3 research outputs found

    Evaluation of a system-specific function to describe the pharmacokinetics of benzylpenicillin in term neonates undergoing moderate hypothermia

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    The pharmacokinetic (PK) properties of intravenous (i.v.) benzylpenicillin in term neonates undergoing moderate hypothermia after perinatal asphyxia were evaluated, as they have been unknown until now. A system-specific modeling approach was applied, in which our recently developed covariate model describing developmental and temperature-induced changes in amoxicillin clearance (CL) in the same patient study population was incorporated into a population PK model of benzylpenicillin with a priori birthweight (BW)-based allometric scaling. Pediatric population covariate models describing the developmental changes in drug elimination may constitute system-specific information and may therefore be incorporated into PK models of drugs cleared through the same pathway. The performance of this system-specific model was compared to that of a reference model. Furthermore, Monte-Carlo simulations were performed to evaluate the optimal dose. The systemspecific model performed as well as the reference model. Significant correlations were found between CL and postnatal age (PNA), gestational age (GA), body temperature (TEMP), urine output (UO; system-specific model), and multiorgan failure (reference model). For a typical patient with a GA of 40 weeks, BW of 3, 000 g, PNA of 2 days (TEMP, 33.5°C), and normal UO (2 ml/kg/h), benzylpenicillin CL was 0.48 liter/h (interindividual variability [IIV] of 49%) and the volume of distribution of the central compartment was 0.62 liter/kg (IIV of 53%) in the system-specific model. Based on simulations, we advise a benzylpenicillin i.v. dose regimen of 75, 000 IU/kg/day every 8 h (q8h), 150, 000 IU/kg/day q8h, and 200, 000 IU/kg/day q6h for patients with GAs of 36 to 37 weeks, 38 to 41 weeks, and ≥42 weeks, respectively. Thesystem-specific model may be used for other drugs cleared through the same pathway accelerating model development

    How to monitor pregnancies complicated by fetal growth restriction and delivery below 32 weeks: a post-hoc sensitivity analysis of the TRUFFLE-study.

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    OBJECTIVES: In the recent TRUFFLE study it appeared that, in pregnancies complicated by fetal growth restriction (FGR) between 26 and 32 weeks, monitoring of the ductus venosus (DV) combined with computerised cardiotocography (cCTG) as a trigger for delivery, increased the chance of infant survival without neurological impairment. However, concerns in interpretation were raised as DV monitoring appeared associated with a non-significant increase in fetal death, and part of the infants were delivered after 32 weeks, after which the study protocol was no longer applied. This secondary sensitivity analysis focuses on women who delivered before 32 completed weeks, and analyses fetal death cases in detail. METHODS: We analysed the monitoring data of 317 women who delivered before 32 weeks, excluding women with absent infant outcome data or inevitable perinatal death. The association of the last monitoring data before delivery and infant outcome was assessed by multivariable analysis. RESULTS: The primary outcome (two year survival without neurological impairment) occurred more often in the two DV groups (both 83%) than in the CTG-STV group (77%), however the difference was not statistically significant (p = 0.21). Nevertheless, in surviving infants 93% was free of neurological impairment in the DV groups versus 85% in the CTG-STV group (p = 0.049). All fetal deaths (n = 7) occurred in women allocated to DV monitoring, which explains this difference. Assessment of the monitoring parameters that were obtained shortly before fetal death in these 7 cases showed an abnormal CTG in only one. Multivariable regression analysis of factors at study entry demonstrated that higher gestational age, larger estimated fetal weight 50th percentile ratio and lower U/C ratio were significantly associated with the (normal) primary outcome. Allocation to the DV groups had a smaller effect, but remained in the model (p < 0.1). Assessment of the last monitoring data before delivery showed that in the CTG-STV group abnormal fetal arterial Doppler was significantly associated with adverse outcome. In contrast, in the DV groups an abnormal DV was the only fetal monitoring parameter that was associated with adverse infant outcome, while fetal arterial Doppler, STV below CTG-group cut-off or recurrent fetal heart rate decelerations were not. CONCLUSIONS: In accordance with the results of the overall TRUFFLE study of the monitoring-intervention management of very early severe FGR we found that the difference in the proportion of infants surviving without neuroimpairment (the primary endpoint) was non-significant when comparing timing of delivery with or without changes in the DV waveform. However, the uneven distribution of fetal deaths towards the DV groups was likely by chance, and among surviving children neurological outcomes were better. Before 32 weeks, delaying delivery until abnormalities in DVPI or STV and/or recurrent decelerations occur, as defined by the study protocol, is therefore probably safe and possibly benefits long-term outcome