7 research outputs found

    The structural basis of lipid scrambling and inactivation in the endoplasmic reticulum scramblase TMEM16K

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    Membranes in cells have defined distributions of lipids in each leaflet, controlled by lipid scramblases and flip/floppases. However, for some intracellular membranes such as the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) the scramblases have not been identified. Members of the TMEM16 family have either lipid scramblase or chloride channel activity. Although TMEM16K is widely distributed and associated with the neurological disorder autosomal recessive spinocerebellar ataxia type 10 (SCAR10), its location in cells, function and structure are largely uncharacterised. Here we show that TMEM16K is an ER-resident lipid scramblase with a requirement for short chain lipids and calcium for robust activity. Crystal structures of TMEM16K show a scramblase fold, with an open lipid transporting groove. Additional cryo-EM structures reveal extensive conformational changes from the cytoplasmic to the ER side of the membrane, giving a state with a closed lipid permeation pathway. Molecular dynamics simulations showed that the open-groove conformation is necessary for scramblase activity

    Phospho-regulation, nucleotide binding and ion access control in potassium-chloride cotransporters

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    Potassium-coupled chloride transporters (KCCs) play crucial roles in regulating cell volume and intracellular chloride concentration. They are characteristically inhibited under isotonic conditions via phospho-regulatory sites located within the cytoplasmic termini. Decreased inhibitory phosphorylation in response to hypotonic cell swelling stimulates transport activity, and dysfunction of this regulatory process has been associated with various human diseases. Here, we present cryo-EM structures of human KCC3b and KCC1, revealing structural determinants for phosphoregulation in both N- and C-termini. We show that phosphomimetic KCC3b is arrested in an inward-facing state in which intracellular ion access is blocked by extensive contacts with the N-terminus. In another mutant with increased isotonic transport activity, KCC1D19, this interdomain interaction is absent, likely due to a unique phospho-regulatory site in the KCC1 N-terminus. Furthermore, we map additional phosphorylation sites as well as a previously unknown ATP/ADP-binding pocket in the large Cterminal domain and show enhanced thermal stabilization of other CCCs by adenine nucleotides. These findings provide fundamentally new insights into the complex regulation of KCCs and may unlock innovative strategies for drug development

    Cryo-EM Structure of the Human Kv3.1 Channel Reveals Gating Control by the Cytoplasmic T1 Domain

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    Kv3 channels have distinctive gating kinetics tailored for rapid repolarization in fast-spiking neurons. Malfunction of this process due to genetic variants in the KCNC1 gene causes severe epileptic disorders, yet the structural determinants for the unusual gating properties remain elusive. Here, we present cryo-electron microscopy structures of the human Kv3.1a channel, revealing a unique arrangement of the cytoplasmic tetramerization domain T1 which facilitates interactions with C-terminal axonal targeting motif and key components of the gating machinery. Additional interactions between S1/S2 linker and turret domain strengthen the interface between voltage sensor and pore domain. Supported by molecular dynamics simulations, electrophysiological and mutational analyses, we identify several residues in the S4/S5 linker which influence the gating kinetics and an electrostatic interaction between acidic residues in α6 of T1 and R449 in the pore-flanking S6T helices. These findings provide insights into gating control and disease mechanisms and may guide strategies for the design of pharmaceutical drugs targeting Kv3 channels

    Phospho‐regulation, nucleotide binding and ion access control in potassium‐chloride cotransporters

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    Potassium‐coupled chloride transporters (KCCs) play crucial roles in regulating cell volume and intracellular chloride concentration. They are characteristically inhibited under isotonic conditions via phospho‐regulatory sites located within the cytoplasmic termini. Decreased inhibitory phosphorylation in response to hypotonic cell swelling stimulates transport activity, and dysfunction of this regulatory process has been associated with various human diseases. Here, we present cryo‐EM structures of human KCC3b and KCC1, revealing structural determinants for phospho‐regulation in both N‐ and C‐termini. We show that phospho‐mimetic KCC3b is arrested in an inward‐facing state in which intracellular ion access is blocked by extensive contacts with the N‐terminus. In another mutant with increased isotonic transport activity, KCC1Δ19, this interdomain interaction is absent, likely due to a unique phospho‐regulatory site in the KCC1 N‐terminus. Furthermore, we map additional phosphorylation sites as well as a previously unknown ATP/ADP‐binding pocket in the large C‐terminal domain and show enhanced thermal stabilization of other CCCs by adenine nucleotides. These findings provide fundamentally new insights into the complex regulation of KCCs and may unlock innovative strategies for drug development

