3 research outputs found

    Sosialisasi Dan Demonstrasi Pembuatan Pupuk Kompos Menggunakan Substrat Limbah Sedimen Tambak Pada Masyarakat Pesisir

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    Limbah sedimen tambak merupakan sisa pakan dan feses organisme air yang mengendap di dasar tambak selama proses budidaya berlangsung. Sedimen tersebut secara umum menjadi permasalahan besar dalam budidaya karena dapat mengeluarkan zat yang berbahaya bagi organisme air seperti amonia, nitrit/nitrat, dan lain-lain. Zat tersebut seyogyanya merupakan unsur hara yang sangat dibutuhkan oleh tanaman, sehingga dapat dimanfaatkan secara maksimal untuk tujuan tersebut. Pengomposan menggunakan limbah sedimen tambak sebagai bahan baku utama disertai limbah ampas tebu dan rumput basah telah dilakukan di Gampong Pasi Pinang, Meulaboh, Aceh Barat. Proses tersebut berlangsung melalui edukasi dan demonstrasi proses pengolahan pupuk kompos. Mayoritas peserta yang mengikuti memahami konsep dan pelaksanaannya dengan baik, sehingga dapat dilanjutkan secara berkesinambungan secara mandiri untuk mengelola limbah di sekitarnya.

    Photocatalytic Degradation of Skim-Latex-Vapor Odor Using Iron-Doped Zinc Oxide

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    The photocatalytic degradation of the vapor odor of skim natural rubber latex, which is composed of volatile organic compounds (VOCs-NR), was conducted using iron-doped zinc oxide (Fe-ZnO) photocatalyst nanoparticles. The research objectives were to study the photocatalyst, to develop the photocatalytic reactor used for the photodegradation of VOCs-NR, and to analyze the odor reduction of the degraded VOCs-NR. Fe-ZnO was prepared by the sol-gel method and immobilized onto fiberglass cloth as the support material, followed by annealing. The Fe-ZnO nanoparticles were dispersed on the fiberglass surface. A photocatalytic reactor was developed for the gas phase. The research findings showed that gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy detected 24 dominant chemical components in the VOC-NR stock before photocatalytic degradation. The components decreased to 11 after 30 min, only 3 components remained after 40 min of the photocatalytic process, and no component was observed after 80 min of photoirradiation. An organoleptic test was conducted to validate that the odor degraded to a very low level

    Effect of turmeric probiotics on the survival rate and growth of domesticated endemic betta fish (Betta dennisyongi)

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    The endemic betta fish (Betta dennisyongi) was a species of freshwater ornamental fish native to Indonesia which has been successfully domesticated but it has low survival rate and growth. One way to increase the survival rate and growth of farmed fish is by administering turmeric probiotics. This study aims to analyze the best dosage of turmeric probiotics to increase the survival rate and growth of domesticated betta fish. This research was carried out experimentally. The treatments were control, turmeric probiotic 1.5 mL 100 grams feed, turmeric probiotic 3 mL 100 grams feed, turmeric probiotic 4.5 mL 100 grams feed. The parameters tested during the research were survival rate, daily growth rate, and feed conversion ratio and water quality. The analysis of variance test on the data was analyzed using the SPSS 25.0 program with a 95% confidence interval. Treatments that are significantly different will be further tested using the Duncan test to determine the best treatment. The results of the study showed that giving turmeric probiotics for survival rate gave results that had a significant effect (P0.05) on the growth of betta fish. The use of turmeric probiotics 3 mL 100 grams feed can increase weight gain, length gain and survival rate of domesticated betta fish