1,104 research outputs found

    Gambaran Pengetahuan Penderita Dm terhadap Senam Kaki Diabetik di RSU Ipi Medan Tahun

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    Senam kaki adalah kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh pasien DM untuk mencegah terjadinya luka dan membantu melancarkan peredaran darah pada kaki (Sumosardjuno, 2000) Data organisasi kesehatan dunia World Health Organization(WHO, 2009), Indonesia menempati urutan ke enam di dunia. Adapun jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriftif, dan metode pengambilan sampel Non Probability Sampling dengan tehnik Insidental Sampling dengan sampel sebanyak 30 sampel dengan tekhnik kuesioner menggunakan 15 pertanyaan. Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa mayoritars pengetahuan penderita DM terhadap senam kaki diabetik di RSU IPI Medan Tahun 2015 berpengetahuan cukup. Dengan Distribusi Frekuensi Responden Berdasarkan Umur mayoritas  berumur 60 tahun keatas sebanyak 11 responden (36,6%) dan minoritas berumur 40-44 dan 55-59 tahun sebanyak masing-masing 2 responden (6,7%). Distribusi Frekuensi Responden Berdasarkan Pendidikan mayoritas berpendidikan SMP sebanyak 13 responden (43,3%) dan minoritas berpendidikan Perguruan Tinggi sebanyak 3 responden (10%). Distribusi Frekuensi Responden Berdasarkan Sumber Informasi  mayoritas yang tidak memperoleh informasi sebanyak 25 responden (83,3%) dan minoritas yang memperoleh informasi dari media Elektronik sebanyak 3 responden  (10%), dan Tenaga Kesehatan sebanyak 2  responden  (6,7%). Distribusi Frekuensi Responden Berdasarkan Pekerjaan  mayoritas bekerja sebagai Pensiunan sebanyak 10 responden (33%) dan minoritas bekerja sebagai PNS sebanyak 2 responden (6,7%). Distribusi Frekuensi Responden Berdasarkan Pengalaman   mayoritas tidak pernah melakukan berjumlah 25 responden (83,3%), dan minoritas pernah melakukan  berjumlah 5 responden (16,7%) Distribusi Frekuensi Responden Berdasarkan Pengetahuan responden mayoritas berpengetahuan baik berjumlah 8 responden (26,7%), berpengetahuan cukup berjumlah 18 responden (60%) dan minoritas berpengetahuan kurang berjumlah 4 responden (13,3%).dan saran yang harus dilakukan baik dinas kesehatan atau masyarakat untuk bekerja sama memperhatikan penderita DM dengan mengenalkan atau mengajarkan senam kaki diabetik yang sangat bermanfaat untuk melancarkan sistem peredaran darah pada kaki untuk mencegah luka ganggren

    Improving Mathematical Problem-solving Ability and Self-confidence of High School Students Through Contextual Learning Model

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    The purposes of this study are: (1) to know if students' mathematical problem-solving ability taught by contextual learning model is higher than students taught by expository learning, (2) to know if students' self-confidence taught by contextual learning model is higher than students taught by expository learning, (3) to know if there is interaction between learning model and students' early mathematical ability to improve students' mathematical problem-solving ability, (4) to know if there is interaction between learning model and students' early mathematical to improve students' self-confidence. This study is a quasi-experimental research. The population in this study consists of 180 students in grade VIII SMP Muhammadiyah 11 Pangkalan Brandan. Two classes (60 students) are taken as sample. Data were analyzed by two way Anova. The results of this study indicate that (1) students' capability of solving mathematical problems taught with contextual learning model is higher than students taught by expository, (2) students' self-confidence taught by contextual learning model is higher than students taught by expository, (3) there is interaction between learning model and students' early mathematical ability to improve students' mathematical problem-solving ability, (4) there is interaction between learning model and students' early mathematical to improve students' self-confidence

    Gambaran Pengetahuan Penderita Diabetes Melitus terhadap Senam Kaki Diabetik di RSU Ipi Medan Tahun 2015

