11 research outputs found
Leiomyosarcoma occurring in CRJ-SD Male Rat fed 20% Casein Diet for Long Period. (B. LIVING SCIENCE)
20%カゼイン飼料長期投与CRJ-SD雄ラットの1例に腫瘍が発症した。このラットの体重変動, 症状及び剖検時ならびに組織学的所見を報告する。43週まで体重585gを示して順調に成長していたラットがその後次第に体重減少を来し, 死亡前17日間で体重が約100gも減少し, それにともなって下痢症状が現われた。死後剖検時に右側後腹壁に30×20×15mmの腫瘤を認めた。この腫瘤は限局性で底部は周囲組織に固着していた。顕微鏡観察で大きなblunt-endedな核をもつ紡錘形の腫瘍細胞がみられ, 核はhyperchromaticな部分とvesicularな部分とが見られ, 細胞の異型性が強かった。また分裂像も認められた。一方腫瘤中心部には変性, 壊死像も観察された。以上所所見からこの腫瘍は後腹膜壁に発症した平滑筋肉腫と考えられる。A tumor was found in one of the rats (Charles-River CRJ-SD strain) fed 20% casein diet for long period. The detail of growth, symptom and histochemical findings were presented here. For about 43 weeks the rat grew well showing 585g of body weight. But thereafter it decreased gradually and diarrheas were sometimes observed with severe weight loss, nearly 100g of loss in the last 17 experimental days. The tumor was found in the right-side region of retroperitoneum. Its dimensions were 30×20×15mm. It was sharply circumscribed and fixed to the adjacent muscular tissues. Microscopically, there were elongated spindle-shaped tumor cells with large blunt-ended nuclei which were hyperchromatic and partly vesicular. Tumor cells were very pleomorphic and mitosis was also observed. The degeneration and necrosis were found in the central portion of the tumor mass, and otherwise, the tumor cells infiltrated into the adjacent muscular tissues. From these results, it was suggested that the tumor would be a leiomyosarcoma arising from retroperitoneum in a male rat
Effects of Amino Acids Supplement into the Diets on Recovery from Fatty Liver. (B. LIVING SCIENCE)
低たん白質栄養で発症したラット脂肪肝の回復過程に及ぼすアミノ酸の添加効果が検索された。今回の実験成績から回復飼料に加えられた肝水解物とほゞ同じアミノ酸組成のアミノ酸混合の添加効果は有効である事などがわかった。これらの事から肝水解物の効果は主として構成アミノ酸によるものと考えられる。さらに添加されたリジンとスレオニンの割合を考慮する事によってその効果は一層顕著になることがわかった。We have studied the effects of amino acid supplement into diets on recovery from fatty liver caused by undernutritional conditions. It was indicated from present results that supplements of amino acid mixtures which have similar composition to that of liver-hydrolysate into the diets would be more effective alike to liver-hydrolysate on the recovery from a fatty liver. This protective effect of liver-hydrolysate might be mainly produced by addition of amino acids of which the liver-hydrolysate was composed. Furthermore, taking ratio of lysine and threonine added in the diets into consideration, protection of fatty liver would be the most effective
目的:ホルモン補充療法(Hormone Replacement Therapy;以下HRT)を受けている更年期女性の体験を明らかにし、HRT普及に向けた看護支援の示唆を得る。対象と方法:研究デザインは質的記述的研究である。HRTを受けている女性7名に半構造化面接を実施した。逐語録からコードを抽出して、抽象度を上げてサブカテゴリー、カテゴリーを生成した。結果:HRTを開始した女性の体験は婦人科受診に至った体験、HRT開始に伴う体験、HRT開始後の体験に分類された。更年期症状経験者から対処方法の情報を得た女性とかかりつけ医をもつ女性は症状が軽い段階で受診していた。更年期女性は医師の診断と勧めでHRTを開始し、その効果を実感していた。しかし、HRTの長期継続や中止後の身体の変化に不安をもっていた。HRT普及には婦人科受診につなげる支援が重要であるが、自身の症状が治療の対象か判断ができないことが、症状が強くなるまで受診に至らない理由であった。考察:婦人科受診に至るには症状や治療法だけでなく、具体的な対処行動に関する情報提供が必要である。ほとんどの女性が医師の勧めによりHRTを開始していたが、女性がHRTを安心して継続できるような情報提供が必要である。更年期症状のとらえ方は身近な女性からの影響を受けるため、HRTにより身体の不調を改善できた女性が自身のQOLを維持向上できた体験について次世代の女性に伝えていくこともHRT普及につながると考えられる
Rat Liver Cirrhosis caused by Long-Term Feeding of Low-Protein Diets containing Choline. (B. LIVING SCIENCE)
The influences of dietary protein qualities on resulting in rat liver cirrhosis were studied. Male Charles River CRJ SD rats were fed 5% gluten diet (G group) or 5% casein (LC group) and 20% casein diet (control) ad libitum for long periods (25 weeks more). These diets contained adequate amounts of mineral and vitamins, especially with 0.2 to 0.4% choline chloride. After autopsy, histochemical determination was performed. Body weight gains of LC and G rats were significantly lower than that of the control. The experimental rats died at the 26th and 39th experimental week for LC rats and at the 123rd experimental week for G rat, respectively. Microscopically, LC rat liver occurred degeneration and massive necrosis showing remnants of hepatocytes in destructive masses with regenerative hepatic cells, hyperplasia of connective tissues and bile duct proliferation. In G rat liver, parenchyma was fatty degenerative and was surrounded and traversed by collagenous septa. From these finding, it was suggested that rat hepatic cirrhosis caused by low protein diets with choline was early observed for LC rats and later in periods for G rat
Blood Properties and Liver Cell Components in Process of Rat Hepatic Cirrhosis Produced by Low Protein Diets. (B. LIVING SCIENCE)
We conducted to estimate hematological and metabolic changes in the productive process of hepatic cirrhosis. Male Charles-River Crj-CD rats were fed 5% gluten diet, 5% casein diet, 5% wheat-pattern amino acid mixture diet and 20% casein diet as control ad libitum for 29 weeks. After autopsy, hematological and biochemical determinations were performed. Body weight gains of rats on experimental low protein diets were significantly lower than that of the control, showing 82g for LC-group, 12g for W-group and -6g for G-group as compared with 420g of the control group at the 20th experimental week. At the 29th experimental week, rats in W-and G-groups showed significant decreases in RBC counts, hemoglobin contents, hematocrits and serum protein. On the same week, RNA, DNA contents and RNA/DNA ratios in rat liver tissues of W-group and G-group did not differ from those of the control group. For LC-group, however, collagen contents in the liver had a tendency to slightly increase. These biochemical evidences were co-ordinate to histological findings