16 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Matematika Dengan Model Kooperatif Menggunakan Alat Peraga Model Matrik Di SD

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    This study aims to determine the thoroughness of learning outcomes and student motivation in doing multiplication operation in Public Elementary School fourth grade 04 Kemboja Kecamatan Pulau Maya Kabupaten Kayong Utara. The method used is descriptive. The sample was 20 students. The procedure in this study follows the main stages: planning, action, observation, and reflection. Research technique is direct observation and measurement techniques, data collection tool used is the observation sheets and worksheets. Data analysis was performed with data collection, data correction, data presentation and towing successful conclusion. The results of the analysis show that mastery learning students achieve 90%. The relatively successful achievement. Based on the analysis of these studies, it can be concluded that the increase in student learning outcomes with the use of cooperative learning model using props matrix models can improve learning outcomes of fourth grade students of SDN 04 Kemboja in mathematics to materials integer multiplicationoperation

    Gerakan Kebebasan Sipil: Studi dan Advokasi Kritis Ata Perda Syariah

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    Buku ini mencoba memotret sebuah proses pendalaman demokrasi dan penghormatan terhadap hak-hak asasi yang terjadi di tanah air kita. Terekam disini suatu dinamika dimana perda-perda bernuansa syari'ah yang dianggap mengancam kebebasan sipil dipelajari secara seksama, didiskusikan secara bersama berbagai kelompok masyarakat sipil dari berbagai latar belakang, dan yang kesepaktan apapun yang mengenainya dari sini disampaikan kepada pejabat publik yang bertanggungjawab atas keluar dan dilaksanakanya perda-perda itu ā€“ suatu proses yang bernilai pada dirinya sendiri. Tersaji juga disini liputan media massa mengenainya dan polemik yang berkembang karenanya. Buku ini merekam sebuah model partisipasi politik warga negara yang mungkin bias dijadikan contoh bagaimana kita bisa menyelesaikan perbedan pendapat, bahkan konflik kepentingan, secara berdamai, bermartabat, dan beradab

    The Peasants during the Mamluk Period: How they have Struggled The Peasants during the Mamluk Period: How they have Struggled

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    Abstract Al-Maqrizi (d.1442) mentions that maltreatment of the peasants affected farming areas and arable lands in Egypt. Agricultural activities were sometimes discontinued and productivity impaired because some peasants fled from the villages. Muhammad bin Muhammad bin Khalil al-Asadi (last known biographical date: 1451) also says that the oppression of the peasants was another circumstance that affected the agricultural sector in Egypt. Thus, the aim of this paper is to discuss the hardships faced by the peasants in Egypt during the Mamluk era with a special reference to the period of 1468-1517. Among the difficulties suffered by the peasants at that time that affected their lives and agricultural production were the problems in the Iqta' 1 system and in irrigation, the lack of technological innovation in agriculture and disturbances caused by climatic and biological disasters

    International Medical Travelersā€™ Behavioral Intention: An Empirical Study in Iran

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    A few studies have examined destination image (DI), hospital service quality (HSQ), hospital accreditation (HA), patient attitude (PA) on patient satisfaction (PS), revisit intention (RI) and word of mouth (WOM) in a tourism context. The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of medical travelersā€™ behavioral intention in Iran. A total of 250 questionnaires were distributed with a response rate of 68. Quantitative techniques were used to test the hypotheses within the structural equation modelling (SEM) using SmartPLS software. Our statistical results support the positive relationship between DI and PS, HSQ and PA, HSQ and RI, HSQ and WOM, HA and PA, PA and PS, PS and RI, and PS and WOM. However, the relationship between DI and PA, DI and RI, HA and PS, and HA and WOM were not supported. The research contribution, implication, and limitation are discussed