13 research outputs found

    The radial nuclear positioning of genes correlates with features of megabase-sized chromatin domains.

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    A nonrandom radial nuclear organization of genes has been well documented. This study provides further evidence that radial positioning depends on features of corresponding ∼1 Mbp chromatin domains (CDs), which represent the basic units of higher-order chromatin organization. We performed a quantitative three-dimensional analysis of the radial nuclear organization of three genes located on chromosome 1 in a DG75 Burkitt lymphoma-derived cell line. Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction revealed similar transcription levels for the three selected genes, whereas the total expression strength (TES) calculated as the sum of transcription of all genes annotated within a surrounding window of about 1 Mbp DNA differed for each region. Radial nuclear position of the studied CDs correlated with TES, i.e., the domain with the highest TES occupied the most interior position. Positions of CDs with stable TES values were stably maintained even under experimental conditions, resulting in genome-wide changes of the expression levels of many other genes. Our results strongly support the hypothesis that knowledge of the local chromatin environment is essential to predict the radial nuclear position of a gene

    Proteomic identification of the MYST domain histone acetyltransferase TIP60 (HTATIP) as a co-activator of the myeloid transcription factor C/EBPalpha.

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    The transcription factor C/EBPalpha (CEBPA) is a key player in granulopoiesis and leukemogenesis. We have previously reported the interaction of C/EBPalpha with other proteins (utilizing mass spectrometry) in transcriptional regulation. In the present study, we characterized the association of the MYST domain histone acetyltransferase Tat-interactive protein (TIP) 60 (HTATIP) with C/EBPalpha. We show in pull-down and co-precipitation experiments that C/EBPalpha and HTATIP interact. A chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) and a confirmatory Re-ChIP assay revealed in vivo occupancy of the C/EBPalpha and GCSF-R promoter by HTATIP. Reporter gene assays showed that HTATIP is a co-activator of C/EBPalpha. The co-activator function of HTATIP is dependent on its intact histone acetyltransferase (HAT) domain and on the C/EBPalpha DNA-binding domain. The resulting balance between histone acetylation and deacetylation at the C/EBPalpha promoter might represent an important mechanism of C/EBPalpha action. We observed a lower expression of HTATIP mRNA in undifferentiated U937 cells compared to retinoic acid-induced differentiated U937 cells, and correlated expression of CEBPA and HTATIP mRNA levels were observed in leukemia samples. These findings point to a functional synergism between C/EBPalpha and HTATIP in myeloid differentiation and suggest that HTATIP might be an important player in leukemogenesis

    High expression of <em>MZB1</em> predicts adverse prognosis in chronic lymphocytic leukemia, follicular lymphoma and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and is associated with a unique gene expression signature.

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    We recently identified the marginal zone B and B1 cellspecific protein ( MZB1 ) as part of a gene expression signature associated with outcomes in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). MZB1 is important for B cell function as a key regulator of antibody secretion, calcium homeostasis and adhesion. Therefore, we analyzed the role of MZB1 expression levels in 139 patients with CLL using quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) and microarray data sets in CLL, follicular lymphoma (FL), diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), multiple myeloma (MM) and acute myeloid leukemia (AML). High MZB1 expression was associated with inferior survival in CLL (hazard ratio [HR]: 1.63 [confidence interval (CI): 1.14 &ndash; 2.33], p 0.007), FL (221286_s_at HR: 1.16 [CI: 0.98 &ndash; 1.37], p 0.086; 223565_at: HR: 1.3 [CI: 1.1 &ndash; 1.61], p 0.015) and DLBCL (221286_s_at: HR: 1.17 [CI: 1.06 &ndash; 1.3], p 0.003; 223565_at: HR: 1.21 [CI: 1.08 &ndash; 1.35], p 0.001). In DLBCL MZB1 expression was an additive prognostic marker in a multivariate model including activated B-cell like (ABC) versus germinal center (GCB) subtype. Additionally, MZB1 expression correlated with a unique gene expression pattern. This study is the first to show that the expression level of a single gene has prognostic significance in different lymphoma subtypes. Due to its biological function, MZB1 may play a central role in B cell neoplasms and is a potential target for future therapeutic interventions

    Expression analysis of genes located in the minimally deleted regions of 13q14 and 11q22-23 in chronic lymphocytic leukemia - unexpected expression pattern of the RHO GTPase activator <em>ARHGAP20</em>.