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    Senam kaki adalah kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh pasien DM untuk mencegah terjadinya luka dan membantu melancarkan peredaran darah pada kaki (Sumosardjuno, 2000) Data organisasi kesehatan dunia World Health Organization (WHO, 2009), Indonesia menempati urutan ke enam di dunia. Adapun jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriftif, dan metode pengambilan sampel Non Probability Sampling dengan tehnik Insidental Sampling dengan sampel sebanyak 30 sampel dengan tekhnik kuesioner menggunakan 15 pertanyaan. Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa mayoritars pengetahuan penderita DM terhadap senam kaki diabetik di RSU IPI Medan Tahun 2015 berpengetahuan cukup. Dengan Distribusi Frekuensi Responden Berdasarkan Umur mayoritas  berumur 60 tahun keatas sebanyak 11 responden (36,6%) dan minoritas berumur 40-44 dan 55-59 tahun sebanyak masing-masing 2 responden (6,7%). Distribusi Frekuensi Responden Berdasarkan Pendidikan mayoritas berpendidikan SMP sebanyak 13 responden (43,3%) dan minoritas berpendidikan Perguruan Tinggi sebanyak 3 responden (10%). Distribusi Frekuensi Responden Berdasarkan Sumber Informasi  mayoritas yang tidak memperoleh informasi sebanyak 25 responden (83,3%) dan minoritas yang memperoleh informasi dari media Elektronik sebanyak 3 responden  (10%), dan Tenaga Kesehatan sebanyak 2  responden  (6,7%). Distribusi Frekuensi Responden Berdasarkan Pekerjaan  mayoritas bekerja sebagai Pensiunan sebanyak 10 responden (33%) dan minoritas bekerja sebagai PNS sebanyak 2 responden (6,7%). Distribusi Frekuensi Responden Berdasarkan Pengalaman mayoritas tidak pernah melakukan berjumlah 25 responden (83,3%), dan minoritas pernah melakukan  berjumlah 5 responden (16,7%) Distribusi Frekuensi Responden Berdasarkan Pengetahuan responden mayoritas berpengetahuan baik berjumlah 8 responden (26,7%), berpengetahuan cukup berjumlah 18 responden (60%) dan minoritas berpengetahuan kurang berjumlah 4 responden (13,3%).dan saran yang harus dilakukan baik dinas kesehatan atau masyarakat untuk bekerja sama memperhatikan penderita DM dengan mengenalkan atau mengajarkan senam kaki diabetik yang sangat bermanfaat untuk melancarkan sistem peredaran darah pada kaki untuk mencegah luka ganggren

    Management control of aircraft maintenance in the Indonesian Air Force's logistics system

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    Parallel with the development of National Defense and Security (in the third of the Five- Year Development Plans), the TNI-AU (Indonesian Air Force) purchased many types of aircraft weapon systems. To maintain these new aircraft, the Indonesian Air Force faces several problems which have not been solved. This thesis studies the aircraft maintenance logistics system. The first part of the thesis analyzes the factors which cause the problems. The second part consists of proposals to standardize maintenance procedures for all types of aircraft and the third part is a proposal to auto­mate the inventory control system.http://archive.org/details/managementcontro00lubiFirst Lieutenant, Indonesian Air ForceApproved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Enkapsulasi Beberapa Jenis Trichoderma. SP. Pada Benih Kedelai Untuk Mengendalikan Penyakit Sclerotium Rolfsii Sacc.

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    Encapsulation of Some Trichoderma sp. on Soybean Seed to Control Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc. The research aimed was to get species of Trichoderma which mixed alginat or tapioca encapsulated soybean seed to inhibiting S. rolfsii. This research was conducted in Laboratory of Plant Disease, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sumatera Utara, use Randomized Block Design 3 factors and sixteen treatments : alginate, tapioca, alginate + S. rolfsii, tapioca + S. rolfsii, alginate + T. harzianum, tapioca + T. harzianum, alginate + T. koningii, tapioca + T. koningii, alginate + T. viridae, tapioca + T. viridae, alginate + T. harzianum + S. rolfsii, tapioca + T. harzianum + S. rolfsii, alginate + T. koningii + S. rolfsii, tapioca + T. koningii + S. rolfsii, alginate + T. viridae + S . rolfsii, tapioca + T. viridae + S. rolfsi, respectively with four replications. The result showed that all of Trichoderma sp. isolates which mixed alginat or tapioca have high viability in inhibiting S. rolfsii. All of Trichoderma isolates enabled to reduce damping off on soybean seed. The treatments alginate + T. harzianum + S. rolfsii, tapioca + T. harzianum + S. rolfsii, alginate + T. koningii + S. rolfsii have high viability in inhibiting damping off by 100 % and followed tapioca + T. viridae + S. rolfsi and alginate + T. viridae + S . rolfsii (75%) and tapioca + T. koningii + S. rolfsii (50%)

