9 research outputs found

    New species and records of American Terrestrial Isopods

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    journal articleWhile collecting various arthropods during the past ten years, the authors accumulated a sizable series of Isopods. This paper is a report of a study of certain genera in which seven new species are designated as new and of some species whose ranges are considerably extended

    New Texas terrestrial isopods with notes on other species

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    journal articleIn a previous paper (1 ) the authors reported new records and gave descriptions and figures o f new species of terrestrial Isopods. Further studies of their collections reveal additional material of considerable interest, and some of the findings are recorded here. I t is believed that careful collecting in the southern and western part of the United States will bring to light many additional forms. The species described herein as new were taken largely while collecting arachnids and myriopods under logs, rocks or in leaf mold. Since relatively little is known regarding the distribution even of some of the better known forms, all unpublished records in the authors' collection are included. The types described as new in this paper are deposited in the Zoological Collections o f the University of Utah. Other species of Porcellio or allied genera which could not be assigned definitely at this time are held for future consideration. Several of these will likely prove new

    A comparative study of the urinogenital systems of an oviparous and two ovoviviparous species of the lizard genus sceloporus

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    journal articleIn the comparative study of the urinogenital systems of the American lizards by Brooks (1906), all the species studied by him were oviparous. One of the genera, Sceloporus, is now known to contain ovoviviparous forms as well. The presence of both oviparity and ovoviviparity in the same genus suggested a comparison of the urinogenital systems in the two groups. Available for this study was a small series of S. microlepidotus disparilis Stejnegerf (13 females and 5 males), S. poinsetti Baird and Girard (3 females and 2 males), and S. olivaceus Smith (6 females and 4 males). The first two species are ovoviviparous (Mulaik 1936; Smith, 1936, p. 612) and the third, under which Brooks' S. floridanus was synonomized (Smith, 1939, p. I l l ) , is an oviparous form

    New ricinuleid from Texas

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    5 p. : ill. ; 25 cm

    Variation in Sonora taylori

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    A neglected species of Coluber

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