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    In chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), 13q14 and 11q22-23 deletions are found in 2/3 of the cases. 11q22-23 deletions are associated with poor survival, whereas 13q14 deletions as single abnormality are often found in indolent disease forms. The molecular basis for this difference in prognosis is not known. We examined the 13q14 and 11q22-23 minimally deleted regions (MDRs) for differentially expressed genes by analyzing 154 microarray CLL gene expression data sets. We were able to generate a detailed gene expression map of the MDRs demonstrating a gene dosage effect. Surprisingly, ARHGAP20 encoding the RHO GTPase activating protein 20, which is located in the 11q22-23 MDR, showed-counterintuitively-a significantly higher expression in cases with 11q22-23 deletions compared with cases with no detectable genetic lesion or trisomy 12. Interestingly, cases with 13q14 deletions also had higher ARHGAP20 expression. These expression level changes were confirmed by quantitative PCR in 110 additional CLL samples. The ARHGAP20 gene encodes an evolutionarily conserved protein. In the zebra fish (Danio rerio) genome the syntenic regions of human chromosomal bands 13q14 and 11q22-23 are juxtaposed. The similar expression profiles of ARHGAP20 in 13q14 and 11q22-23 deleted CLL cases suggest a molecular connection and an intriguing mechanism of regulation

    The leukemogenicity of Hoxa9 depends on alternative splicing.

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    Although the transforming potential of Hox genes is known for a long time, it is not precisely understood to which extent splicing is important for the leukemogenicity of this gene family. To test this for Hoxa9, we compared the leukemogenic potential of the wild-type Hoxa9, which undergoes natural splicing, with a full-length Hoxa9 construct, which was engineered to prevent natural splicing (Hoxa9FLim). Inability to undergo splicing significantly reduced in vivo leukemogenicity compared to Hoxa9-wild-typed. Importantly, Hoxa9FLim could compensate for the reduced oncogenicity by collaborating with the natural splice variant Hoxa9T, as co-expression of Hoxa9T and Hoxa9FLim induced AML after a comparable latency time as wild-type Hoxa9. Hoxa9T on its own induced AML after a similar latency as Hoxa9FLim, despite its inability to bind DNA. These data assign splicing a central task in Hox gene mediated leukemogenesis and suggest an important role of homeodomain-less splice variants in hematological neoplasms

    Met/HGFR triggers detrimental reactive microglia in TBI.

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    The complexity of signaling events and cellular responses unfolding in neuronal, glial, and immune cells upon traumatic brain injury (TBI) constitutes an obstacle in elucidating pathophysiological links and targets for intervention. We use array phosphoproteomics in a murine mild blunt TBI to reconstruct the temporal dynamics of tyrosine-kinase signaling in TBI and then scrutinize the large-scale effects of perturbation of Met/HGFR, VEGFR1, and Btk signaling by small molecules. We show Met/HGFR as a selective modifier of early microglial response and that Met/HGFR blockade prevents the induction of microglial inflammatory mediators, of reactive microglia morphology, and TBI-associated responses in neurons and vasculature. Both acute and prolonged Met/HGFR inhibition ameliorate neuronal survival and motor recovery. Early elevation of HGF itself in the cerebrospinal fluid of TBI patients suggests that this mechanism has translational value in human subjects. Our findings identify Met/HGFR as a modulator of early neuroinflammation in TBI with promising translational potential

    Controlled stem cell amplification by <em>HOXB4</em> depends on its unique proline-rich region near the N terminus.

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    There is high interest in understanding the mechanisms that drive self-renewal of stem cells. HOXB4 is one of the few transcription factors that can amplify long-term repopulating hematopoietic stem cells in a controlled way. Here we show in mice that this characteristic of HOXB4 depends on a proline-rich sequence near the N terminus, which is unique among HOX genes and highly conserved in higher mammals. Deletion of this domain substantially enhanced the oncogenicity of HOXB4, inducing acute leukemia in mice. Conversely, insertion of the domain into Hoxa9 impaired leukemogenicity of this homeobox gene. These results indicate that proline-rich stretches attenuate the potential of stem cell active homeobox genes to acquire oncogenic properties