5 research outputs found

    Analysisof Biomedical Image Using Wavelet Transform

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    Image fusion can be defined as the process by which several images or some of their features are combined together to form a fused image. Its aim is to combine maximum information from multiple images of the same scene such that the obtained new image is more suitable for human visual and machine perception or further image processing and analysis tasks. The fusion of images acquired from dissimilar modalities or instrument has been successfully used for remote sensing images. The biomedical image fusion plays an important role in analysis towards clinical application which can support more accurate information for physician to diagnose different diseases

    Design And Implementation Of 8-bit Vedic Multiplier

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    Today's technology has raised demand for Fast and real time signal processing operation. Multiplication is one of the most important arithmetic operations. In this paper, we have proposed design of vedic multiplier using Urdhva Tiryagbhyam sutra in Xilinx ISE. This design takes lesser time for operation than currently available multipliers .It encompasses wide era of image processing and digital signal processing in much efficient way with increase in speed and thus leading to higher performance ratin

    Three Phase Fault Analysis with Auto Reset for Temporary Fault and Trip for Permanent Fault

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    In any electrical power system , due to some problems such as over voltage , over current, insulator failure i.e. line to line , line to ground , double line to ground faults occur. This fault collapses the transmission system. These faults may be temporary fault or permanent fault. This fault causes some defects on equipments. To get clearance of fault & disconnect the line the circuit breaker is used. For reclosing, mechanism resets the supply line after small interruption in the event of temporary fault or it remains in tripped condition in case of permanent fault

    Comparison and Design of Water Tank Rest on Ground by Lsm and Wsm – a Review

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    In the new version of the IS 3370-2009 Code of Practice for concrete structures for the storage of liquids that has adopted the widely used limit state method. According to the provisions of the previous version of the Code (IS 3370-1965), design of water tanks is only allowed by the work effort method. The study was conducted to compare the design provisions of IS 3370 (1965) and IS 3370 (2009). In this study, a comparison of water design reservoirs using Stress Limiting Worker methods is performed. In order to carry out the comparative design of the study, the three types of water tanks set up a circular reservoir with a capacity of 500 kl, an elevated square reservoir of the tank with a capacity of 250 kl and a rectangle of groundwater 250 kl of its capacity. The quantities of materials were calculated for each problem. The results are presented as graphs and tables and noted that the state water tank design method is more economical since the amount of material required is less compared to the work effort method

    Design Consideration & Principles for Deck Type Steel Railway Bridges

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    In the present study discussion about deck type steel Railway Bridge is carried out. Railway Bridge is designed for Strength, safety and economy purpose. While selecting the types of bridge, spans and other parameters are to be studied carefully to meet out the need of suitability to site conditions. The scope of this paper is to confine to the design aspect related to variable parameters. The scope of this paper is to confine to the design aspect related to variable parameters