140 research outputs found

    The Gender, Politic Issue, and Political Parties Role Factor on Female Candidate Election

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    The aim of this study is to know the probability for female candidates for having support from femalevoters than male candidates, the effect of gender role idelogy and level of gender group identity to thesupport for female candidates, and between the four independen varibles, which one that would be thebest predictor for female candidates for 2004 general election. The result shows that there is nodifferences of probability between male and female candidates to be choosen by female voters and thereis no differences also in gender role idelogy and gender group identification for voting the male andfemale candidates. Then, this research also shows that female voters behavior can't be predicted by thosevariables. The suggestion for the next research is to fix the way sampel is being collected, get morefocused on male participants, enhance other variables such as gender stereotype and involving thecognitive process in voting behavior

    Learning Approach as Predictor of Students' Epistemological Development in the Framework of Self-Authorship Theory

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    Past studies have found that an individual's epistemological development is predicted from learning that is meaningful to the learner. The current research aims to address whether deep learning style is able to predict students' epistemological ability (self-authorship, which is defined as the internal capacity to construct and evaluate knowledge claims, to comprehend the nature of contextual knowledge, and to have independence in the acquisition of knowledge). The researchers hypothesized that the deeper the learning approaches adopted by students, the higher their self-authorship. Conversely, the more students utilize a surface approach to learning, the lower their self-authorship. A total of 346 students enrolled in a university in Indonesia participated in the study. The results showed support for both hypotheses, and we discussed the role of cognitive dispositions in the development of epistemological ability

    Ingatan Tentang Kematian Menurunkan Kemunafikan Penguasa: Efek Kekuasaan dan Ancaman Kematian terhadap Kemunafikan Moral

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    Individu memiliki kecenderungan untuk munafik secara moral ketika memiliki kekuasaan. Mereka menilai pelanggaran moral yang dilakukan oleh dirinya lebih ringan dibandingkan orang lain meski berada dalam kondisi yang sama. Namun bagaimana jika individu diancam oleh kematian? Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen, bertujuan untuk melihat lebih lanjut gejala kemunafikan moral pada mereka yang berkuasa. Peneliti menggunakan dua prosedur dalam mengukur kemunafikan moral berupa Skala Pelanggaran Moral (studi 1) dan Dilema Pembagian Tugas (studi 2). Sumber kekuasaan juga dimanipulasi berdasarkan kepribadian (studi 1) dan kedudukan (studi 2). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ancaman kematian dapat membuat tingkat kemunafikan moral pada individu yang berkuasa mengalami penuruna

    Scheduling Problems-An Overview

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    Correlation Between Organizational Memory and Innovative Work Behavior

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    This study aims to determine the relationship between organizational memory and innovative work behavior. The study was conducted on 100 employees from various levels and positions in a company that produce and trade electronic solar equipment. To measure the organizational memory, we used Organizational Memory Scale developed by Dunhamm (2010) with α=0.75. Then, to measure innovative work behavior, we used Innovative Work Behavior Scale from Janssen (2000) with α=0.80. The results show that there is positive and significant correlation between organizational memory and innovative workbehavior (r=0.35; p<0.01). Hierarchical-regression analysis shows that (1) altogether education level, job type and organizational memory influences 19% of variance in innovative behavior; (2) when these variables are analysed together, only education level shows significant impact on innovative behavior. We discuss theoretical and methodological reasons for these results and offer future direction for research

    Moral Values That Thwart Intergroup Interactions: an Investigation on the Interaction Between Indonesian Moslems and Chinese-Indonesian Christians

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    As one of the most established theories, the contact hypothesis has been well-researched throughout decades of investigations. However, there have been few attempts to investigate individual factors that may influence interaction processes that may lower prejudice. The present study attempts to find the individual factors that can moderate the contact – prejudice effect, that is, individual moral values. Previous researches have noted that individuals with high moral loyalty, authority, and sanctity may resist interacting with outgroups. Consequently, these individuals may possess higher prejudice. Thus, we hypothesize that individuals with higher levels of those three moral values may experience the contact effect more profoundly, in which there is stronger contact – prejudice effect. 594 Moslem participants participated in the online survey we administered. We found that moral authority and purity can moderate the contact – prejudice effect, consistent with our hypotheses. These patterns were found only for the contact – subtle prejudice effect. However, moral loyalty cannot moderate this effect. We discuss the implications by examining the Indonesian current sociopolitical conditions and how the three moral values influence the dynamics of intergroup contact

    The Implementation of Industrial Cluster Development Program in Padurenan Village, Kudus

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    Small medium enterprise (SME) has a significant contribution to the national economic growth, and the Government has been trying to enhance the competitiveness of SME by using industrial cluster approach.This research tries to discuss the implementation of embroidery and apparel industrial cluster development program in Padurenan Village, Kudus Regency, also to analyze supporting and constraining factors that influence the implementation. The descriptive research method with qualitative approach is used in this research.The result shows that many activities conducted through a synergy among stakeholders have been implemented succesfully and proven to provide a positive impact for the developmet of embroidery and apparel SME in Padurenan. Enhancing the commitment and communication among actors involved in the program are needed for further development

    Language, identity, and ideology: Analysing discourse in Aceh sharia law implementation

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    The implementation of Sharia law in Aceh in 2001 has ignited various reactions from both national and international communities. Some argued that this Sharia law could have a detrimental effect on human rights issues. Others claimed that as a province populated by the Muslim majority, Aceh should be given an opportunity to legalise its own legal product, ensuring that Sharia law is part of Acehnese religious values. This paper is primarily concerned with analysing the texts taken from The Jakarta Post newspaper’s article regarding the formal implementation of the local Sharia law in Aceh. The article is examined by means of various tools in Discourse Analysis method, including social identity, speech acts and implicature, genres and register. The findings elucidate that the speech and discourse of the participants and their interpretation are highly influenced by identity and community ideology of the speakers
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