14,276 research outputs found

    A Conditional Adversarial Network for Scene Flow Estimation

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    The problem of Scene flow estimation in depth videos has been attracting attention of researchers of robot vision, due to its potential application in various areas of robotics. The conventional scene flow methods are difficult to use in reallife applications due to their long computational overhead. We propose a conditional adversarial network SceneFlowGAN for scene flow estimation. The proposed SceneFlowGAN uses loss function at two ends: both generator and descriptor ends. The proposed network is the first attempt to estimate scene flow using generative adversarial networks, and is able to estimate both the optical flow and disparity from the input stereo images simultaneously. The proposed method is experimented on a large RGB-D benchmark sceneflow dataset

    Combinatorial proofs of the Newton-Girard and Chapman-Costas-Santos identities

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    In this paper we give combinatorial proofs of some well known identities and obtain some generalizations. We give a visual proof of a result of Chapman and Costas-Santos regarding the determinant of sum of matrices. Also we find a new identity expressing permanent of sum of matrices. Besides, we give a graphical interpretation of Newton-Girard identity.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur

    Agent based decision making for Integrated Air Defense system

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    This paper presents algorithms of decision making agents for an integrated air defense (IAD) system. The advantage of using agent based over conventional decision making system is its ability to automatically detect and track targets and if required allocate weapons to neutralize threat in an integrated mode. Such approach is particularly useful for futuristic network centric warfare. Two agents are presented here that perform the basic decisions making tasks of command and control (C2) like detection and action against jamming, threat assessment and weapons allocation, etc. The belief-desire-intension (BDI) architectures stay behind the building blocks of these agents. These agents decide their actions by meta level plan reasoning process. The proposed agent based IAD system runs without any manual inputs, and represents a state of art model for C2 autonomy.Comment: 8 pages,9 figure,2 table

    The Role of Boolean Function in Fractal Formation and it s Application to CDMA Wireless Communication

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    In this paper, a new transformation is generated from a three variable Boolean function 3, which is used to produce a self-similar fractal pattern of dimension 1.58. This very fractal pattern is used to reconstruct the whole structural position of resources in wireless CDMA network. This reconstruction minimizes the number of resources in the network and so naturally network consumption costs are getting reduced. Now -a -days resource controlling and cost minimization are still a severe problem in wireless CDMA network. To overcome this problem fractal pattern produced in our research provides a complete solution of structural position of resources in this Wireless CDMA Network.Comment: 8 pages, 14 figure

    Influence of substrate interaction and confinement on electric field induced transition in symmetric block copolymer thin films

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    In the present work, we study morphologies arising due to competing substrate interaction, electric field and confinement effects on a symmetric diblock copolymer. We employ a coarse grained non-local Cahn-Hilliard phenomenological model taking into account the appropriate contributions of substrate interaction and electrostatic field. The proposed model couples the Ohta-Kawasaki functional with Maxwell equation of electrostatics, thus alleviating the need for any approximate solution used in previous studies. We calculate the phase diagram in electric field-substrate strength space for different film thicknesses. In addition to identifying the presence of parallel, perpendicular and mixed lamellae phases similar to analytical calculations, we also find a region in the phase diagram where hybrid morphologies (combination of two phases) coexist. These hybrid morphologies arise either solely due to substrate affinity and confinement or are induced due to the applied electric field. The dependence of the critical fields for transition between the various phases on substrate strength, film thickness and dielectric contrast is discussed. Some preliminary 3D results are also presented to corroborate the presence of hybrid morphologies.Comment: 13 figures, 18 pages, Physical Review E, 201

    An elementary proof of a conjecture on graph-automorphism

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    In this article, we give an elementary combinatorial proof of a conjecture about the determination of automorphism group of the power graph of finite cyclic groups, proposed by Doostabadi, Erfanian and Jafarzadeh in 2013.Comment: 5 page

    Analysis and comparative study of non-holonomic and quasi-integrable deformations of the Nonlinear Schr\"odinger Equation

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    The non-holonomic deformation of the nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation, uniquely obtained from both the Lax pair and Kupershmidt's bi-Hamiltonian [Phys. Lett. A 372, 2634 (2008)] approaches, is compared with the quasi-integrable deformation of the same system [Ferreira et. al. JHEP 2012, 103 (2012)]. It is found that these two deformations can locally coincide only when the phase of the corresponding solution is discontinuous in space, following a definite phase-modulus coupling of the non-holonomic inhomogeneity function. These two deformations are further found to be not gauge-equivalent in general, following the Lax formalism of the nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation. However, asymptotically they converge for localized solutions as expected. Similar conditional correspondence of nonholonomic deformation with a non-integrable deformation, namely, due to local scaling of the amplitude of the nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation is further obtained.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figures, extended result

    Study of quasi-integrable and non-holonomic deformation of equations in the NLS and DNLS hierarchy

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    The hierarchy of equations belonging to two different but related integrable systems, the Nonlinear Schr\"odinger and its derivative variant, DNLS are subjected to two distinct deformation procedures, viz. quasi-integrable deformation (QID) that generally do not reserve the integrability, only asymptotically integrable, and non-holonomic deformation (N HD) that does. QID is carried out generically for the NLS hierarchy while for the DNLS hierarchy, it is first done on the Kaup-Newell system followed by other members of the family. No QI anomaly is observed at the level of EOMs which suggests that at that level the QID may be identified as some integrable deformation. NHD is applied to the NLS hierarchy generally as well as with the specific focus on the NLS equation itself and the coupled KdV type NLS equation. For the DNLS hierarchy, the Kaup-Newell(KN) and Chen-Lee-Liu (CLL) equations are deformed non-holonomically and subsequently, different aspects of the results are discussed.Comment: 25 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1311.433

    F0 Modeling In Hmm-Based Speech Synthesis System Using Deep Belief Network

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    In recent years multilayer perceptrons (MLPs) with many hid- den layers Deep Neural Network (DNN) has performed sur- prisingly well in many speech tasks, i.e. speech recognition, speaker verification, speech synthesis etc. Although in the context of F0 modeling these techniques has not been ex- ploited properly. In this paper, Deep Belief Network (DBN), a class of DNN family has been employed and applied to model the F0 contour of synthesized speech which was generated by HMM-based speech synthesis system. The experiment was done on Bengali language. Several DBN-DNN architectures ranging from four to seven hidden layers and up to 200 hid- den units per hidden layer was presented and evaluated. The results were compared against clustering tree techniques pop- ularly found in statistical parametric speech synthesis. We show that from textual inputs DBN-DNN learns a high level structure which in turn improves F0 contour in terms of ob- jective and subjective tests.Comment: OCOCOSDA 201

    Test map and Discreteness in SL(2, H\mathbb H)

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    Let SL(2, H\mathbb H) be the group of 2×22 \times 2 quaternionic matrices A=(abcd)A=\begin{pmatrix} a & b \\ c & d \end{pmatrix} with quaternionic determinant detA=adaca1b=1\det A=|ad-aca^{-1} b|=1. This group acts by the orientation-preserving isometries of the five dimensional (real) hyperbolic space. We obtain discreteness criteria for Zariski-dense subgroups of SL(2, H\mathbb H) using test maps.Comment: minor revision