52 research outputs found

    Genotyping of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus from the United Arab Emirates

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    Reports from Arabian Gulf countries have demonstrated emergence of novel methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) strains. To address the lack of data from the United Arab Emirates (UAE), genetic characterisation of MRSA identified between December 2017 and August 2019 was conducted using DNA microarray-based assays. The 625 MRSA isolates studied were grouped into 23 clonal complexes (CCs) and assigned to 103 strains. CC5, CC6, CC22 and CC30 represented 54.2% (n/N = 339/625) of isolates with other common CCs being CC1, CC8, CC772, CC361, CC80, CC88. Emergence of CC398 MRSA, CC5-MRSA-IV Sri Lanka Clone and ST5/ST225-MRSA-II, Rhine-Hesse EMRSA/New York-Japan Clone in our setting was detected. Variants of pandemic CC8-MRSA-[IVa + ACME I] (PVL+) USA300 were detected and majority of CC772 strains were CC772-MRSA-V (PVL+), “Bengal- Bay Clone”. Novel MRSA strains identified include CC5-MRSA-V (edinA+), CC5-MRSA-[VT + fusC], CC5-MRSA-IVa (tst1+), CC5-MRSA-[V/VT + cas + fusC + ccrA/B-1], CC8-MRSA-V/VT, CC22-MRSA-[IV + fusC + ccrAA/(C)], CC45-MRSA-[IV + fusC + tir], CC80-MRSA-IVa, CC121-MRSA-V/VT, CC152-MRSA-[V + fusC] (PVL+). Although several strains harboured SCC-borne fusidic acid resistance (fusC) (n = 181), erythromycin/clindamycin resistance (ermC) (n = 132) and gentamicin resistance (aacA-aphD) (n = 179) genes, none harboured vancomycin resistance genes while mupirocin resistance gene mupR (n = 2) and cfr gene (n = 1) were rare. An extensive MRSA repertoire including CCs previously unreported in the region and novel strains which probably arose locally suggest an evolving MRSA landscape

    Shape resonance for the anisotropic superconducting gaps near a Lifshitz transition: the effect of electron hopping between layers

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    The multigap superconductivity modulated by quantum confinement effects in a superlattice of quantum wells is presented. Our theoretical BCS approach captures the low-energy physics of a shape resonance in the superconducting gaps when the chemical potential is tuned near a Lifshitz transition. We focus on the case of weak Cooper-pairing coupling channels and strong pair exchange interaction driven by repulsive Coulomb interaction that allows to use the BCS theory in the weak-coupling regime neglecting retardation effects like in quantum condensates of ultracold gases. The calculated matrix element effects in the pairing interaction are shown to yield a complex physics near the particular quantum critical points due to Lifshitz transitions in multigap superconductivity. Strong deviations of the ratio 2Δ/Tc2\Delta/T_c from the standard BCS value as a function of the position of the chemical potential relative to the Lifshitz transition point measured by the Lifshitz parameter are found. The response of the condensate phase to the tuning of the Lifshitz parameter is compared with the response of ultracold gases in the BCS-BEC crossover tuned by an external magnetic field. The results provide the description of the condensates in this regime where matrix element effects play a key role.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Systematics of two-component superconductivity in YBa2Cu3O6.95YBa_{2}Cu_{3}O_{6.95} from microwave measurements of high quality single crystals

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    Systematic microwave surface impedance measurements of YBCO single crystals grown in BaZrO3BaZrO_3 crucibles reveal new properties that are not directly seen in similar measurements of other YBCO samples. Two key observations obtained from complex conductivity are: a new normal conductivity peak at around 80K and additional pairing below 65K. High pressure oxygenation of one of the crystals still yields the same results ruling out any effect of macroscopic segregation of O-deficient regions. A single complex order parameter cannot describe these data, and the results suggest at least two superconducting components. Comparisons with model calculations done for various decoupled two-component scenarios (i.e. s+d, d+d) are presented. Systematics of three single crystals show that the 80K quasiparticle peak is correlated with the normal state inelastic scattering rate. Close to Tc, the data follow a mean-field behavior. Overall, our results strongly suggest the presence of multiple pairing temperature and energy scales in YBa2Cu3O6.95YBa_{2}Cu_{3}O_{6.95}.Comment: 14 pages, 2-column, Revtex, 5 embedded postscript figures, uses graphicx. Postscript version also available at http://sagar.physics.neu.edu/preprints.htm

    Characterisation of S. aureus/MRSA CC1153 and review of mobile genetic elements carrying the fusidic acid resistance gene fusC