    Komposisi Jenis Dan Cadangan Karbon Di Hutan Tropis Dataran Rendah, Ulu Gadut, Sumatera Barat [Species Composition and Carbon Stock in Tropical Lowland Forest, Ulu Gadut, West Sumatra]

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    Tropical lowland forest is one type of forest ecosystem that dominated most of Sumatra areal and retained carbon terrestrial within.Tropical lowland forest has the highest risk of damage than other forest types. The aimed of study is to determine species composition and carbon stock in tropical lowland forest, Ulu Gadut, West Sumatra. This study was conducted on June to October 2012 at 1 ha Pinang-Pinang permanent plot. Tree biomass was measured by using the non destructive sampling method. All trees with stem diameter at breast height (dbh) = 8 cm were measured diameter and were recorded the species of trees.As much as 852 individuals of trees, which were consisting of 45 families and 155 species with DBH = 8 cm were found in Pinang-Pinang permanent plot. Nephelium juglandifolium Blume, Swintonia schwenckii (T. & B.) Kurz,Syzygium sp.,Microcos florida (Miq.) Burret, Palaquium sp.,Cleistanthus glandulosus Jabl., Hopea dryobalanoides Miq., Mastixia trichotoma Blume, Calophyllum soulattri Burm. f. and Shorea maxiwelliana King were dominant based on -1 -1 Importance Value Index(IVI). Trees biomass and carbon stock in the study site are around 482.75 ton ha and 241.38 ton C ha respectively

    Pengaruh Pengetahuan dan Sikap terhadap Kesiapsiagaan Masyarakat dalam Menghadapi Bencana Banjir di Desa Perkebunan Bukit Lawang Kecamatan Bahorok Tahun 2011

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    Flood preparedness will show the existence of attitudes and knowledge in the face of disaster and became an important part, especially in areas frequently hit by floods as the village of Perkebunan Bukit Lawang. flooding potentially occurred in the village of Perkebunan Bukit Lawang as in 2004. This is because the nature of the slope of the Bahorok River basin as  well as the many people who cut down trees around the river and a lot of activity in near the river. The purpose of this study to analyze the influence of knowledge and attitudes towards community preparedness in the face of catastrophic flooding in the village of Bukit Lawang district Bahorok Plantation. This type of research is analytical research using explanatory approach. The population in this study were all heads of families in the village of Perkebunan Bukit Lawang in 2011, amounting to 740 people to the sample amounted to 89 people drawn at random proportional sampling. Data obtained through interviews using questionnaires, were analyzed with multiple logistic regression. The results showed that statistically there is the influence of knowledge and attitudes towards community preparedness in the face of catastrophic floods in the village of Perkebunan Bukit Lawang in 2011 Variable attitude householders provide the most impact to the value of β coefficient (21.623). Necessary improvement of environmental health, so people are not too exploit nature for his life and eventually destroying the forest. Moreover, given counseling about preparedness in facing the potential hazards that arise in the area, such as floods. In addition, local governments are also expected to create policies that support the implementation of the conservation of protected forests and the prevention of forest destruction in order to prevent the emergence of flood disaster

    Penyakit Layu Fusarium (Fusarium Oxysporum F.sp. Cubense (E.f.smith) Synd. & Hans.) Pada Tanaman Pisang (Musa Spp.) Dan Hubungannya Dengan Keberadaan Nematoda Radopholus Similis Di Lapangan

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    Fusarium wilt (Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense (E.F.Smith) Synd. & Hans.) (Foc) on banana(Musa spp.) and its related with Radopholus similis in the Field. This research aims to knowrelationships between R. similis with fusarium wilt in the field. This research was conducted byusing survey method. Samples were taken from Kampung Susuk, Pancing and Sari Rejo in Medandistrict. Tanjung Slamat and Sibiru-biru in Deli Serdang district. Marjanji Pisang, Mekarsari andSimpang Raya in Simalungun district. The result showed that the highest disease incident found atSibiru-biru village Deli Serdang districk (64.45%), R.similis populations was 28,7 and the numberof fusarium propaguls was 354. Meanhwile, the lowest disease incident found at Simpang RayaSimalingun district (10%), R.similis populations was 7,4 and the number of fusarium propagulswas 82. Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense has positive corelation with R.similis in fields