9 research outputs found


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    At present-day, organizations face increasing global competitiveness and demands of the information and technological age, the need arises for integration of organizational structure and application system in order to achieve Lean manufacturing transformation. A broader set of skills, creative and innovative approaches to analysis, using up-to-date tools and design through the implementation of Lean manufacturing methodology are therefore important. The purpose of this paper is to integrate the organizational vertical and the virtual application in the conceptual framework from Lean manufacturing perspective through sensory modalities. This is to reduce some gaps that have been pointed out to Lean manufacturing transformation, namely, lack of ability to understand organizational structure and behavior, potentially negative impact on innovation capability and inability to eliminate waste in Lean manufacturing management. An integration Lean model is proposed in implementing Lean manufacturing transformation, thus enhancing problem solving capabilities and continuing improvement. The novelty of Organization Vertical and Virtual Integration model (OVVI) has parallels input values with other lean disciplines that providing quality information and effective information systems with special reference to Lean manufacturing in achieving organizational efficiency and accomplishment of application programs. The five sensory modalities applied to suite the real-time Lean process environment

    Ciri-ciri pekerja bertingkah laku hijau: satu tinjauan awal

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    Employee green behavior is a major component of the organization's green strategic planning. Nonetheless, the existence of symbolic behavior in its implementation has made the determination of employee green behavior characteristic vague. Therefore, a literature review was done to determine the characteristics of employee green behavior. These characteristics are explained using various theories and models as well as findings from previous research on the evolution of employee's green behavior characteristics. Previous studies demonstrate that the characteristics of employee green behavior comprise of one or two main dimensions. However, the characteristics of employee green behavior on the basis of organization's strategic green planning are still unclear because of the existence of symbolic behavior. Hence, this article proposes the characteristics of the employee green behaviour on the basis of organizational green strategic planning


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    As a new and young nation gained independence 50 years ago, there are many expectations about the new generation of citizen. One main foundation of building nationhood is in the area of education. Leaders, parents, employers and people on the street are talking about the state of education of the nation. Discussing about education, the focus would be the teachers – the engineers of tomorrow. What is their aspiration and conditions? Are they well equipped with the right tools, aptitude and attitude? Recent reports on teachers disruptive behaviors in the mass media called for urgent attention from the educational stakeholders. The increase in numbers of reported cases of misbehaving teachers would suggest many interlocking factors. One of the factors that may affect the teachers’ behavior is emotional stability. Emotional stability is crucial in facing challenges in the school environment. This study is trying to explore how the Malaysian teachers look at the emotional intelligence. This study aims to 1) identify components of emotional intelligence, 2) explore patterns that contribute to emotional intelligence, The study is conducted at 3 elite boarding schools which cater to cream of the crops students. Three teachers have consented to be participants in this case study design. The teachers consist are female teachers and their age from 30s and above. They are well experience teachers of more than ten years in service. Interview protocol was developed based on Goleman’s (1995) emotional intelligence construct. Three in-depth interviews are done. Using the protocol, teachers are asked about the concept of emotional intelligence. Data gathered was analyzed using NUD*IST software. The findings are a combination of what Goleman (1995, 1999) posited and a few new sub-factors emerged. These findings might be the emotional intelligence framework of Malaysian teachers. Keywords: education, emotional stability, emotional intelligenc

    The relationship between task factors and occupational safety and health (OSH) performance in the printing industry

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    In Malaysia, studies had shown that the low workers performance occurreddue to Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) related aspects such as occurrences accidents, absenteeism, higher level of sickness and stress at work.The long run of this situation will effect organization performance and reduce the quality of work, increase the cost of worker’s compensation and eventually troubling the development of organization. This study examines the task factors related to work demand in enhancing OSH performance, measured in term of occupational accident, occupational stress, sickness of workers and absenteeism focused in the Malaysian Printing Industry.Two hundred and ninety-five respondents from several printing companies in Malaysia were analyzed through distributed questionnaires. Three dimensions involved as independent variables to measure task factors referred to quantitative demand, emotional demand and sensorial demand, while OSH performance as dependent variables measured by occupational stress, occupational accident, absenteeism and sickness.Higher work demand contributes to worker’s stress and accidents that leads to absenteeism problem. Sickness problem confirmed result in influencing absent issues. Moreover, result concern related behavioural aspect which attention should be given on the developing behavioural intervention in order to enhance worker’s knowledge, attitude, and skill while performing their work.Changes related in practicing Human Resource Management (HRM) aspect especially on OSH factors at work such as balancing working hours, altering work condition and environment, enforcing ergonomic aspects, implementing OSH training and safety culture, will help to ensure employees’ safety and health performance. Future research and limitations of the study is discussed


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    Kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengenalpasti hubungan antara jenis personaliti dengan persekitaran akademik pelajar di kalangan pelajar bidang Pengurusan sebuah universiti di Malaysia. Tujuan kajian ini ialah untuk meninjau sama ada pola personaliti pelajar-pelajar mengkhusus ke dalam bidang pengajian yang diikuti, dan adakah wujud keselarasan pola personaliti–persekitaran pendidikan dengan pencapaian akademik PNGK. Alat kajian Self-Directed Search–Form Easy (Holland, 1973) yang telah diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Melayu dan diuji reliabilitinya oleh Amla Salleh (1992) telah digunakan untuk mengenalpasti kod personaliti pelajar. Kajian mendapati tidak terdapat hubungan antara pola personaliti–persekitaran pendidikan dengan pencapaian akademik pelajar. Impilikasi dan cadangan pendekatan pertolongan memilih bidang pengkhususan yang sesuai dibincangkan

