17,521 research outputs found

    Charged analogue of Finch-Skea stars

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    We present solutions to the Einstein-Maxwell system of equations in spherically symmetric gravitational fields for static interior spacetimes with a specified form of the electric field intensity. The condition of pressure isotropy yields three category of solutions. The first category is expressible in terms of elementary functions and does not have an uncharged limit. The second category is given in terms of Bessel functions of half-integer order. These charged solutions satisfy a barotropic equation of state and contain Finch-Skea uncharged stars. The third category is obtained in terms of modified Bessel functions of half-integer order and does not have an uncharged limit. The physical features of the charged analogue of the Finch-Skea stars are studied in detail. In particular the condition of causality is satisfied and the speed of sound does not exceed the speed of light. The physical analysis indicates that this analogue is a realistic model for static charged relativistic perfect fluid spheres.Comment: 17 pages, To appear in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    New ways to access the transverse spin content of the nucleon

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    We first describe a new way to access the chiral odd transversity parton distribution in the proton through the photoproduction of lepton pairs. The basic ingredient is the interference of the usual Bethe-Heitler or Drell-Yan amplitudes with the amplitude of a process, where the photon couples to quarks through its chiral-odd distribution amplitude, which is normalized to the magnetic susceptibility of the QCD vacuum. We also show how the chiral-odd transversity generalized parton distributions (GPDs) of the nucleon can be accessed experimentally through the exclusive electro - or photoproduction process of a meson pair with a large invariant mass and when the final nucleon has a small transverse momentum. We calculate perturbatively the scattering amplitude at leading order, both in the high energy domain which may be accessed in electron-ion colliders and in the medium energy range. Estimated rates are encouraging.Comment: 6 pages, Proceedings of Spin 2010, 19th International Spin Physics Symposium September 27 - October 2, 2010, J\"ulich, German

    Threshold Resummation for W-Boson Production at RHIC

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    We study the resummation of large logarithmic perturbative corrections to the partonic cross sections relevant for the process pp -> W^+- X at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). At RHIC, polarized protons are available, and spin asymmetries for this process will be used for precise measurements of the up and down quark and anti-quark distributions in the proton. The corrections arise near the threshold for the partonic reaction and are associated with soft-gluon emission. We perform the resummation to next-to-leading logarithmic accuracy, for the rapidity-differential cross section. We find that resummation leads to relatively moderate effects on the cross sections and spin asymmetries.Comment: 25 pages, 15 figures as eps files. One reference added and typo correcte

    Probing CP violation with the electric dipole moment of atomic mercury

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    The electric dipole moment of atomic 199^{199}Hg induced by the nuclear Schiff moment and tensor-pseudotensor electron-nucleus interactions has been calculated. For this, we have developed and employed a novel method based on the relativistic coupled-cluster theory. The results of our theoretical calculations combined with the latest experimental result of 199^{199}Hg electric dipole moment, provide new bounds on the T reversal or CP violation parameters θQCD\theta_{\rm QCD}, the tensor-pseudotensor coupling constant CTC_T and (d~ud~d)(\widetilde{d}_u - \widetilde{d}_d). This is the most accurate calculation of these parameters to date. We highlight the the crucial role of electron correlation effects in their interplay with the P,T violating interactions. Our results demonstrate substantial changes in the results of earlier calculations of these parameters which can be attributed to the more accurate inclusion of important correlation effects in the present work.Comment: 4 pages and 1 figur

    Exact solutions for semirelativistic problems with non-local potentials

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    It is shown that exact solutions may be found for the energy eigenvalue problem generated by the class of semirelativistic Hamiltonians of the form H = sqrt{m^2+p^2} + hat{V}, where hat{V} is a non-local potential with a separable kernel of the form V(r,r') = - sum_{i=1}^n v_i f_i(r)g_i(r'). Explicit examples in one and three dimensions are discussed, including the Yamaguchi and Gauss potentials. The results are used to obtain lower bounds for the energy of the corresponding N-boson problem, with upper bounds provided by the use of a Gaussian trial function.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    Quasi-simultaneous five-frequency VLBA observations of PKS 0528+134

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    We present results of Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) observations of PKS 0528+134 at five frequencies (2.3, 5.0, 8.4, 15.4, and 22.2 GHz). These quasi-simultaneous data enable us to study the spectral distribution of Very Long Baseline Interferometer (VLBI) components for the first time in this highly variable source, from which the central compact core is identified. Our observations indicate that there are two bendings for the jet motion at parsec scale. We provide an approximate spatial fit to the curved jet trajectory using the Steffen et al. (\cite{Steffen95}) helical model. We further investigate the proper motions of three jet components, which all show superluminal motion. At high frequencies (15.4 and 22.2 GHz) we detected a new component, which is estimated to be related to a radio burst peaking at about 2000.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, 3 table

    Quenching Dynamics of a quantum XY spin-1/2 chain in presence of a transverse field

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    We study the quantum dynamics of a one-dimensional spin-1/2 anisotropic XY model in a transverse field when the transverse field or the anisotropic interaction is quenched at a slow but uniform rate. The two quenching schemes are called transverse and anisotropic quenching respectively. Our emphasis in this paper is on the anisotropic quenching scheme and we compare the results with those of the other scheme. In the process of anisotropic quenching, the system crosses all the quantum critical lines of the phase diagram where the relaxation time diverges. The evolution is non-adiabatic in the time interval when the parameters are close to their critical values, and is adiabatic otherwise. The density of defects produced due to non-adiabatic transitions is calculated by mapping the many-particle system to an equivalent Landau-Zener problem and is generally found to vary as 1/τ1/\sqrt{\tau}, where τ\tau is the characteristic time scale of quenching, a scenario that supports the Kibble-Zurek mechanism. Interestingly, in the case of anisotropic quenching, there exists an additional non-adiabatic transition, in comparison to the transverse quenching case, with the corresponding probability peaking at an incommensurate value of the wave vector. In the special case in which the system passes through a multi-critical point, the defect density is found to vary as 1/τ1/61/\tau^{1/6}. The von Neumann entropy of the final state is shown to maximize at a quenching rate around which the ordering of the final state changes from antiferromagnetic to ferromagnetic.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Phase transition in a directed traffic flow network

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    The generic feature of traffic in a network of flowing electronic data packets is a phase transition from a stationary free-flow phase to a continuously growing congested non-stationary phase. In the most simple network of directed oriented square lattice we have been able to observe all crucial features of such flow systems having non-trivial critical behavior near the critical point of transition. The network here is in the shape of a square lattice and data packets are randomly posted with a rate ρ\rho at one side of the lattice. Each packet executes a directed diffusive motion towards the opposite boundary where it is delivered. Packets accumulated at a particular node form a queue and a maximum of mm such packets randomly jump out of this node at every time step to its neighbors on a first-in-first-out (FIFO) basis. The phase transition occurs at ρc=m\rho_c=m. The distribution of travel times through the system is found to have a log-normal behavior and the power-spectrum of the load time-series shows 1/f1/f like noise similar to the scenario of Internet traffic.Comment: Six pages, seven figure