66.67 ind / m2.Macrozoobenthos identified in Hurun Bay 8 species, 3 classes and 2 phylua. From the phylum ofMollusca there were Gastropod i.e. which had 5 species and from the classes of bivalves thestudy also found two species. From the phylum annelid there was one class, Polychaeta and onespecies, i.e. Nereis sp. The relationship between macrozoobenthos and organic content wasexpressed with the equation of Y = 9,411 + 0,6268X that the relationship of organic matter withmacrozoobenthos abundance was weak