103 research outputs found

    Status Gizi Anak Balita Dan Keterlibatan Ibu Dalam Kegiatan Di Luar Rumah

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    Tulisan ini menyajikan analisis dari data hasil penelitian Aspek psikososial pada anak Balita KKP yang dilakukan di wilayah kabupaten Bogor dengan rancangan kasus kontrol berjodoh (match case control). Dari data tersebut diperoleh 42 anak Balita penderita gizi buruk (kasus) dan 42 anak Balita dengan status gizi balk sebagai kontrol. Status gizi ditentukan berdasarkan pemeriksaan klinis dan indeks berat badan menurut umur. Sedangkan kontrol ditentukan berdasarkan kriteria: jenis kelamin, umur, sosial ekonoml dan lingkungan tempat tinggal yang relatif sama dengan kasus. Data yang diolah adalah status gizi anak, pengetahuan gizi ibu, sumber informasi tentang cara memberi makan kepada anak, dan kegiatan di luar rumah tangga yang diikuti ibu. Sumber informasi tentang cara memberi makan kepada anak umumnya berasal dari kerabat dekat yaitu orang tua, famili, tetangga dan teman, berturut-turut pada kelompok anak gizi baik dan buruk sebanyak 88.1% dan 92.0%. Pengetahuan ibu tentang gizi sebagian besar tergolong kurang, yaitu sebanyak 69.1% pada kelompok anak gizi baik dan 73.8% pada kelompok anak gizi buruk. Disamping itu ditemukan 76.2% dan 57.2% ibu dari kelompok anak Balita gizi baik dan buruk yang mengikuti kegiatan penimbangan serta 69.0% dan 59.5% ibu dari kelompok anak gizi baik dan buruk yang mengikuti kegiatan pengajian. Namun kedua kegiatan tersebut nampaknya belum dimanfaatkan sebagai sarana untuk menyampaikan pesan-pesan gizi kepada masyarakat. Hal ini tampak dari sebagian besar ibu-ibu yang mengikuti kegiatan penimbangan, masih memiliki pengetahuan gizi yang kurang yaitu sebanyak 47.7% pada kelompok anak gizi baik dan 45.2% pada kelompok anak gizi buruk

    Hubungan Status Gizi Dengan Pemberian Pertama Kali Makanan Tambahan Kepada Bayi

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    Tulisan ini adalah hasil analisis data penelitian aspek psikososial pada anak Balita KKP di daerah pedesaan Bogor tahun 1986. Anak gizi buruk sebagai kasus (42 anak) dan anak gizi baik sebagai kontrol (42 anak) dianalisis secara epidemiologis untuk mengetahui hubungan antara status gizi anak Balita dengan makanan tambahan yang pertama kali diperkenalkan kepada bayi. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa peluang (odd ratio) anak menjadi gizi buruk karena diberi makanan tambahan pertama kali pada umur 3 bulan adalah 0.59 kali (terendah 0.24 dan tertinggi 0.68) daripada menjadi gizi baik. Jika diberikan pada umur 6 bulan peluangnya 0.65 (terendah 0.01, tertinggi 49.1). Analisis lebih lanjut ternyata umur merupakan confounding dalam hubungan tersebut. Demikian pula penyapihan memegang peranan penting terhadap terjadinya gizi buruk. Pemberian makanan tambahan pada umur dini tidak menyebabkan terjadinya gizi buruk

    Tekanan Darah Sistolik Penduduk Dewasa dengan Indeks Massa-Tubuh Normal di Indonesia: Analisis Riskesdas 2013

