168 research outputs found

    Thinking about Feminism

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    Decolonising the Rainbow Flag

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    The aim of the article is to explore the location and the meaning given to the rainbow flag in places outside the hegemonic center. Through three case studies in the global North and South, held together by a multi-ethnographic approach, as well as a certain theoretical tension between the rainbow flag as a boundary object and/or a floating signifier, we seek to study where the flag belongs, to whom it belongs, with particular focus on how. The three case studies, which are situated in a city in the Global South (Buenos Aires), in a conflict war zone in the Middle East (the West Bank) and in a racialised neighbourhood in the Global North (Sweden), share despite their diversity a peripheral location to hegemonic forms of knowledge production regimes. Central to our analysis is how the rainbow flag is given a multitude of original and radical different meanings that may challenge the colonial/Eurocentric notions which up to a certain extent are embedded in the rainbow flag


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    O presente artigo objetiva analisar a história e a essência do cooperativismo, relacionando seus princípios à forma de atuação de seus colaboradores. Embora do ponto de vista legal, a atuação funcional dos trabalhadores de cooperativas de crédito se equipare aos trabalhadores de outros tipos de empresas, observa-se que naquelas entidades estão presentes outros valores mais essenciais que o lucro, o que confere à atividade uma especificidade particular. Neste sentido, este estudo demonstra que se exige do trabalhador do sistema cooperativo um perfil diferenciado, baseado na cooperação, ajuda mútua, comprometimento e responsabilidade.-The present article aims at analysing the history and the essence of the cooperate, making relation of its principles to the performance of its collaborators. From a legal point of view, the functional performance of the workers of credit cooperatives is similar to the workers of other types of companies. Though, it has been observed that in those entities other more essential values than the profit are present, what it makes the activity slightly different. In that sense, this study demonstrates that a differentiated profile is demanded for the worker in a cooperative system, such as mutual cooperation, mutual aid, more commitment and responsibility

    Leva i diaspora : om rasifierade kvinnor i den svenska välfärdstaten.

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    Forskarens biografi och situerade kunskapsproduktion

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    Women friendly? Understanding gendered racism in Sweden

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    Feminismo, Genero y Justicia Social

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    - Racismo en las Americas. Mänskliga rättigheter Buenos Aires Universitet i samarbete med APDHB (Asamblea Permanente por los derechos humanos) Buenos Aires. Argentina. Föredrag i workshop 10-12 juni