    Digital Employee Experience (DEX): A Preliminary Study

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    In this article, we will present some preliminary findings on the digital employee experience (DEX), which is influenced by an organization’s digital transformation strategies. DEX evolved from employee experience (EX), but it has been modified to work in the digital world. Industrial Revolution 4.0 (IR 4.0) and digital transformation boost the organization awareness about positive DEX. This article also explored the success factors of DEX and its implication to organizations. Our discussion will be based on the Human Resource (HR) approach. We outline how organisations believe that their employees are the most valuable resource because they are considered internal customers and end-users who directly use technology and digital platforms that contribute to the organization’s profitability. Review of literature from previous academic research articles and practitioners’ opinion papers conducted as a methodology of this research. The factors studied will guide the organization on how to create great DEX

    The analysis of ergonomic task demand and psychosocial work factors towards occupational safety and health

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    The increase in cases of accidents at workplace, the absence of employees to the work, the rise in illness and high job stress give signs that more urgent action should be taken. If the situation that causes this problem continues, it will certainly also have negative impacts not only on employees, but also on organizations and parties directly related to employees. Occupational safety and health (OSH) aspects are key issues that need to be addressed by organizations. Previous studies have also shown that ergonomics plays an important role with OSH issues and problems, especially in the manufacturing sector. The implementation of certain initiatives based on ergonomics may provide a way of solving, or alleviating users, safety and health problems in the workplace. This study aimed to examine the ergonomic task demands and psychosocial work factors (PWF) of OSH performance in printing companies. The use of a combination of measurement tools from previous studies has resulted in a special design of questionnaire for this study. Respondents who participated in the study were selected by using stratified random sampling at the printing companies. Two hundred and ninety five respondents from several printing companies in Malaysia were surveyed and analysed. The findings showed that most of the employees were not aware of issues related to ergonomics at work. It was also found that higher job demands contribute to employee stress, accidents and lead to absenteeism problems which representing OSH performance. In addition, the findings showed that shows that PWF (decision authority & social support) are negatively related to OSH performance. Therefore, several initiatives should be taken by organisation to enhance employee’s performance especially in regards to implementation of ergonomics aspects as well as safety and health components

    A review on participatory ergonomic approaches: What ‘participants’ mean to the organization?

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    The involvement of various parties in making work decisions in the organization can have a positive impact. Participation in implementing ergonomics aspect among management and individual level will enable workers to serve to the conformity of the job rather than in adjusting to the environment. Hence, it will avoid emerging problems especially to the workers such low self-effacing, work pressure and job dissatisfaction, low level of health status, which eventually affects workers and organizational performance. The important of understanding the multidimensional, dynamic characteristics of participations and the potential positive and negative impact on the ergonomic work system and workers is emerging. Thus, the main agenda of article is to explore conceptually the roles of numerous participants’ ergonomics approaches included examining the potential negative impact of participation. This paper systematically assesses methodologic aspects of literature reviews which references are made on related studies since 1986 to 2021. The present empirical studies and published in high-impact, peer-reviewed academic journal that indicate the significant of participatory ergonomics in the organisations has been analysis. It is also covers several studies from local and abroad context. Electronic bibliographic databases, conference proceedings, and reference registers were systematically searched to obtain relevant documents. The review described important trends in the literature, including increased attention to be given in implementing participatory ergonomics in the organisations. The review analysis were reported that focus of participants among workers improved task contents, increase quality of working life, enhance workers health, and produce accurate ergonomic workstation as well as increase productivity. Conversely, raise cost of operation, added workforce supply as well as increase workload and work pressure was contributed as adverse impact of participants. Most studies were also mentioned that the implementation of participatory ergonomics contribute to both workers and organizational in term of wellbeing and wellness. Finally, the rules as ‘participant’s approaches in organization are essential for employees and the organization to achieve foster quality performance. Further empirical study is required on the implementation of participatory ergonomic as one of an initiative to improve workers capabilities and organisation competencies

    The Islamic concept of green organizational leadership model: a preliminary development

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    Previous researchers find that the existence of green organizations is very important as it not only can overcome environmental pollution but also has a positive impact on organizational management by helping to reduce costs, increasing profitability, and overcoming global competition. Hence, the need to create green organizations is becoming more critical because of the increase in worldwide environmental pollution including the air, water, and sound pollution. Fortunately, previous researchers also find that green organizational leadership is the key to create successful green organizations. However, green organizational leadership from Islamic perspective have not been discussed yet although researchers have predicted that most of the human population in the worldwide are estimated to be Muslims by the year 2070. Hence, this paper aims to develop the Islamic Concept of Green Organizational Leadership Model (ICGOLM) as a new model that can be referred to develop green organizational leaders from Islamic perspective. Using literature review, the ICGOLM hypothesized that green climate psychology mediates the relationship between Islamic concept of green organizational leadership (ICGOL) and strategic green behaviour. Additionally, the ICGOL comprises six competencies including the intellectual, professional, moral, social, emotional, and Islamic competencies. The model is beneficial to develop action plan and intervention, government policy and rules, and initiative to create successful green organization especially in Muslim countries. However, the ICGOLM model should be tested further using empirical study