    Structures of DPAGT1 Explain Glycosylation Disease Mechanisms and Advance TB Antibiotic Design

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    Protein N-glycosylation is a widespread post-translational modification. The first committed step in this process is catalysed by dolichyl-phosphate N-acetylglucosamine-phosphotransferase DPAGT1 (GPT/E.C. Missense DPAGT1 variants cause congenital myasthenic syndrome and disorders of glycosylation. In addition, naturally-occurring bactericidal nucleoside analogues such as tunicamycin are toxic to eukaryotes due to DPAGT1 inhibition, preventing their clinical use. Our structures of DPAGT1 with the substrate UDP-GlcNAc and tunicamycin reveal substrate binding modes, suggest a mechanism of catalysis, provide an understanding of how mutations modulate activity (thus causing disease) and allow design of non-toxic "lipid-altered" tunicamycins. The structure-tuned activity of these analogues against several bacterial targets allowed the design of potent antibiotics for Mycobacterium tuberculosis, enabling treatment in vitro, in cellulo and in vivo, providing a promising new class of antimicrobial drug.</p

    Performance characteristics of five immunoassays for SARS-CoV-2: a head-to-head benchmark comparison

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    Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has caused a global pandemic in 2020. Testing is crucial for mitigating public health and economic effects. Serology is considered key to population-level surveillance and potentially individual-level risk assessment. However, immunoassay performance has not been compared on large, identical sample sets. We aimed to investigate the performance of four high-throughput commercial SARS-CoV-2 antibody immunoassays and a novel 384-well ELISA.We did a head-to-head assessment of SARS-CoV-2 IgG assay (Abbott, Chicago, IL, USA), LIAISON SARS-CoV-2 S1/S2 IgG assay (DiaSorin, Saluggia, Italy), Elecsys Anti-SARS-CoV-2 assay (Roche, Basel, Switzerland), SARS-CoV-2 Total assay (Siemens, Munich, Germany), and a novel 384-well ELISA (the Oxford immunoassay). We derived sensitivity and specificity from 976 pre-pandemic blood samples (collected between Sept 4, 2014, and Oct 4, 2016) and 536 blood samples from patients with laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection, collected at least 20 days post symptom onset (collected between Feb 1, 2020, and May 31, 2020). Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were used to assess assay thresholds.At the manufacturers' thresholds, for the Abbott assay sensitivity was 92·7% (95% CI 90·2–94·8) and specificity was 99·9% (99·4–100%); for the DiaSorin assay sensitivity was 96·2% (94·2–97·7) and specificity was 98·9% (98·0–99·4); for the Oxford immunoassay sensitivity was 99·1% (97·8–99·7) and specificity was 99·0% (98·1–99·5); for the Roche assay sensitivity was 97·2% (95·4–98·4) and specificity was 99·8% (99·3–100); and for the Siemens assay sensitivity was 98·1% (96·6–99·1) and specificity was 99·9% (99·4–100%). All assays achieved a sensitivity of at least 98% with thresholds optimised to achieve a specificity of at least 98% on samples taken 30 days or more post symptom onset.Four commercial, widely available assays and a scalable 384-well ELISA can be used for SARS-CoV-2 serological testing to achieve sensitivity and specificity of at least 98%. The Siemens assay and Oxford immunoassay achieved these metrics without further optimisation. This benchmark study in immunoassay assessment should enable refinements of testing strategies and the best use of serological testing resource to benefit individuals and population health.Public Health England and UK National Institute for Health Research