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    While many data on molecular epidemiology of MRSA are available for North America, Western Europe and Australia, much less is known on the distribution of MRSA clones elsewhere. Here, we describe a poorly known lineage from the Middle East, CC1153, to which several strains from humans and livestock belong. Isolates were characterised using DNA microarrays and one isolate from the United Arab Emirates was sequenced using Nanopore technology. CC1153 carries agr II and capsule type 5 genes. Enterotoxin genes are rarely present, but PVL is common. Associated spa types include t504, t903 and t13507. PVL-positive CC1153-MSSA were found in Egyptian cattle suffering from mastitis. It was also identified among humans with skin and soft tissue infections in Saudi Arabia, France and Germany. CC1153-MRSA were mainly observed in Arabian Gulf countries. Some isolates presented with a previously unknown SCCmec/SCCfus chimeric element in which a mec B complex was found together with the fusidic acid resistance gene fusC and accompanying genes including ccrA/B-1 recombinase genes. Other isolates carried SCCmec V elements that usually also included fusC. Distribution and emergence of CC1153-MRSA show the necessity of molecular characterization of MRSA that are resistant to fusidic acid. These strains pose a public health threat as they combine resistance to beta-lactams used in hospitals as well as to fusidic acid used in the community. Because of the high prevalence of fusC-positive MRSA in the Middle East, sequences and descriptions of SCC elements harbouring fusC and/or mecA are reviewed. When comparing fusC and its surrounding regions from the CC1153 strain to available published sequences, it became obvious that there are four fusC alleles and five distinct types of fusC gene complexes reminiscent to the mec complexes in SCCmec elements. Likewise, they are associated with different sets of ccrA/B recombinase genes and additional payload that might include entire mec complexes or SCCmec elements

    The Amsterdam Studies of Acute Psychiatry - II (ASAP-II): a comparative study of psychiatric intensive care units in the Netherlands

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    Background The number of patients in whom mental illness progresses to stages in which acute, and often forced treatment is warranted, is on the increase across Europe. As a consequence, more patients are involuntarily admitted to Psychiatric Intensive Care Units (PICU). From several studies and reports it has become evident that important dissimilarities exist between PICU's. The current study seeks to describe organisational as well as clinical and patient related factors across ten PICU's in and outside the Amsterdam region, adjusted for or stratified by level of urbanization. Method/Design This paper describes the design of the Amsterdam Studies of Acute Psychiatry II (ASAP-II). This study is a prospective observational cohort study comparing PICU's in and outside the Amsterdam region on various patient characteristics, treatment aspects and recovery related variables. Dissimilarities were measured by means of collecting standardized forms which were filled out in the framework of care as usual, by means of questionnaires filled out by mental health care professionals and by means of extracting data from patient files for every consecutive patient admitted at participating PICU's during a specific time period. Urbanization levels for every PICU were calculated conform procedures as proposed by the Dutch Central Bureau for Statistics (CBS). Discussion The current study may provide a deeper understanding of the differences between psychiatric intensive care units that can be used to promote best practice and benchmarking procedures, and thus improve the standard of care

    Laatujohtaminen valmistavassa teollisuudessa : Toimintajärjestelmän uudistaminen

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    Opinnäytetyön toimeksiantajana oli Savonlinnassa toimiva lujitemuovituotteisiin erikoistunut valmistusyritys Oy Esmarin Composites Ltd. Yrityksellä on ollut SFS-EN ISO 9001:2008 -mukainen sertifiointi vuodesta 2012. Yrityksen laatujärjestelmä kattaa kaikki yrityksen toiminnot, ja ne on dokumentoitu toimintakäsikirjaan. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli perehtyä laatujohtamiseen valmistavassa teollisuudessa ja uudistaa yrityksen toimintajärjestelmää. Yrityksen selainpohjaisella alustalla oleva toimintakäsikirja liitteineen siirrettiin uudelle alustalle. Toimenpiteen tavoitteena oli toimintakäsikirjan käytön selkeyttäminen ja maksullisesta selainpohjaisesta dokumentoinnista eroon pääseminen. Toimintakäsikirjan ja sen liitteiden uusiksi alustoiksi valikoituivat Microsoft Office –ohjelmistot yleisyytensä vuoksi. Toimintakäsikirjan tekstidokumentaatioiden ulkoasu päivitettiin ja tarvittavia tiedonkeruulomakkeita tehtiin Microsoft Wordin ja Excelin avulla; muun muassa poikkeamista johtuvien kustannusten seurantaan asiakaskohtaisesti tehtiin Excelillä toimiva tiedonkeruumenetelmä. Opinnäytetyön teon aloitusajankohdan vuoksi opinnäytetyössä ei ole vielä otettu huomioon SFS-EN ISO 9001:2015:n päivityksiä. Yrityksen on nyt kuitenkin selkeämmän dokumentaation avulla helpompi päivittää johtamisjärjestelmäänsä uusien vaatimuksien mukaiseksi.This thesis was commissioned by Oy Esmarin Composites Ltd. The company specializes in the manufacture of reinforced plastic products and the company has had ISO 9001:2008 standardization since 2012. The company’s quality management system covers all the company’s operations and they are documented in the operations manual. Aim of this thesis was familiarize to quality management in the manufacturing industry and transfer the company’s web-based platform operating manual with attachments to a new platform. The purpose was to clarify the use of the operations manual and replace the browser-based documentation. Microsoft Office software was selected to new platform for the operations manual and its attachments, because they are public software. The layout of the operations manual was updated and the necessary data collection forms were made in Microsoft Word and Excel, for example a separate Excel program was made to calculate the cost of deviations. Because this thesis was started in the beginning of the year 2015 update from ISO 9001:2008 standard to ISO 9001:2015 has not yet been taken into consideration. The company’s operations manual is now clearer and easy to use so updating the management system according to the requirements is easier
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