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    Abstrak Penduduk dewasa dengan tekanan darah sistolik (TDS) normal dan indeks massa-tubuh (IMT) normal dapat digunakan sebagai nilai acuan untuk mengembangkan nilai kecukupan asupan zat gizi untuk orang dewasa. Data dari partisipan Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas) 2013 dianalisis untuk penduduk Indonesia dewasa umur 25-59 tahun dengan IMT 18,5—24,9 kg/m2 (n = 19.401). Pada artikel ini, tekanan darah di atas normal merujuk ke TDS >115 mm Hg; itu meliputi kategori prahipertensi dan hipertensi seperti didefinisikan dalam JNC 7. Dua kategori TDS dari partisipan laki-laki dan perempuan tersebut dikelompokkan menjadi empat interval usia (25-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59 tahun); lima jenjang pendidikan dan pekerjaan utama kepala keluarga; dua jenis tempat tinggal (kota, desa); lima kuintil kepemilikan; dan 33 provinsi di Indonesia. Di antara orang dewasa dengan IMT normal, 26,2% laki-laki dan 37,6% perempuan memiliki TDS normal. Persentase TDS normal paling tinggi dijumpai pada interval umur termuda, kuintil paling tinggi dan tinggal di kota. Makin bertambah usia, semakin rendah persentase TDS normal. Empat provinsi yang mempunyai persentase tertinggi laki-laki dengan TDS normal adalah Papua Barat, DKI Jakarta, Gorontalo, dan Bali. Sementara empat provinsi yang memiliki persentase paling tinggi perempuan dengan TDS normal ialah Kepulauan Riau, Sulawesi Barat, DKI Jakarta, dan Bali. Bila IMT dan TDS normal orang dewasa akan digunakan antara lain untuk nilai acuan, seperti untuk mengembangkan nilai kecukupan asupan zat gizi untuk orang dewasa, perlu mempertimbangkan nilai batas TDS dan tempat tinggi, terutama kota. Abtract Adult population with normal systolic blood pressure (SBP) among those with normal body-mass index (BMI) can be used as a reference value to develop the Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI) for Adult Data from participants of the Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) 2013 were analyzed for Indonesian adult population aged 25 to 59 years with BMI 18,5—24,9 kg/m2 (n = 19 401). In this paper, above-normal blood pressure refers to SBP >115 mm Hg; this includes all categories of prehypertension and hypertension as defined in 7th report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure (JNC 7). The two SBP categories of man and woman participants were grouped into fourths of the age intervals (25-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59 years); fifths of the educational and main job level of head of household; two types of residence (urban, rural); fifths of the expenditure level per capita per month; and 33rd of the Indonesian provinces. Among adults with normal BMI, 26,2% of men and 37,6% of women had normal SBP. Percentage of the highest normal SBP found in the youngest age interval, the highest quintile and the urban residence. As we get older, the lower the percentage of normal SBP. The four provinces that have the highest percentage of men with normal SBP were West Papua, DKI Jakarta, Gorontalo, and Bali. The four provinces having the highest percentage of women with normal SBP were Riau Island, West Sulawesi, DKI Jakarta, and Bali. If the adult’s normal BMI and SBP will be used among other things for a reference value, such as to develop the DRI, it is necessary to consider the SBP thresholds and residence, in particular the urban

    Sensitifitas Dan Spesifisitas Pertanyaan Gejala Saluran Pernapasan Dan Faktor Risiko Untuk Kejadian Penyakit Paru Obstruktif Kronik (PPOK)

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    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a chronic lung disease characterized by progressive non-reversible or partially reversible airflow obstruction in the airway. The aim of this study was to assess the sensitivity and specificity of questions on respiratory symptoms and risky behavior for diagnosing COPD. Method. This study was a further analysis of Bogor Cohort Study on Non-Communicable Risk Factors 2011-2012 data. COPD was diagnosed by spirometry examination with bronchodilator. Twelve questions on COPD respiratory symptoms and two questions on rizky behavior were analyzed using crossed tabulation with 5 % significance level. Results. The sensitivity and specificity of several aggregate questions on respiratory symptom and COPD risk factors ranged from 12.5% to 94.3% and 2.2% to 94.4%. Aggregate of 7 questions on 6 respiratory symptoms and 1 smoking behavior with either one was answered “Yes” had the optimal sensitivity (68.1 %) and specificity (59.7 %). Those questions were coughing more than 1 month, excreting sputum almost every day, easily feeling fatigue or dyspnea while doing activity, dyspnea > 3 months that restricted daily activities, worsened fatigue/dyspnea, whizzing, and smoking behavior. Conclusion. Questions on respiratory symptoms were neither sensitive nor specific for diagnosing COPD

    Risiko Underweight Pada Balita Terakhir Di Rumah Tangga

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    Household health survey and covering all 30 provinces had assessed child nutritional status(underweight) for age 1-59 months, with cut-off point <-2.00 SD. A total sample of 1714 children aged 1-59 months was included in the assessment. The objective of this study was to analyze child nutritional status and factors related to the status. The study revealed that the prevalence of underweight in Indonesia was higher than those of Malaysia or China.Multivariate analysis identified various factors that associated with the prevalence ofunderweight. Children aged 1-59 months with higher risk of underweight were those head offamily age, birth order of children and head of family education. Odd Ratio (OR=1.35), thosewhose head of family age <25 year and had education less than senior high school (OR=1.25),and birth order of children (OR=1.18). Strategies to improve nutritional status of childrenshould include accelerate nutrition intervention programs, improving carrying knowledge/practice for children and community development

