5 research outputs found

    Demografi, Respon Terapi Dan Survival Rate Pasien Kanker Serviks Stadium III-IVA Yang Mendapat Kemoterapi Dilanjutkan Radioterapi

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    Tujuan: Mengetahui demografi pasien kanker serviks III-IVa, respon terapi dan survival rate pasien kanker serviks stadium III-IVA yang mendapat kemoterapi dilanjutkan radioterapi di RSUD Dr. Soetomo Surabaya tahun 2011-2013.Bahan dan Metode: Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif rektrospektif dengan menggunakan rekam medis Poli Onkologi Kandungan dan SMF/Instalasi Radioterapi RSUD Dr.Soetomo. Subyek penelitian adalah pasien kanker serviks III-IVA yang mendapat kemoterapi dilanjutkan radioterapi mulai Januari 2011 sampai Desember 2013. Analisis statistika pada penelitian ini menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan analisis survival meng-gunakan metode Kaplan Meier.Hasil: Selama tahun 2011-2013 didapatkan kunjungan pasien baru kanker serviks III-IVA sebanyak 648 pasien. Jumlah pasien kanker serviks IIIA sebanyak 48 kasus, stadium IIIB sebanyak 594 kasus dan stadium IVA sebanyak 6 kasus. Jumlah pasien kanker serviks III–IVA yang mendapat kemoterapi dilanjutkan radioterapi selama tahun 2011-2013 sebanyak 77 pasien. Pasien kanker serviks stadium IIIA sebanyak 8 pasien, stadium IIIB sebanyak 69 pasien. Tidak ada pasien kanker serviks stadium IVA yang mendapat kemoterapi dilanjutkan radioterapi. Respon terapi komplet sebesar 88,3% dan respon terapi inkomplet sebesar 11,7%. Analisis survival dengan metode Kaplan-Meier didapatkan 2-YSR dan 3-YSR kanker serviks stadium IIIA sebesar 86% dan 34%. Pada stadium IIIB didapatkan 2-YSR dan 3-YSR sebesar 47% dan 25%.Median survival pada semua kelompok pada penelitian ini adalah 25 bulan.Simpulan: Jumlah pasien kanker serviks III-IVA yang mendapat kemoterapi dilanjutkan radioterapi selama tahun 2011-2013 sebanyak 77 pasien. Respon terapi komplet pasca radioterapi sebesar 88,3% dan respon terapi inkomplet sebesar 11,7%. Hasil analisis survival didapatkan 2-YSR dan 3-YSR kanker serviks stadium IIIA sebesar 86% dan 34%. Pada stadium IIIB didapatkan 2-YSR dan 3-YSR sebesar 47% dan 25%

    Ekspresi CD44 (Penanda Sel Punca Kanker) sebagai Faktor Prognostik Kekambuhan pada Kanker Ovarium Tipe Epitel Stadium III

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    Epithelial ovarian cancer is a deadly cancer, cancer recurrence and resistance post surgical staging and chemotherapy are major problems which will eventually occur in most advanced stage ovarian cancer. Recent investigations have unravelled the role of CSC/ Cancer Stem Cell in the cancer recurrence and therapy resistance, CD44 has been reported as a CSC marker in ovarian cancer, investigator wanted to analyse CD44 expression as recurrence prognostic factor in stage III epithelial ovarian cancer. Purpose: to analyse the role of CD44 expression as recurrence prognostic factor in stage III epithelial ovarian cancer. Metode: Hystorical Cohort, ICH CD44 examination was performed on the pathological ovarian cancer sample which diagnosed with platinum resistant recurrence (study sample) and platinum sensitive recurrence (control sample). CD44 expression was measured, the role as recurrence prognostic factor evaluated, influence of CD44 expression increasetowards earlier recurrence analysed, and the CD44 expression differences between 2 groups based on grade; pathological type; and stadium were measured and analysed. Results: 40 research subjects were involved in the research, with 20 among them were platinum resistant and the other 20 were platinum sensitive. Mean CD44 expression in the platinum resistant group was 36,80+29,54; while in the resistant platinum was 7,05+9,58. There was a significant difference of CD44 expression between 2 groups (p=0,000). There was a strong correlation between CD44 expression with the timing of recurrence (p=0,894). With the cut off of12,5; 85% platinum resistant subject had CD44>12,5; 85% platinum sensitive subject had CD44<12,5; with 85% sensitivity and 85% specificity as a good recurrence prognostic factor. Relative Risk (RR) of CD44 Expression is 5,667, RRof tumor residue post surgical staging is 2,513. Through logistic regression analysis, it was concluded that high expression of CD44 and tumor residue are risk factors for recurrences, patient with CD44 expression of ≥ 12,50 has possibility of earlier recurrence (< 6 months) 48,487 times compared with patient with CD44 expression of < 12,50 and patient with tumor residue of < 1cm has possibility of earlier recurrence 13,013 times compared with patient without macroscopic residue.Conclusion: This research found that CD44 expression can be used as recurrence prognostic factor in stage III epithelial ovarian cancer, CD44 expression was significantly higher in the platinum resistant group, there was negative correlationbetween CD44 expression with the timing of recurrence. CD44 expression as recurrence prognostic factor was not influenced with grade and pathologic type, but influenced by stage. Expression of CD44 and tumor residue post surgical staging are good predictors for recurrence timing

    The Relationship Between Bse Knowledge and Breast Tumor Size During Surgical CENTER Visit at Unair Hospital

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    Background: Breast tumor is a group of abnormal cells and continue growing multiply in the breast. In Indonesia, it is known that 8,1% of 38.749 women have tumor in the breast. One way to detect it early is to do the Breast Self Examination (SADARI). The purpose of the research was to know the correlation of SADARI knowledge with the size of the breast tumor at admission to surgery outpatient clinic. Methods: This type of research is observational analytic, cross sectional design. The sample were 36 tumor patients. The sampling technique was a convenient sampling. The independent variable was the knowledge SADARI and the dependent variable was the size of the breast tumor. The secondary data was taken in the form of USG and the primary data was a questionnaire. The data was tested with Spearman Rank. Results: The results of the bivariate analysis showed 0,328 (p&gt;0,05) probability score (p value) and 0,168 R score which meant the correlation was very weak. Conclusion : there is no correlation of SADARI knowledge with the size of breast tumor at admission of surgery outpatient clinic