2 research outputs found

    Notes on distribution and behaviour of the Rufous-winged Sunbird Cinnyris rufipennis

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    Rufous-winged Sunbird Cinnyris rufipennis is known only from Udzungwa Mountains in central Tanzania where it occurs in nine montane forests. Based on field surveys between 2011 and 2014, supplemented by observations made by all authors since the early 1990s, we provide a map showing its distribution and relative abundance. We estimate the size of the core areas where Rufous-winged Sunbird is common to c. 120 km2 and the total range to about 200 km2. We also provide data that suggests that breeding takes place during the rainy season from November to February with the breeding area usually centred on a forest glade or tree-fall gap. Finally, we describe observations of presumed lekking courtship display with up to three males assembling in a clearing and excitedly hopping from branch to branch, singing aggressively at each other with a single female observing

    Bird species richness in the montane evergreen forests of the Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania

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    Species richness and relative abundance of montane forest birds in the Udzungwa Mountains are presented for the 11 forests larger than 1 km2. A high positive correlation between the number of montane bird species and the size of the forest is found with the highest species richness recorded in the largest forest. A few small (< 5 km2) forest fragments also support a high richness of forest birds. Their isolation from larger forest tracts is probably relatively recent (within the last 100–200 years) and their high bird species numbers may be partly due to delayed extirpations. Twenty-three restricted range montane forest species were recorded, and many of these were widespread in the Udzungwas. The largest populations of White-winged Apalis Apalis chariessa, Dapple-throat Arcanator orostruthus, Iringa Akalat Sheppardia lowei and Usambara Weaver Ploceus nicolli are most likely in Udzungwa forests. Keywords:  Tanzania, Udzungwa Mountains, montane forest birds, distribution, abundance, extinction deb