    Cut-off Point Indeks Massa Tubuh (Imt) Dan Lingkar Perut Sebagai Indikator Risiko Diabetes Dan Hipertensi Pada Orang Dewasa Di Indonesia (Cut-off Point Body Mass Index (Bmi) and Abdominal Circumference as Indicators of Diabetes and Hypertension Risks Am

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    Nowadays, Indonesia is facing a double problem of nutrition the high prevalence of malnutrition and also the increasing prevalence of obesity which have a risk for the occurrence of chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular and diabetes who will be a risk factor for coronary heart disease and ischemic stroke. Namely to make cut-off point BMI and abdominal circumference as an indicator of the risk of diabetes and hypertension in Indonesian adults. The data used in this analysis are data from RISKESDAS year 2007, with inclusion criteria age 35-75 years and exclusion criteria pregnant women, consuming diabetes and hypertension medications, with a sample of 8181. Shows that the average increase in abdominal circumference and BMI have occurred in the age group 18-24 years to 45-54 years. The average of Body Mass Index (BMI) in the group of men 22.2 and women at 23.3. Abdominal circumference cut-off point is considered good enough as an indicator of diabetes 80 cm in men (Se 58.0 and Sp 58.5) and 81 cm in women (Se 56.5 and Sp 57.0). Hypertension ranges 79-80 cm (Se 57.2 and Sp 64.5) for men and 80-81 cm in women (Se 62.2 and Sp 57.0). Then, cut-off point BMI, which is considered good enough as an indicator of the occurrence of diabetes in men is 23 (Se 53.5 and Sp 58.3) and in women 24 (Se 56.1 and Sp 54.7). For hypertension ranges between BMI 22-23 in males (Se 62.5 and Sp 63.6) and 23-24 in women (Se 61.9 and Sp 56.9). Abdominal circumference better than BMI when used as an indicator of the risk of diabetes and hypertension. But, abdominal circumference and BMI it doesn't have enough competence to be diabetes and hypertension indicator

    Status Gizi Anak Balita Pengunjung Posyandu Kecamatan Ciomas Dan Semplak, Kabupaten Bogor

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    Profil Tinggi Badan Anak Usia Baru Masuk Sekolah (Tbabs) Di Beberapa Kabupaten/kota Di Indonesia: Analisis Data Riskesdas 2007

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    Background: One of nutrition indicator is determined by good quality of human resource reflected by anthropometry such as body height. Objectives: The aim of th1s analysis is to measure the height of pre-elementary school children in rural and urban Indonesia. Methods: Data source of this analysis is Riskesdas Data (2007). Analytic unit of this study was house hold who had new prelimenary school children. (6-7 years old). Variable which was anthropometry data, height for age and sex, was analysed using software anthropometry plus WHO 2007 as standard reference. Other variables were social economic, head of family's job, living place (rural or urban) and income expenditure per-capita (kuintil). Results: This result shows that prevalence of pre-elementary school children having stunted is 28.4%. Whereas having normal height standard (WHO 2007) is 90.4%. There is no significant difference between boys and girls' height. However, children's height in rural and urban are different signicantly. More short pre-elementary students are found in rural than urban area. No significant relationship is found beetwen house hold social economic status and children's height. Conclusions: Prevalence of pre-elementary school children having stunted is 28.4%. More short pre-elementary students are found in rural than urban area

    Gambaran Ketersediaan Tenaga Dan Upaya Pelayanan Kesehatan Gigi Di Puskesmas (Analisis Lanjut Riset Fasilitas Kesehatan 2011)

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    Results of Riskesdas 2013 showed that 25.9% of the Indonesian population have dental health problems. Amongst them, there were only 31.1% which received dental care. However, the Riskesdas 2013 does not provide information regarding the availability of human resource working for dental health program. Therefore, the researchers used data from the 2011 Health Facility Research (Rifaskes). The analysis aims to obtain information on the proportion of dental health professionals and their program in public health centers (PHCs) based on regions of Indonesia. There were two variables analyzed, namely dental health professionals and dental health program. The analysis showed that the placements of dentists remain concentrated in Java and Bali islands. Of the 8,975 PHC, only 60.6% have dentists. Moreover, in terms of the comprehensiveness level of the dental care program, School Dental Care Effort (UKGS) and Village Community Dental Care Effort (UKGMD) were available. However, only 72.3% PHCs completely conducted three kinds of dental health program. Therefore, it is necessary to develop an attractive policy so as to increase the placement of dentists and dental nurses throughout the PHCs in Indonesia and this should be distributed evenly so that they can carry out optimal dental health program
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